Cordova Tizen
Cordova Tizen is a skeleton web application which allows a developer to build and run a Cordova web application on Tizen. Cordova port to Tizen is done thanks to a simple JS wrapper (shim layer) doing the mapping of the Cordova Web API to the Tizen Web API.
Set up your environment
Open a terminal, and navigate to the root cordova-tizen folder. A Makefile resides here; You can run make on individual target tasks:
make js
– builds phonegap.js from source javascript files to libs/phonegap.jsmake copy_js
– copies libs/phonegap.js to framework/phonegap-$(PGVERSION).js (e.g: phonegap-1.5.0.js). Modify this path if you want it in another location.make sample_app
– package the skeleton web application as a “wgt” widget package which can be imported from Tizen SDK IDE. (File->Import->Widget [Project and Widget File] -> select widget)
Implementation Status
The current implementation is based on Tizen SDK Beta release: see
Device: wrapper on Tizen System Information Web API.
- File: wrapper on W3C File API (FileTransfer missing).
- Storage: W3C Web SQL Database and W3C Web Storage.
- Geolocation: W3C Geolocation API.
- URI schemes: (tel:, sms:, mmsto:, mailto:) supported by WRT.
- Contacts: wrapper on Tizen Contact Web API.
- Events: online/offline: wrapper Browser Online state.
- Accelerometer: wrapper on W3C sensor API or W3C Device Orientation Events API.
- Compass: wrapper on W3C sensor API or W3C Device Orientation Events API.
ToDo when APIs supported by Tizen SDK
- Connection: W3C Network Information.
- Notification: W3C Web Notification/W3C vibration API.
- Camera: Tizen Application Web API or W3C HTML Media Capture.
- Capture: Tizen Application Web API or W3C HTML Media Capture, GetUserMedia API.
- Events: battery: wrapper on W3C battery API.
- Media: Tizen Application Web API or HTML5 Audio.
Source GitHub