Home Samsung Gear S4 LTE variants being tested in the US

Samsung Gear S4 LTE variants being tested in the US

It was only in March, we reported about Samsung Gear S4 bearing model number SM-R800. Now a month later, we have more information coming in about the next Samsung smartwatch. Variants of the Gear S4, with LTE (Verizon, AT & T and T-Mobile), have apparently entered development stage in the United States.

Samsung Gear S4

The Samsung Gear S3 is a fantastic Tizen based smartwatch from Samsung. But it’s already been a year and a half to its release and we all are waiting eagerly for its successor. We were hoping to see the Gear S4 last year itself, but we got the Gear Sport instead, which didn’t really feel like a Gear S3 successor. Samsung probably needed more time to innovate new features that can differentiate the watch from the ones already available in the market, including the Gear S3. However, Samsung now seems to have finalized almost everything and is gearing up for the launch of a true-successor to its flagship watch. The Samsung Gear S4 is due to be released later this year.
Samsung’s Gear S line of smartwatches have always had cellular capabilities from its inception. And every year, as new Gear S smartwatches come down the pipeline from development, they also need to go through the standard rigmarole with carriers for network usage approval. And that’s where the Gear S4 has reached now. The LTE-enabled variants of the watch for AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have entered development in the United States. The smartwatch may be available in two different versions in terms of size as well.

As for the design, the Gear S4 isn’t expected to provide much of a radical changes to its predecessor. Samsung’s last watch, Gear Sport was more of a fitness-focused watch and I won’t be surprised if Gear S4 also comes with a lot of fitness-focused features. It is expected to have more robust heath features including sleep-tracking.
There’s no more information available about the Gear S4, but we are sure there’ll be more as things move forward. So stay tuned and get covered up with all the latest happenings with Gear S4.

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