Results for "mst"

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    Eye Tracking Could be the Next Natural User Interface

    You've seen those eye tracking heat maps that show where most people look first when they land on a web page - why not turn eye tracking technology like that into a replacement for your mouse or your finger on a touchscreen? That's what a Danish startup called Senseye claims...

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    Weekly Wrap-up: Effects of the Internet Blacklist Bill and More

    HR 3261 has riled up the internet and with good reason. We take a look at the effects of the new bill, in an easy to follow infographic from the folks at All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more of this...

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    Informatica’s Integration Cloud Bridges SAP, Salesforce, Others

    The problem with SaaS services being delivered from different clouds is that they may as well be from different worlds. Enterprise resource planning software from SAP catalogs human resources that also happen to be addressed by customer relationship management software from But their data was designed to be driven...

  • Social
    ThinkUp Reaches 1.0: Own Your Social Network Data

    ThinkUp, the social media management tool that matters most, hits version 1.0 today. It lets you store all your social activity from networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+ in a database you control and search, sort and analyze it. If you have a Web server that can run a PHP...

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    Weekly Wrap-up: Cartel Kills Another Journalist in Mexico and More

    Another journalist was killed for speaking out against drug cartel, Las Zetas. Dan reviews the mobile apps released for October. promises a better IRC experience. All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of...

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    Weekly Wrap-up: Google Reader Has No Alternatives and More

    Many big stories this week, but the biggest for our readers surrounded the Google Reader changes, and the lack of alternatives therein. There was also much discussion around the Internet of Things and Google's indexing of Facebook comments. After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories...

  • Social
    The CIA Open Source Center Tracks the Pulse of the World Through Facebook & Twitter

    The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has a crack group of analysts tracking the Internet, including tweets and Facebook messages, that takes the pulse of the world. Located in McLean, Virginia analysts at the CIA Open Source Center are known as the "vengeful librarians" according to a report from the Associated...

  • Work
    I Remember IRMA: Reflections on Terminal Emulation Through the Ages

    For those of you that cut your teeth on graphical OSs and have never had to use a command-line terminal emulator, this article isn't for you. There is no Flash here, no OCD multi-tasking, cutting-and-pasting from one window to another. If the term "command line" reminds you more of the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Siri Pours Beer with Beeri, Google Denies Take Down Request and more

    The imaginative team at RedPepper have dreamed up the most fun, automated way to have Siri deliver you a beer... RC car. Google also stepped into the limelight when it announced it had denied some requests from law enforcement to remove alleged police brutality videos.After the jump you'll find more...

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    Spotlighting Some of the Local Meetups for the Worldwide ReadWriteWeb Meetup

    Coming up on November 15, some of the best conversations locally will converge in your town at the ReadWriteWeb Worldwide Meetup.There are almost two dozen meetups already set up and there's still plenty of time to get one of your own local meetups ready. Take a look at the list...

  • Work
    The Web, WikiLeaks, and the Create-Your-Own-Facts Kit

    We live in an era where it is feasible to manufacture things that seem like truths, and someone is always in the business of trying. If someone were to leak the entire contents of my active e-mail file, all 4.5 GB of it, onto some public wiki for the inspection...

  • Work
    S. Korea Loses Top Spot According to Akamai’s State of the Internet Report

    Akamai delivers a lot of content around the globe and every quarter they look at overall trends in bandwidth and connectivity. The 2Q11 report is out now and like the last edition, you can have some fun with choosing particular states or countries and graphing their overall trends right on...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: 4Chan’s Founder Tells Facebook and Google They’re Doing It Wrong and more

    Founder of 4Chan, Chris Poole, aka moot, gave a particularly strong talk at Web 2.0 Expo, in which he asserted that Facebook and Google were doing it wrong, and that they should emulate Twitter's stance on identity. After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on...

  • Web
    Virtualized Storage and High Availability Made Easy

    On Tuesday, ReadWriteWeb hosted the second in a series of live chats on the changing nature of virtualized storage. We fielded questions on best practices for storage provisioning, reducing storage resources and dealing with low-bandwidth environments. During the one-hour live chat we had Ruchi Goya, Steve Hindman, Eric Hennessey and...

  • Web
    IDC: Business Spending for Cloud Storage to Triple by 2015

    There may be no place else to put all this "big data" except the cloud, if the sheer breadth of data continues to expand at the current rate. The demand for storage outside the data center may soon eclipse demand for storage inside it, if the latest four-year forecast by...

  • Web
    Worldwide ReadWriteWeb Meetup – November 15, 2011

    Photo: Marshall Kirkpatrick, VP Content Development and Lead Writer, and Richard MacManus, Founder and Editor-in-ChiefLast week we had our first official ReadWriteWeb meetup at the Green Dragon in Portland, OR. Why Portland? Well, for starters, it's got the highest concentration of ReadWriteWeb staff, but also because Portland is a great...

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    Geminare Offers Real-Time Cloud Failover

    Replicating your company's data off-site in real time or close to it is important -- reconstructing munged or lost data is a headache at best, and that's assuming you can do it. But protecting the data and keeping it available isn't that useful if you don't have systems to run...

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    iPhone 4S Breaks Apple Sales Record by 66%, Despite Your Disappointed Tweets

    However underwhelmed the initial response to its launch may have seemed, the iPhone 4S just broke Apple's sales records. The company's latest smartphone, which was unveiled last week, sold over 1 million units in its first 24 hours of being available to pre-order.To put things in perspective, when the iPhone...

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    User Error Accounts for Most Google Docs Data Loss

    Today the SaaS-based company Backupify released a report examining 100 random data loss events that were posted on Google App Help forums. They categorized the events only dealing with enterprise customers into a strict data loss, meaning that the data doesn't exist, and data unavailable at the moment it is...

  • Work
    Should Facebook, Google or Amazon Own All of Your Data?

    With the announcements of Facebook's "frictionless sharing" and Amazon's Fire color Kindle, my colleagues Joe Brockmeier and Richard MacManus have both weighed in on their thoughts about where the modern Web is going. I think both opinion pieces hold some worthy points, but I have my own fears and thoughts....

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