Results for "gear s3"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Application
    Spotify music streaming app now released for Samsung Gear S2 / S3

    Today, we have some great news for wearable music lovers as Spotify, the popular music streaming and discovery service, has released its native Spotify app for the Samsung Gear S2 / S3 devices. Using the app you can effectively remote control Spotify on your mobile for FREE. You can listen...

  • News
    Samsung Pay Beta is goes live in Malaysia, Official Gear S2 / S3 Support coming soon

    Samsung Pay have confirmed last month that they were expanding their service into three additional countries, which were Russia, Thailand and Malaysia. The promise at the time was that these countries would see the payment service go live before the end of 2016. Today, customers who are eagerly waiting for...

  • Application
    Facer Watch Face Platform Released for Gear S2 and S3

    Facer, created by Little Labs, is a watchface customization platform that was originally released was for Android Wear on the Playstore, then to the Gear S2, and now the Gear S3. This is a platform on which watch designers can distribute their watch faces, and there are 1000's of them to choose from,...

  • Application
    Samsung Gear Manager for S3 / S2 and non-Samsung Android devices

    We've been asked the question of How do you connect Gear Manager to non-Samsung Android and iOS devices to the Gear S2 / S3 ? so here is the answer: The Samsung Gear S3 has made its way to many markets including the US, Europe, and the far east. If you...

  • Application
    Remote control your Roku Streaming Media Player with Gear S2 / S3

    Remote Control Roku Now, you are able to Remote control your Roku set top player right from your Gear S2 / Gear S3 wearable device. No more looking for that lost remote and blaming all the family. Control Roku, an app created by Alka Apps, lets you go into settings, navigate up,...

  • Application
    USA Today App Released for the Samsung Gear S2 / S3 Smart Watches

    Are you an avid news reader that wants to know what's going on in the world around you? Well, here is a quick way to get a summary of the Top 5 stories trending from USA TODAY. Get the daily news delivered directly to your wrist and keep connected to the...

  • Application
    TouchOne Keyboard now available for FREE for Gear S2 and S3 Smartwatches

    Many of our readers showed Interest in the TouchOne Keyboard since its BETA was released last month which gave users a chance to try out and provide feedback that went into final release. Now the good news is that the app has been released in the Samsung Galaxy Store for you to download....

  • Developer
    Developer: How to deploy to Gear S2 / S3 smartwatch

    Are you a developer who owns a shiny new Samsung Gear S2 / S3 smartwatch?   Do you want to build a simple application and deploy it to your smartwatch?   Great.  Let's go! But what are the steps you need to follow, beyond downloading the SDK? It is not an...

  • Naked Snake in MGS Delta: Snake Eater
    Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – Release date, trailers, platforms, and more

    The Metal Gear franchise is one of the most beloved when it comes to stealthy affairs, and when you throw the name Snake Eater around, fans will recall what an amazing experience that game was. Now, it’s receiving the remake treatment under the new name of Metal Gear Solid Delta:...

  • Metal Gear Solid
    Metal Gear Solid Delta is ‘spectacular’ according to Snake actor

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater's infamous actor David Hayter has released a new teaser for the acclaimed Konami title. Hayter is the iconic voice of Snake that fans have grown up with, so for him to leak the news on X, there is a massive element of excitement for...

  • News
    Deal Alert! Gear Fit2 Pro selling for 35% off

    On Amazon, the Gear Fit2 Pro is selling for 35% off! IoT Gadgets rates this an excellent device as a fitness tracker. It is really good if you want to go swimming as it is water-resistant up to 50 meters - rated 5ATM. You could also say that the watch...

  • Featured
    Deal! Gear Fit2 Pro wearable tracker with Free $125 e-gift card

    The Gear Fit2 Pro wearable was originally announced at IFA 2017. Which does mean it can be considered to be "getting on a bit", but it still remains quite a popular device. This fitness tracker has a good set of features, battery life, and a killer display. Usually, this fitness...

  • News
    Gear Fit2 Pro ‘fitness smartwatch’ on sale at only $80 ($120 off)

    Are you in the market for a new fitness wearable device? Well, the Gear Fit2 Pro is a capable fitness tracker that was released back in 2017. The Gear Fit2 Pro is of Interest to many a fitness fanatic as it has a fairly substantial list of features and was...

  • Computing Power Suppliers are Shifting Gears for AI
    Computing Power Suppliers are Shifting Gears for AI

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing everything from the information we see on our Facebook feeds, to improving diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. The computing power suppliers are shifting gears for AI. According to McKinsey, it has the potential to create an additional $13 trillion in global economic output by...

  • News
    How to take screenshots on Samsung Gear Sport

    The Samsung Gear S3 and the Gear Sport recently got a Value Pack update to Tizen 4.0. The new update brought in a number of new features and improvements to the devices' usability. The official changelog did mentioned a few of them, while Samsung itself laid out a few more...

  • Application
    Gear Watch Designer updated to version 1.6.2

    The Gear Watch Designer app, which is used to design watch faces for Samsung smartwatches, has been updated to version 1.6.2. There are not any new features to brag about, just a bunch of bug fixes and modifications. The last version to bring some additional features was version 1.6.0. Check...

  • Featured
    Samsung Galaxy Watch vs Gear Sport: Which watch should you buy?

    The newly launched Samsung Galaxy Watch has grabbed the attention of many, all around the world. The watch is the greatest ever released by Samsung and boasts significant improvements over its predecessor, the Gear S3. But how does it compares against the previous Samsung smartwatch, the Gear Sport? Let's find...

  • Application
    Gear app renamed as Galaxy Wearable, updated with Galaxy Watch Support

    Today, the Samsung Gear app has been renamed/rebadged as Galaxy Wearable - as part of an update that is currently rolling out to various markets. This app was originally known as Samsung Gear Manager and then was called Samsung Gear and now Galaxy Wearable. The main change seems to be...

  • News
    Samsung Gear Sport gets a software update to Improve battery charging

    Last week has been a busy week for Samsung. The Galaxy watch was launched, their new flagship wearable device, as well as the Galaxy Note 9, but I'm sure you already knew that. Today, it's the turn of the Gear Sport to have a little limelight as it receives a...

  • Gadgets
    Samsung to launch the Gear S4 / Galaxy Watch at IFA 2018

    There's been plenty of speculations as to when the Samsung will launch its upcoming smartwatch. Some believe it'll be launched alongside the Galaxy Note 9 in August 9. However, new reports coming from South Korea suggests Samsung is preparing to do so at IFA 2018, scheduled to take place between August 31-September...

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