Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    ACLU Questioning Local Law Enforcement’s Use of Location Data

    On Monday, 34 American Civil Liberties Union affiliates across the U.S. sent 379 records requests to local law enforcement agencies seeking to know when, how and why they are using cellphone location data to track American citizens. The ACLU wants to know if law enforcement is going over the heads...

  • Social
    Google Plus Tells Pseudonym Lovers to Shove It

    Google responded tonight to the widespread criticism of its controversial Real Names Policy. Some artists, abuse survivors, political activists in repressive countries and their advocates have argued vehemently against Google's requirement that Plus accounts be registered under real names. You could call it a "go by what you are known...

  • Smartphone
    Lexicon – Word LookUp Application – MeeGo Harmattan

      Lexicon is a word look-up program for validating the existence of words in specific word lists. This is the first QML Harmattan application by developer Andrew Olmsted (@fiferboy) Installation Add the repo to your "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/community.list" file. (NOTE: this file does not exist by default) Add the following line: deb...

  • Web
    A Quick Review of Major VM Backup Technologies

    Last week Arkeia Software announced it has improved its backup support for virtual environments, adding additional Hyper-V functionality to its existing protection that spans a wide collection of virtual platforms, operating systems, and applications. The new features support large change block tracking, and enable better performance for Hyper-V-based backups, making...

  • Social
    Cancer Survivors Build Social Network For Social Good

    The social Web has a tendency to fold in on itself. Shortly after the launch of Google Plus, for example, users began to complain that it was only being used to talk about Google Plus. Drew Olanoff, currently the community manager for Get Satisfaction, would prefer that social networks revolved...

  • Web
    Is Fox Throttling Hulu With New Authentication Program?

    Fox is striking a blow to free premium content by instituting an "authentication program" where the network's cable and satellite partners will have an exclusive eight-day window for Fox programs before they are made available to the Web. This means that users will have to be "verified subscribers" (paying customers)...

  • Entertainment
    How Social Media Saved the Starfish Circus

    Few things in life meet their expectations. Trust me, that is the concept Dave Anthony and I have based our entire Walking the Room podcuddle around. So last month, when, two days before our first WTR-flavored live show, I realized that the 100 Paul Armstrong "Starfish Circus" posters I ordered...

  • Web
    Happiness Metrics: Your Feelings as Big Data

    The UK government's Office of National Statistics has reported to the public for the first time today about its mandated new measurement of national happiness and well-being. The office has already surveyed 20,000 people on four different emotional and existential questions, such as "to what extent do you feel the...

  • Hack
    JavaScript Creator Says the Language Wasn’t Just Dumb Luck

    JavaScript creator Brendan Eich has spoken out against the perception that JavaScript was an arbitrary or random success. In a comment at Hacker News Eich explains the historical context from which JavaScript emerged and how it was unlikely to have happened any other way.In comment at Lambda the Ultimate, Eich...

  • Web
    New Service Sniffs Out Secret Gems From Across Your News Feeds

    Are you subscribed to enough people on Twitter, Facebook, feeds and other inbound information that you're pretty sure you miss a lot of good things? New York startup KnowAbout.It launches out of private beta today and is now freely available to anyone who would like to tackle that problem.The service...

  • Social
    You Can’t Advertise Your Google Plus Profile on Facebook

    Facebook isn't accepting advertisements that promote Google Plus on its social network, as one self-described "Internet Geek" recently found out. After having placed an ad that informed Facebook visitors to add him on Google Plus, Michael Lee Johnson reported that Facebook shut down all his advertising campaigns, and banned him...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: “Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my legal team!”

    If the minions of Satan ever want to seize your soul, they don't have to trick you into signing it away in exchange for untold wealth, fame or a sneak peak at Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.All they have to do is tuck a provision into the iTunes user agreement. Something...

  • Entertainment
    Tribal Leadership: A Review

    Organizational leadership theories too often manifest into tedious memoirs peppered with Sun Tzu and Machiavelli quotes. The frequent outcome is subjecting teams to rewriting job priorities as MBOs, KPIs or another pedantic upper management craze. When a cultural management program breeds further disillusionment, it hardly seems worth it. Naturally, when...

  • Web
    Why Google Might Beat its Antitrust Case

    News surfaced yesterday that Google is facing a Federal Trade Commission antitrust investigation concerning its search practices, specifically the way it features Google products in search results ahead of competitors. Today, Google responded in a blog post, touting the company's transparency and commitment to users."It's still unclear exactly what the...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Launches IE9 Mobile Test Drive Site

    Web developers who want see how their sites will look on the new version of IE 9 Mobile, which will soon ship along with Windows Phone "Mango," the next-generation update to the Windows Phone mobile OS, now have a new tool to do so. Today, Microsoft has launched Mobile Test...

  • Work
    What I Learned From Our 2WAY Summit, Part 2

    This is the second half of my thoughts about what enterprise IT folks need to takeaway from attending and speaking at our 2WAY conference this past week. You can find part 1 here.I'll cover some of the breakout sessions on the second day as well as additional thoughts gleaned from...

  • Web
    How to Arrange Meetings and Share Calendars Online

    Let's take a meeting. Somewhere. Most of us hate going to meetings, and the promise of the Internet is that you can meet virtually in a chat room or using desktop video conferencing. But first you have to figure out a common time when to meet.There are a variety of...

  • Web
    Thanks to RWW 2WAY Summit Sponsors

    Excitement is building for the upcoming RWW 2WAY Summit in New York on June 13th and 14th. This is our biggest live event to date. If you haven't yet, please check out the program and consider registering!We wanted to take a moment and thank our sponsors as the event truly...

  • Web
    The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]

    The small business owner is in that phase right now in which they are asking the young store clerk about all this cloud stuff. It may be surprising but they are also asking about virtualization. Businesses are starting to understand that they can leapfrog into a new competitive world by...

  • Work
    Does Your Enterprise Have a Social Media Policy?

    If not, now is the time to craft one, or at least start thinking about how to go about the process. We've written earlier about the unintended consequences of social media posts and how there is no delete button for the Internet. But more important than removing posts is in...

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