Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Work
    A Company Without APIs Is Like A Computer Without Internet

    This contributed piece on the importance of APIs is from Brian Koles, Head of Business Development at ChallengePost.If I told you that I had a computer with the fastest processor and best display ever, but that it would never connect to the internet, you would likely consider it obsolete. That...

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    Samsung to Launch a Tizen Smart Fridge At CES 2014

      Just last week we have seen that Tizen has already been shipped in the form of the Samsung NX300M Camera to be precise. Now the rumours are that Samsung will be Launching a Smart Fridge at CES 2014. Most people would of thought a mobile operating system would be...

  • Hack
    GitHub’s Tom Preston-Werner: How We Went Mainstream

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.It’s telling that GitHub, a startup that hosts software development projects, greets visitors in a replica Oval Office. Since CEO Tom Preston-Werner cofounded GitHub in 2008, the service has transformed from an obscure club for...

  • Work
    Stability In An Uncertain World: Adding A Nine To Your Cloud Platform Availability

    This guest post from David Thompson, principal DevOps engineer at MuleSoft.Nothing lasts forever. This is certainly true for infrastructure, and it's most poignantly obvious in the public cloud, where instances churn constantly. Your single-node MySQL service? Not long for this world, man. That god-like admin server where all your cron...

  • Mobile
    Rise Of The Renter Class: In A Spotify World, Need We Own Anything?

    My family and I are in the process of moving. Always stressful, moving is made more so by the realization that we own far too much, and need to dump a lot of what we once thought essential. There's an overflowing dumpster in our driveway that can attest to just...

  • Cloud
    Software-Defined Infrastructure, As Cloudy Now As Cloud Was

    A few years ago, people kept asking “what is this cloud thing we keep hearing about? What is it exactly, what technology? Is it real or is it a bunch of hokum that companies just added to their marketing to hop on the buzz?”What exasperated me the most was that...

  • Cloud
    Google’s Latest Data Center May Be Floating In San Francisco Bay

    Google may be building a secret data center on a barge currently floating in San Francisco Bay, CNET's Daniel Terdiman reports in a convincing, though still circumstantial, article. If true, it would represent the Internet giant's latest attempt to translate some of its more far-fetched ideas—in this case, for an...

  • Work
    News Flash: Oracle Still Hates Open Source Software

    It's no wonder that Google, Red Hat and others have been abandoning Oracle's most visible open-source project, MySQL. After all, Oracle has a highly conflicted relationship with open source. Nowhere is this conflict more apparent than in a new white paper Oracle released for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)...

  • Web
    Silk Smoothly Tries To Redefine Content Management

    Big Data in the enterprise makes the headlines, but we actually spend most of our working lives wading through the little data that floods our inboxes or consumes our web browsing. Over the past few decades we've experimented with content management systems (CMS) to manage the growing flood of information,...

  • Mobile
    Why You Can’t Downgrade iOS 7 Back To iOS 6

    The official release of iOS 7, Apple's new mobile operating system, has been live for less than a week, and with luck you're enjoying everything the new software has to offer. Because if you've upgraded your older iPhone, you're pretty much stuck with it now.You Can Upgrade Anytime You Like, But...

  • Mobile
    Why You Might Want To Wait Before Upgrading To iOS 7

    See also: iOS 7: Is There Any Reason To Jailbreak Anymore?Apple has finally released the official version of iOS 7, its major upgrade to the software that runs iPhones and iPads. The temptation to snag the software update immediately may be tough to resist. But there are a few good reasons...

  • Cloud
    Amazon Continues Its March Into Enterprise Clouds And Wallets

    Amazon CEO Jeff BezosDespite being five times the size of its next 14-largest cloud competitors, Amazon isn't content. It wants the enterprise, too, and all signs point to a major push to dominate enterprise cloud computing, just as it does public cloud computing.Game over?Amazon's Hiring BingeEarlier this year I reported...

  • Work
    VMware Is Starting To Make Some Of Its Partners Nervous

    VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger (center)VMworld is rolling onward in San Francisco this week, a behemoth event that should be a great opportunity for VMware to fire up developers, partners and customers among the 20,000 attendees. But it seems to have spread some discord instead, with some partners worrying that VMware...

  • Hack
    Want To Reach Me? Call My API

    As a journalist and part-time lecturer, I'm often interacting with a bunch of different people at roughly the same time—in face-to-face talks or via email, Skype calls, Twitter, instant messages and what have you. The cacophony can be awful, to say nothing of the consequent risks of missing something important...

  • Web
    Back To School: Transitional Tech For Middle School

    This is a post in Back To School, an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers technology trends in education for parents and educators.Middle school, junior high, intermediate centers—there are lots of names for the schools that teach our kids in the awkward years between elementary school and high school. But their goals...

  • Entertainment
    Belowrez App Puts Your Cat in a Retro Video Game

    Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at Catster. Anyone who's ever dreamed of having her cat star in a retro video game was in luck earlier this month as the Belowrez app launched. Available on iPhone, the app turns your photos into highly pixellated 8-bit-style images—just like...

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    Tizen 2.2 SDK Released

    Following on from last weeks Tizen 2.2 SDK Beta release, there is no holding back progress and now it is the Full Tizen 2.2 SDK Release available at   Tizen 2.2 contains several changes in UI and UX. Highlights of this release include: H/W back key and menu key replacing S/W...

  • Mobile
    Super Mario Zips Through A Loophole In Apple’s App Restrictions

    Update, July 17: Apple has partly closed the loophole that made it possible to play Nintendo games on iGadgets.Lots of gamers have long wanted to play classics like Pokémon and Super Mario on the iPhone. Unfortunately, publishers like Nintendo have no desire to undermine their own handheld ecosystem. Those determined to...

  • Web
    Microsoft Denies Skype-Spying Allegations

    Microsoft denied that it provides the U.S. government (or any other) with "blanket or direct access to SkyDrive,, Skype, or any Microsoft product." The company issued its statement in response to a Guardian report yesterday that alleged Skype has been funneling user data into the NSA's alleged PRISM surveillance program since...

  • Web
    Skype: Reportedly Funneling Your Calls To PRISM Since 2011

    Skype, long thought to be a privacy haven for its encrypted communication, reportedly began integrating its systems into the NSA's PRISM program as early as November of 2010, nearly a year prior to joining Microsoft in the fall of 2011, according to a new report from the Guardian. In the latest...

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