Home Samsung to debut ‘super-luxury’ de Grisogono Gear S3 edition

Samsung to debut ‘super-luxury’ de Grisogono Gear S3 edition

Samsung Electronics are collaborating with Swiss luxury jeweler de Grisogono on a so-called “super-luxury” limited edition of the Samsung Gear S3, set to launch later this year.

“We are currently collaborating with Samsung to develop its next-generation smartwatch,” a de Grisogono official told The Korea Herald at the Conde Nast International Luxury Conference held in Seoul last week.

According to the official from de Grisogono they were approached by Samsung for their second project, the first one being the collaboration for the Gear S2 de Grisogono. It looks like we will see the debut of the Gear S3 at IFA 2016, which is the usual launch event, with the luxury Gear S3 edition being unveiled at Baselworld 2017 in March next year. Baselworld is an international watch and jewelry trade show held annually in Basel, Switzerland.

“The combination of style and substance is inherent in every Samsung device,” executive vice president of global marketing at Samsung Electronics’ mobile communications business Lee Young-hee said in announcing the launch of the super-luxury Gear S2 last month.

Samsung de Grisogono gear s3
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