Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    Cutting the Fat Out of the Cloud Development Stack

    "The wide availability of cloud computing offers an un-precedented opportunity to rethink how we construct applications," opens the paper Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud (PDF) - an "unashamedly academic" exploration of building custom kernals for the cloud. The papers authors - Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Ripduman...

  • Web
    Turkey Unblocks YouTube After Face-Saving Copyright Claim

    As we have mentioned before, Turkey has some problems with censorship. Between its governmental and religious authorities, it has shut down, and kept down, everything from YouTube to Blogger and a lot of what came in between. In the past year, Turks have taken to the street to protest this...

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    Excerpt from “Do More Faster” – Avoid Co-Founder Conflict by Dharmesh Shah

    Do More Faster: TechStars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup is the new book by David Cohen, founder and CEO of TechStars, and Brad Feld, managing director of Foundry Group. Contributors include dozens of TechStars mentors and founder alumni, including Dharmesh Shah the founder and CEO of HubSpot and the curator...

  • Social
    Facebook Lets You Opt Out of Group Chat

    Facebook users are now able to opt out of receiving Group chat messages. The news of the new feature came in the form of a response to a Quora question that asked just that: "Why isn't there an option to turn off notifications for a Facebook group?" Groups team members...

  • Hack
    With a “Deprecated” Java for Mac OS, What’s Next for Java Developers?

    Last week, Steve Jobs took the stage and Apple unveiled its new OS, a sleek new MacBook Air, as well as a Mac App Store. But with much less pomp and circumstance, the company also issued an announcement that Java had been "deprecated" on Mac OS X. According to the...

  • Entertainment
    You Don’t Have to Go to the Met to Get Your Symphony On

    An appropriate term to cover what we inaccurately call "classical music" is as elusive as a comprehensive definition of "poetry." So I'm just going to rock the quotation marks as I turn you on to some great places to listen to, and sometimes watch, great "classical music" performances. All the...

  • Mobile
    Adobe Says People Prefer Mobile Web, Not Apps

    Consumers will have downloaded 25 billion mobile applications by 2015, a trend which prompted technology mag Wired to ponder in August if the open Web is dead. But don't be fooled by these reports, says Adobe. In its new mobile consumer study the company found that while apps are popular,...

  • Web
    Google’s Self-Driving Car is Just the Beginning

    Google announced this weekend that it has developed a car that can drive itself. A small fleet of the vehicles has logged more than 1,000 miles of entirely automated driving and 140,000 miles of driving with only occasional human intervention.It's a development of historic significance: few events have changed the...

  • Social
    Tweeted DM Breaks Huge Sports Story

    The surprise trade of wide receiver Randy Moss from the New England Patriots back to the Minnesota Vikings was not broken by a hard-charging sports news writer. It wasn't announced in a press release. Instead, a commentator best known for color and comedy tweeted his own DM. "moss vikings." And...

  • Hack
    Error Reports: How to Isolate a Bug

    Whether you're a tester reporting bugs or a developer who's trying to clarify a bug report, isolating bugs can be something of an art.Some bugs are really obvious, such as if you go to a site and every page is down with a server error. Other bugs are much harder...

  • Entertainment
    This Week in SMB Tech News: TC Disrupt Startups, the Cloud and More

    As the week began, all eyes in the tech world were on the Techcrunch Disrupt event in San Francisco, from which some of the biggest tech news of the week came. While Gild is a site for job seekers that turns applying for jobs into a competitive game through challenges...

  • Web
    Speed Up Your Site and Keep Hackers Out With CloudFlare

    While it didn't win TechCrunch's Disrupt conference earlier this week, one of the most interesting startups we saw at the event was CloudFlare. CloudFlare is a distributed DNS and content delivery network that includes some interesting security features. It promises to speed up your website by an average of 30%...

  • Mobile
    New iOS App Makes Using Geospatial PDF Maps Fun (Screenshots)

    What's a Geospatial PDF map? It's a single compressed file that contains layers of editable, measurable, geo accurate, location data. The format, which is easy to create using visual editing software from Adobe and others, sounds like a whole lot of fun.Today Geospatial PDF editing software provider Avenza launched a...

  • Mobile
    Foursquare Experimenting With Recommendation Engine

    Dennis Crowley, co-founder of location based social network Foursquare, told attendees of the Picnic conference in Amsterdam today that the company has built a feature that recommends new locations users ought to visit, based on their past activity, their to-do lists and what's popular at the moment. The system is...

  • Web
    Big New Wireless Spectrum Expected to Open for Internet of Things This Week

    The FCC will meet on Thursday to vote on a proposal to open up a larger swath of wireless spectrum to licensing than was opened at the dawn of TV remote controls, baby monitors, cordless phones and WiFi networks. The most likely candidates to fill that new spectrum are connected...

  • Web
    How Open Data is Used Against the Poor

    Open data is all the rage these days, but is simply opening up aggregate public information for outside analysis enough to change the world for the better? A new article by Mike Gurstein, Editor of the influential Journal of Community Informatics, argues that open data may merely make the rich...

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    Google and AOL Renew Search Agreement for Another 5 Years

    Google and AOL just announced that they have renewed their global search alliance for another five years. Google will continue to power search on all of AOLs properties. For the most part, the new agreement just reinforces the existing contract, but the two companies also plan to expand their current...

  • Web
    7 Stories About Women Heroes in Tech – Please Send Us More

    The technology press is full of stories of heroic men. In the startup economy, they often take the form of brave men who quit steady day jobs to join crazy startups. That's an inspiring kind of story; I wrote about Louis Gray doing that earlier this week and really enjoyed...

  • Web
    10 Common Mistakes Made by API Providers

    Twitter was one of the first to see what happened when traffic to the site came more from the API than the Web.It now has more than 65 million tweets per day, most coming from services that use the Twitter API.Twitter has made numerous changes to fix its API. Those...

  • Web
    French Net Neutrality is on Death Row

    A recently leaked report [PDF] from France's State Secretary of Digital Economy reveals the government's efforts to deeply bury net neutrality for this country. This is the latest episode in an ongoing attempt to control the Internet. The final chapter could take place as soon as next month when the...

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