Results for "gear s3"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Featured
    Galaxy Watch logo registered suggesting this is the name for the Gear S4

    Over the last few weeks, We have seen the name “Galaxy Watch” popping up as possibly the moniker for Samsung’s next wearable tech. Now, we see the logo of the Galaxy Watch being registered in South Korea at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. This logo, as spotted by the GalaxyClub...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S4 / Galaxy Watch to ship with Bixby Voice Assistant, as expected

    Bixby, the voice assistant replacement to Samsung's S-Voice app, has been very much a "work in progress" since it was first released. If it had originally launched at the same time as it's competitors (Google Voice and Siri) its initial shortcomings wouldn't have stood out as much and a lot...

  • News
    Samsung Gear S4 may run Wear OS, and measure blood pressure

    Next in the pipeline for Samsung is the Galaxy Note 9, scheduled for 9 August in New York. However, it's not the Note 9 that's creating more buzz right now, but the company's upcoming smartwatch, the Gear S4. Rumors about the Gear S4 has been doing the rounds for quite some time, and...

  • Gadgets
    Get $120 off the Gear Sport in the Samsung Canada summer sale

    We have some really exciting news for Samsung lovers in Canada. Samsung Canada is currently running a promotional offer on a number of products including smartwatches, tablets and smartphones. The summer-themed promotional offer sees up to $300 discount on Samsung products.   Samsung Canada summer sale As a part of the...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S4 picks up ECC certification, launch imminent

    The Samsung Gear S4, or Galaxy watch, is nearing its launch, and is currently going through the various required certification processes. It was only last week we reported about the Gear S4 Wireless Charger getting certification from the Korean Radio Research Agency (KRRA). A week later, the smartwatch has now been spotted...

  • Gadgets
    Samsung Gear S4 close to launch, wireless charger certified

    Samsung's upcoming smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S4 have had plenty of talk points lately. Early in May, we revealed that Samsung has begun testing the LTE variants of the Gear S4 in the United States. However, what created the real buzz afterwards is Samsung trademarking the “Galaxy Watch” moniker at USPTO. It...

  • Gadgets
    Samsung doing away with the Gear brand name – new trademarks suggest

    Samsung might well be on its way to retire the "Gear" brand of its smartwatches. A recent trademark filing by the company suggest that its going in a new direction for branding its wearable devices. The company has trademarked the "Galaxy Watch" and "Galaxy Fit" names at the United States Patent and...

  • Gadgets
    Deal Alert! Buy a Samsung Gear Sport and get any strap free

    We saw a hefty price cut in Samsung Gear S3 and Gear Sport last weekend. Both of the smartwatch models from Samsung are currently selling with a discount $70, so the devices are now cheaper than ever. Now only a few days later, Samsung is offering another gift with the...

  • Gadgets
    Samsung Gear S4 LTE variants being tested in the US

    It was only in March, we reported about Samsung Gear S4 bearing model number SM-R800. Now a month later, we have more information coming in about the next Samsung smartwatch. Variants of the Gear S4, with LTE (Verizon, AT & T and T-Mobile), have apparently entered development stage in the United States.  ...

  • News
    Gear Sport update brings new features with Tizen version

    Samsung want you to know that they are serious about their wearable devices, and one way of showing the "Love" is continued development and support. Support can come in many forms and one of the best for end-users software updates. The Korean tech giant has already rolled out some major...

  • News
    Grab a Samsung Gear Sport watch and any wrist band for half price

    The Gear Sport is the latest Tizen based smartwatch from Samsung that has a semi-deal on. If you buy this watch in the United States, you can get a wristband as well for half of the price! But, the exception is that you can only get a wristband that's 20mm (the only size band the watch can have)....

  • Featured
    Samsung is working on the Gear S4 for 2018 Launch, Model SM-R800

    The Samsung Gear S3 has been a fantastic Tizen based smartwatch for the Korean tech since it was launched in 2016. We were hoping to see its successor, the Samsung S4, released last year, but we got the Gear Sport instead - It seems that Samsung wanted to etch out...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S2 to get a massive software update

    The Samsung Gear S2 is scheduled to receive a massive software update, bringing-in the range of novelties it's owners had been waiting for. The update, in fact, is so big that it warranted a dedicate blog post from Samsung explaining all the novelties it brings. The update, which includes interface as well as...

  • Application
    Samsung Gear – New Gear Manager App to Rule Them All

    This morning Samsung Gear Smartwatch users will have an update waiting for them for the Gear Manager App to become a new app named Samsung Gear. So far so good. The new App is compatible with the Gear S3, S2, Fit2, Fit2Pro, Gear Sport, and Icon X. Previously, we had...

  • Blockchain
    Samsung Gear Apps for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and Dogecoin rates

    A lot of app developers seem to be benefiting from the recent outburst in Blockchain technolog, more specifically in the cryptocurrency domain. While some developers are building cryptocurrency wallets, hedge funds, etc other developers are making apps which display the real-time value of the cryptocurrencies so users can decide on when to...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear Tizen or Android Wear: Which smart watch suits you better?

    If you're looking to buy a smartwatch, you've to make your mind over one basic question: Samsung Gear or Android Wear? There are of course many other watch platforms, but Samsung Gear and Android Wear are definitely the top two choices you have. But what best suitable you? Let's find...

  • Smartwatch
    Samsung Gear S4 could have the battery built into the watch strap

    Earlier, we reported that Samsung Electronics has the highest number of patents in the wearable category. Staying true to that reputation, the company has filed two more patents with WIPO for its Gear smartwatches. The patents got published at the end of 2017. Watch strap with an integrated battery The...

  • News
    Get the complete flagship experience by connecting the Galaxy Note 8 to the Gear Sport

    After a catastrophic saga with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Samsung made an extremely quick comeback and revived the Note series with Samsung Galaxy Note 8 which is now among the top Flagship devices launched in 2017. We aren't entirely sure if Samsung will ever launch a flagship smartphone of...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear Sport and Gear Fit2 Pro released in India

    Consumer electronics giant, Samsung is the most popular and most trusted brand in that industry in India. Earlier today, the company launched two new awesome devices in its wearables department. Both Gear Sport, a versatile smartwatch that looks sleek, and Gear Fit2 Pro, a GPS sports band, have smart features....

  • News
    New Gear S2 software update targets battery optimization

    Samsung had a well-thought-out and an innovative approach towards the Gear S2. It was clear that the company had put in great efforts in order to design this wearable. The wearable had a handy circular bezel and good User Interface. The Gear S2 was designed to offer a truly well-rounded...

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