Results for "gear s3"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Featured
    Watch the Livestream of the Samsung Gear S3 Launch Event Here

    UPDATE: Watch the LIVE VIDEO STREAM HERE NOW In a few hours time, Samsung will officially unveiled the new Tizen-powered Gear S3 smartwatch in a ceremony taking place at berlin's Tempodrom arena tonight. The event is sure going to be a big one and you wouldn't want to miss out...

  • News
    Samsung Gear S3 Smartwatch seen in purported images

      The latest news on the trail of the next Tizen smartwatch, the Samsung S3, is that it will be launched on 31 August 2016, just before IFA 2016. There are a number of things that we know about the S3 and something we can assume to be correct. The...

  • Featured
    Samsung To Release Gear S3 Smartwatch On Aug. 31, Slashes Gear S2 Price To $99

      Gear S3 Launching 31 August 2016 Samsung has confirmed via its Twitter handle, that it would be releasing the Gear S3 smartwatch on August 31st at the annual IFA Berlin 2016. The Samsung Gear S3 next-generation smartwatch is expected to change the consumer perception of smart wearable device with...

  • Featured
    Samsung confirms it is launching the Gear S3 Smartwatch on August 31

    Samsung is all set to officially announce the much touted Gear S3 smartwatch this August, according to a invitation outed by the tech giant today. The invite contained scanty details but what stood out is the caption "Talk about 3" and what looks like a watch dial hovering above the caption, an...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 to be announced at IFA 2016, according to Invites

      The Gear S2 is a serious bit of fashion, tech and a fitness wearable tracker all rolled into one. Many tech pundits and leading websites have testified at the how good the rotatable bezel is on this Tizen smartwatch. Now it is time for us to have a successor...

  • Featured
    The Gear S3 will sport Classic and Explorer Variants in its line up

      The Samsung Gear S3 smartwatch's official unveiling is just a month away from happening at IFA, Berlin and meanwhile we are getting in more information regarding the smartwatch. Today's leak comes from yet another trademark filing application confirming the existence of a Gear S3 Classic variant just like its...

  • Featured
    Gear S3 is likely to feature all the sensors needed to keep you fit

    We are just a month away from the Gear S3's official launch but the constant leaks and rumors of the upcoming Tizen based smartwatch are already giving us a clear idea of what to expect. Today's set of leaks come from Sammobile and have given us hints on a few...

  • Featured
    Samsung registers Gear S3’s trademark as ‘Gear S3 Frontier’ in Korea

    With the Galaxy Note 7 all set to be launched in just a few days, the next major offering from Samsung has to be the highly anticipated Tizen based Gear S3 smartwatch. The smartwatch is expected to be unveiled at IFA, Berlin 2016 this September. There will also be a...

  • Featured
    Leaked Images of the Samsung Gear S3 appear online

      The Gear S2 has been a great smartwatch, but now its time for its sequel, the Samsung Gear S3. So far we are pretty certain that it will launched at IFA 2016 and a 'super-luxury' version will be unveiled at Baselworld 2017 in March next year. Now we have...

  • Featured
    Samsung to debut ‘super-luxury’ de Grisogono Gear S3 edition

      Samsung Electronics are collaborating with Swiss luxury jeweler de Grisogono on a so-called “super-luxury” limited edition of the Samsung Gear S3, set to launch later this year. “We are currently collaborating with Samsung to develop its next-generation smartwatch,” a de Grisogono official told The Korea Herald at the Conde...

  • Featured
    Samsung’s Next Smartwatch Gear S3 to be Codenamed Solis, Runs Tizen

      The Gear S2 has served as a fantastic Tizen flagship smartwatch, but now its time for the next iteration in its evolution, and according to a recent report it's codenamed Solis. We expect this next device to run Tizen, hence the reason we are reporting it, and it will...

  • Featured
    The Gear S3 could be launching at IFA 2016 followed by a luxury edition next year

    Popular Swiss jewelry and luxury watch-maker de Grisogono had recently teamed up with Samsung to launch a luxury edition of the Gear S2 smartwatch (because the Rose Gold variant didn't seem expensive enough). The partnership between the two companies seems to be working out well, as a recent report from...

  • Application
    Breath – Stress Relief App for Gear S2 / S3 / Sport and Android

    Have you ever experienced stress, or felt your heart rate accelerating and a feeing of helplessness overwhelming you? You might feel a constricting feeling in your chest. Doctors and specialists stress the importance of doing breathing exercises when you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, but do you really remember this advice...

  • Application
    CryptoWidget App released for Samsung Gear S2 / S3 and Gear Sport

    The technological world is in an exciting phase with the Artificial Intelligece (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain technologies leading the way. Cryptocurrency is another such technological investment that is gaining momentum pretty rapidly. Investment in cryptocurrencies has had an exponential growth in the recent past with the market...

  • News
    Buy a new Gear Fit2, Fit2 Pro, S2 or S3 in US & Canada, Get a premium subscription to Under Armour’s Apps

    Samsung's strong commitment to its wearable device projects has resulted a number of impressive products starting from the Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 Pro, Gear S2, Gear S3 and the Gear Sport. The Tizen OS running on them has proven itself to take on even the Apple watch and Android Wear...

  • Application
    Control your SmartThings compatible devices on the Gear S2 and S3 with the Smarter Things app

    If you have been using a SmartThings Hub along with all the other SmartThings compatible lightings, power outlets, etc to automate your home or office, then you already know how convenient it is to use. Smartwatches like the Gear S2 and the Gear S3 which you can wear all the...

  • Application
    Cryptocurrency Price Checker is the ultimate cryptocurrency app for the Gear S2 and S3

    The perfect cryptocurrency wearable app doesn't exist ......Say hello to the Cryptocurrency Price Checker app. We have been seeing a lot of Cryptocurrency based apps recently on the Galaxy Apps store for the Gear S2 and the Gear S3 smartwatches. As the general perception for the usage of smartwatches is...

  • Application
    Checkmate your driving with Car Assistant for Gear S2, S3, Fit2

    Car Assistant is a watchface gadget that is designed to be used by a motorist. It is not a secret that once in a while, we are all tempted to speed a little whilst driving. While most of us shy away from this fact, it is true and that is...

  • Application
    Get updates on Bitcoin value on your Gear S2 and S3 with Cryptoscope

    The current time is ripe to invest on digital cash or more popularly known as "cryptocurrency" such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and the recent Bitcoin cash. The value of these currency is constantly increasing but in the long run their values are expected to rocket sky high and hence making...

  • Featured
    Interview with Gear Watchface Designer Nucleon – FREE Giveaway for Gear S2 / S3 / Fit2

    We have had the opportunity to speak to many Tizen Gear Watch Designers - such as Ayla Gokmen, Denis Miroshnikov and Mike Wickens. Now, its time to add another name to the list- Nucleon. I've found his watchfaces to be modern, practical, informative and well designed. Read on and there might be...

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