Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    How to Use Games, Hacking Contests To Find Workers

    While college recruitment and job fairs still have a place in the employment world, a little bit of creativity and social media know-how is worth its weight in talent if done the right way. Bringing new and creative people into a business is a difficult task, so some agencies are using...

  • Web
    Does Windows 8 Need Add-On Security Protection? And What Are Your Choices?

    Security vendors say add-on security products will be needed for Windows 8 - and they're rolling out suites of solutions to enhance whatever Microsoft offers with its new operating system.According to Gerry Egan, a senior director of product management for the Security Technology and Response Group at security vendor Symantec,...

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    ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch Update: The Unlucky 13

    If there’s one thing the DeathWatch knows, it’s that all things must come to an end. So we’re pausing to review the fortunes of our first 13 unlucky inductees. The fates of some of them may surprise you.In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the initial baker’s dozen and...

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    Conflict Minerals In Your Phone Could Spur E-Recycling But Likely More Strife

    Coltan, Democratic Republic of the CongoWhile blood diamonds have been the subject of movies and have received great attention, a far lesser known issue remains – one of conflict minerals, the most common of which include cassiterite, wolframite and coltan as well as the ever lustrous gold. Much of these minerals...

  • Startups
    What Start-Ups Need to Know About Protecting Intellectual Property Around the World

    Intellectual Property (IP) is vitally important to start-ups. The Start-Up Genome Project, which aims to map, model and analyze what makes start-ups tick, identified IP as a top source of competitive advantage for start-ups. But start-ups face significant challenges in acquiring, maintaining and enforcing their intellectual property.Guest author Jeffrey Shieh...

  • Work
    How the Air Force Is Flying Toward IPv6

    The United States Air Force is one very high-tech organization, and we’re not just talking about jet fighters. The Air Force’s latest mission is a high-stakes, high-speed migration to Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6). Chances are most corporate networks aren’t as extensive or complex as the Air Force’s, but the service’s...

  • Web
    ICANN’s Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) Process .sucks

    The plan to create and sell new generic top-level domains should have been a boon for the Internet and a gold mine for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). It’s not turning out that way. At nearly every turn, the process has been hamstrung by mistakes and...

  • Hack
    Girls Who Code: Crashing the “Brogram”

    The high-tech industry is largely a guy’s world made up of "brogrammers" and job ads that ask, “Want to bro down and crush code?” Small wonder that women made up just 21% of all programmers in 2010, off from 24% in 2000. Or that less than 10% of venture-backed companies...

  • Web
    Great Hire: Marissa Mayer Is Just What Yahoo Needs

    Surprise! Early and long-time Google executive Marissa Mayer is the new CEO of Yahoo - an unexpected, huge headline hire.This is a great move for Yahoo, which has stewed in mediocrity for years.Mayer, a big shot in Silicon Valley and a perfectionist product-type executive, could legitimately make Yahoo respectable again. At the...

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    10 Most Popular Hashtags on Instagram

    If there's one feature that's overlooked on Instagram, it has to be tags. Much like on Twitter, hashtags can serve as a kind of connective tissue stringing together otherwise disparate pieces of content from across the service. UPDATE: See the latest most popular hashtags on Instagram, as of January 2013. First and...

  • Work
    Indiana’s Sewers: An Outpost on the Internet of Things

    An unlikely place to look for the latest trend for the Internet of Things is inside the sewers of the City of South Bend, Indiana. For the past six years, South Bend's city managers have been working with a group of consultants from IBM, nearby Notre Dame University and others...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch: Barnes & Noble

    Barnes & Noble remains a big player in a growing industry, and until Google changed everything this week, it made fantastic hardware for the money. But as with Nokia, a changing market and financial problems are driving a proud Number Two into a subordinate role that threatens to choke it out...

  • Web
    Read/Write Daily: An Army of Robot Fish

    Today's theme is R&D. Even in seemingly calamitous times, there's still mind-boggling technological progress rolling out. It hasn't saved the world yet, but some pieces are falling into place.Look at these new inventions and imagine the possibilities.Fox News (sorry) reports on a new scientific ghost town, the Center for Innovation,...

  • Web
    Should Your Startup Start Overseas?

    Feeling adventurous? If simply creating a start up isn’t exciting enoough for you, try doing it outside the borders of the United States. You might find that the advantages outweigh the added excitement.There are plenty of good reasons for starting up a company abroad. Your new company may be targeting...

  • Web
    The Psychology of Being Unfriended on Facebook

    Social scientists are increasingly looking at online friendships and trying to figure out if they carry the same emotional baggage that real-world friendships do. A preliminary study suggests that breaking up, even if it’s on Facebook, is hard to do.The more you use Facebook, the more likely you are to...

  • Web
    Is Social Media as Dangerous as the Telephone?

    It was expected to cause the “destruction of community because [it encourages] far-flung operations and far-flung relationships.” At the same time, it was called the “antidote to provincialism.” It's not Facebook. It's not Google. It's not even a technology invented in this century - or the last.The telephone mirrored many of the fears...

  • Web
    Read/Write Daily: The Animals Are Pwning Us

    Today's theme is wild technology. We homo sapiens-type people are proud of our technology, but we'd better give credit where credit is due. Lots of other species can literally eat us without having to invent any weapons to help them.Some can even outsmart us.This rich infographic goes into depth about...

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    Taking Your Startup Back to the Business Basics

    Mentoring startups has a lot of benefits: It gives something back to the community and helps other entrepreneurs avoid some of the mistakes that you've already made. And it's also a lot of fun to meet entrepreneurs who are so passionate about their business. Sometimes, though, that passion can make...

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    Tizen 1.0 Larkspur SDK and Source Code Released

        Ahead of the upcoming Tizen Conference in San Francisco, Tizen 1.0 (Larkspur) SDK and Source Code has been released: Today we are excited to announce Tizen 1.0 Larkspur, including the addition of new complimentary components, as well as source code that focuses on enhancing stability and performance. We...

  • Entertainment
    Why Casual Games Won’t Kill Hard-Core Gaming

    Mass Effect. Grand Theft Auto. Halo. Farmville?The gaming industry has long been dominated by franchises with hardware-crushing graphics, hundreds of hours of tightly scripted gameplay, and multiyear development budgets of $50 million or more. But now the hottest titles are mobile or Facebook games that took a couple guys a...

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