Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    Obituary 2.0: Remembering the Dead, Digitally

    As anyone who's lost a loved one knows, the process of dealing with a death is grueling - on both a practical and an emotional level. That's nothing new. But with the rise of Internet technologies, some of the processes and practices we've developed around death and dying may be...

  • Web
    World’s Med Students Declare for Open Access

    Whether "information wants to be free" or not is arguable. But medical students seem overwhelmingly to want it to be free. The largest organization of medical students in the world, the "International Federation of Medical Students' Associations" has joined the open access advocacy group Right to Research in its fight...

  • Web
    Imprisoned Blogger Becomes Tunisian Minister: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Minister Slim. Blogger, free speech proponent and ReadWriteWeb France contributor Slim Amamou was arrested during the recent uprising in Tunisia. Then he was freed. Then he was made Minister of Sports and Youth. I'm not sure what more can be said about that. It was a weird, mighty journey. It...

  • Entertainment
    Universal Makes Record-Breaking Donation of Music to Library of Congress

    Universal Music Group, largest of the "big four" music companies, has made the single largest donation of music ever to the Library of Congress. The donation consists of over 200,000 metal masters, discs and tape from the late Twenties to 1950. Highlights include the master of Louis Armstrong's version of...

  • Work
    4 Ways Predictive Analytics Are Being Applied to Business

    Predictive analytics is a subject we're keeping an eye on this year. Today we're taking a look at some of the ways predictive analytics are being used by businesses: to predict customer attrition rates, monitor IT systems and issue alerts when appropriate, optimize prices for auctions and prepare for GMAT...

  • Web
    Virginia Poised to Ban Teacher-Student Texting, Facebooking

    Should teachers friend their students on Facebook? Should teachers text their students? There's no real consensus here. "No, never." "Maybe, sometimes." "Yes, but responsibly." Nonetheless many schools and districts are drafting policies that dictate how school staff can interact with students via new networks and technologies - in many cases,...

  • Entertainment
    What You Need to Know about 3D Technology & Vision Problems

    As the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2011) kicks into high gear this week in Las Vegas, we're again seeing a number of 3D-enabled products from TVs to tablets to mobile devices. It's the second (or is it third?) coming of 3D, it seems, and this time around it's often glasses-free.Much...

  • Entertainment
    What You Need to Know about 3D Technology & Vision Problems

    As the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2011) kicks into high gear this week in Las Vegas, we're again seeing a number of 3D-enabled products from TVs to tablets to mobile devices. It's the second (or is it third?) coming of 3D, it seems, and this time around it's often glasses-free.Much...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Products of 2010

    Mobile technology has seen major advances over the course of 2010, with new platforms, new services and new usage trends all taking hold to spread the adoption of not just the mobile Web, but the Web itself. The number of smartphone owners are increasing, mobile operating systems are proliferating and...

  • Entertainment
    Explore the Meaning of Life, on the iPad, Now With Shuffle & Favorites

    "Art should startle the viewer into thinking about the meaning of life." -Spanish painter Antoni TapiesIPad art browsing app Art Authority (iTunes link) has added several new features that make this little treasure all the more enjoyable: the masterpiece shuffle and favorites. One of the iTunes staff favorite apps, Art...

  • Web
    Appeals Court Rules Police Need a Warrant Before Reading Email

    The Sixth Court of Appeals handed down an important decision today, ruling that police must obtain a search warrant before going through emails stored by an Internet Service Provider. The case, United States v Warshak, is the first in which the court specifically addresses the question of whether or not...

  • Web
    Google Latitude for iPhone is a Big Disappointment

    Almost two years after announcing Latitude, Google's entry into the location sharing market, Apple and Google have finally come together to offer an official native Latitude app on the iPhone. And it's a real let-down.Location technology is incredibly hot right now, innovation is happening fast and furious, the sky's the...

  • Mobile
    Angry Birds Open a Bank: Here’s What it Means, Beyond Android

    The smash-hit puzzle game Angry Birds made big headlines today with its parent company's announcement of its own sales system that will route around the Android Market and let consumers run up charges directly on the monthly bill sent to them by their telephone carrier. Called the Bad Piggy Bank,...

  • Web
    Hulu Looks to Expand Outside the US

    Hulu, the partnership between NBC, ABC and Fox experimenting with high-quality, ad-supported, professional online video content, is aiming to break out of its US-only limited service. Jessica Vascellaro and Sam Schechner reported in the Wall St. Journal this afternoon that Hulu CEO Jason Kilar told them the company is looking...

  • Web
    Swedish Court Upholds Conviction in Pirate Bay File-Sharing Case

    The verdict against three people assoiated with the BitTorrent tracking site Pirate Bay was upheld by the Swedish Appeal Court today. Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij and Carl Lundström were found guilty of "contributory copyright infringment" in April, but the group appealed the sentence - which included one year in prison...

  • Entertainment
    Pasa! Spain Introduces a Flamenco Dress that Sings

    Spanish barcode marketing company Macanudos has developed a scannable QR-equipped dress to promote flamenco. Flamenco (which includes the older, more profound palos of deep song) has been declared a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. To promote it, the company has created QR lunares for women's attire. The lunares, or circles that...

  • Web
    History’s Longest Imprisoned Blogger, Kareem Amer, is Free

    The man believed to have been imprisoned longer than anyone else in the world for the contents of a blog, Egyptian Abdul Kareem Nabeel Suleiman, has been released after four years and 10 days of detention, his supporters have announced on their blog.Suleiman, who blogged under the name Kareem Amer,...

  • Web
    A Super-Geek Goes to Washington

    Andy Baio is a man who gets things done, though his accomplishments are often quite unusual. Now he's taking that attitude straight to the nation's capital.In 2008, Baio posted online, and refused to take down, the grainy video tape of Sarah Palin's participation in the 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant. He's...

  • Web
    How to Use Blekko to Rock at Your Job

    The author of the web's first worm-virus, teamed with a man who dresses as a medieval warrior and goes to battle on the weekends and a woman who follows World of Warcraft, acupuncture and ballet, have raised $24 million dollars to storm the gates of the Google Castle. They got...

  • Social
    Facebook and the Future of Check-ins

    Facebook announced today at its mobile platform event that it is opening up its Places API. That means that any outside application can now post check-ins, photos, links and more to the Facebook Places database. It also means that any outside app can read the same info from the Facebook...

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