Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    Sophos Researcher Calls Out Microsoft for Questionable Security Stats [Updated]

    Earlier this week Microsoft Development blogs posted an update about its SmartScreen Application Reputation ranking software for Internet Explorer. In the post, Microsoft had some statistics about users downloading malicious Web applications and the pop-up warnings that IE delivers to users warning them about potentially harmful downloads.Chet Wisniewski of Sophos...

  • Web
    Should Your Mobile Startup Offer a Free App Alongside a Paid App?

    Last month, Instapaper founder Marco Arment revealed that he'd pulled the free version of his popular "read later" app from the App Store. There were few complaints and sales of the paid version remained strong. Arment's action seemed to challenge the prevailing notion that a free app (typically an ad-supported...

  • Web
    Google Brings Color Back to Renaissance Books

    Google Books has scanned and uploaded 150,000 books written in the 16th and 17th centuries. But there have been repeated requests to see the volumes in "full color," according to Dan Bloomberg and Kurt Groetsch on the Inside Google Books Blog.Now, Google has begun that process, allowing readers to see...

  • Mobile
    Google Quick to Patch New Security Flaw

    Google is moving quickly to fix the security hole that affects most Android phones reported by German researchers at Ulm University on Tuesday. The security flaw makes Android devices using version 2.3.3 or below vulnerable to Wi-Fi snooping of authToken identifications used by Google services and sites like Facebook and...

  • Mobile
    MacroSolve Joins Lodsys in Suing Mobile App Developers

    Fresh on the heels of the still unresolved Lodsys matter, a second patent-holding company is now targeting mobile application developers, claiming infringement on its patent for a system that involves collecting data from questionnaires and sending that data to a central server. The company has sued 10 application development firms...

  • Web
    A Huge Facebook Flash-Mob is Amassing Right Now in Brazil (And it Points Towards the Future of the Web)

    In the past 24 hours, more than forty thousand people have signed up on Facebook to attend a flash mob barbecue this weekend in Higienopolis, a wealthy neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Sao Paulo state government conceded yesterday to demands from the Neighborhood Association to block construction of a...

  • Hack
    3 Free E-Books and a Tutorial on Erlang

    Erlang was created in 1986 for telephony applications. But oddly enough, it's emerged in recent years as an increasingly useful tool for building Web servers, database servers and real-time Web applications because of its concurrency and support for distributed computing. Facebook uses it to power its real-time chat application. The...

  • Web
    GroupMe Buys Sensobi: Elastic Groups on the Horizon?

    You know a company is all grown up and ready to take on the world when it makes its first acquisition. Well, fine, maybe raising $10.6 million last January counts too, but today leading group messaging app GroupMe announced that it had acquired small application developer Sensobi for an undisclosed...

  • Web
    Learn Just the Foreign Language Phrases You Need With TripLingo

    A lot of foreign language instruction is geared toward the travelling experience. But what that typically means is a few vocabulary lessons on shopping and a few key phrases on how to order from a menu. If you aren't really interested in local dining or boutiques, then you'll probably find...

  • Web
    Google Analytics Now Tracks Page Load Speeds to Help You Optimize Your Site

    Google announced this afternoon the creation of a new tool in Google Analytics, the Site Speed report. The report, which Google Analytics users must opt-into and edit their embedded javascript in order to activate, displays load times for various pages and site assets under different circumstances like location of visitor,...

  • Web
    Google Research Shows How People Use Smartphones to Help Them Buy Stuff

    A Google-commissioned study on smartphone usage has confirmed just how addicted we are to our devices and revealed how we use them to help make purchasing decisions. The data, which were laid out by Google in detail during a webinar yesterday, revealed a ton of information about how we use...

  • Web
    Android Joins the Mobile Video Chat Party but We’re Still in the Dark Ages

    Android phone owners will soon be able to video chat with each other using Google Talk over WiFi, 3G or 4G networks, Google announced in a blog post this afternoon. The feature will roll out first to Nexus S phone owners over the coming weeks and to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)...

  • Entertainment
    iShakespeare: Celebrate the Bard’s Anniversary Online

    Saturday was the 395th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare. (Some believe it is also the 447th anniversary of his birth.) Shakespeare is, arguably, the world's greatest playwright. He is certainly the most produced and most translated one. For those who think he's overrated, fine. But some national literatures, like...

  • Web
    4 Tips on Hiring New Team Members

    Businesses, startups especially, always have a hard time sourcing quality candidates for new jobs, even if they have big budgets for a Human Resources team or outside recruiters who can scrape around and find leads. But for startups and small businesses looking to hire for new positions in order to...

  • Mobile
    HP’s webOS 3.0 Leaked: Updated Browser, Email, Maps & More

    The bloggers over at PreCentral have gotten their hands on the new, unreleased version of HP's webOS, the mobile operating system HP acquired through its purchase of Palm last year. The updated software, webOS 3.0, will soon power new HP Pre smartphones and a tablet computer called the TouchPad. The...

  • Web
    First Egyptian Blogger Sentenced Since Mubarak’s Departure

    For the first time since Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak was chased from power, a blogger has been sentenced to a jail term. Maikel Nabil Sanad, a veterinarian, blogger and conscientious objector, has been sentenced to three years in prison for criticizing the military. Sanad was arrested last month, amid violence...

  • Web
    VMware Changes the Game with Launch of Open Platform

    VMware is launching an open platform today called Cloud Foundry that provides developers with a choice of framework., app services and the flexibility to run on multiple cloud environments.Developers may launch the platform as a private, public or hybrid cloud environment. It can run inside the enterprise as virtual infrastructure,...

  • Entertainment
    Hacking Europe’s Cultural Heritage with Europeana’s New API

    Europe's rich cultural heritage can be found in museums, libraries, galleries, cultural institutes, and archives throughout the continent. And thanks to digitization efforts and Europeana, much of this heritage can also be found online. Europeana is an Internet portal that provides public access to Europe's digital libraries - more than...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: 1M/1M Announces Partnership With MAD Incubator, Malaysia

    At this week's One Million by One Million roundtable, we announced a very important partnership with MAD Incubator, Malaysia for entrepreneurship development in the region. This is our first major partnership with an incubator whereby MAD will adopt the 1M/1M methodology to foster Silicon Valley-style technopreneurship in Malaysia. Andrew Wong,...

  • Entertainment
    Chiliphone Changes Color of This One Button

    The rationale behind Chiliphone's recent shopping spree became clear this morning with the change of the "About" navigation button from burnt sienna to seafoam green. In the last year, Chiliphone ("Where Wireless Technology and Good Chili Meet") has snapped up Flancastr, Drizzlr, Logbundler, Satanax, iFeebl and 4waybudEbooth. The purchases initially...

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