Results for "gear s3"

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  • Featured
    [Updated] Amazon USA Begins Pre-order of Gear S3, shipping date November 6 !

    Samsung’s latest wearable devices, the Gear S3 classic and the Gear S3 Frontier, have begun making their appearances in various markets. Demand of the new smartwatch seems pretty good at the moment as Samsung UK and Best Buy USA have had to halt their pre-orders due to them exhausting their...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 Pre-Orders halted at Best Buy USA

    All the Tizen hysteria at the moment has been centered around the Gear S3 and rightly so as it is a very handsome piece of tech. First the smartwatch went on sale in Canada, soon thereafter the UK, and then Germany. Many websites had previously been reporting that the S3 was to be delayed...

  • Featured
    Gear S3 now on pre-order in Germany with a free watch strap

    The Gear S3 recently went on pre-order in the UK for £349 with a shipping date of 11 November. Soon after the smartwatches went out of stock due to demand. Now, the next country to open pre-orders is Germany and a little gift will be included for you early birds....

  • Application
    Gear Manager software update brings new User Interface and Gear S3 compatability

    Gear Manager Updated Today, the Gear Manager app, which is used to connect a Smartphone to a Samsung Gear smartwatch, received an update taking it to version 2.2.16101261. Immediately you can see a brand new brighter and sleeker looking User Interface (UI) which looks more in-line with the Samsung S-Health fitness...

  • News
    Gear S3 smartwatch already sold out in the United Kingdom

    The Gear S3 classic and Gear S3 frontier were available to pre-order from Samsung’s official website in the United Kingdom, since only a matter of days ago. The good or bad news is that it seems demand is outstripping supply as the device is now reported as out of stock. This is good...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 available to Pre order in UK, Shipping 11 November for £349

    Pre-Order Samsung Gear S3 in the UK Great news this morning as Samsung UK have made the Gear S3 available to pre-order with a shipping date of November 11, 2016 and priced at £349 with FREE postage for both the Frontier and Classic versions. The frontier is seen more for the adventure type of...

  • Featured
    Relax, Samsung Gear S3 Still on Schedule for November Release, Despite Note 7 Crisis

    According to a korean report, Samsung are said to be slowing down some of their future projects due to the battery issues encountered by the Note 7. This knock on effect was due to the fact that some of these projects would potentially make use of Cloud and iris recognition technologies...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 on sale in mid-November – but you can already pre-order it

    The next Tizen-powered smartwatch, that so far was to be released in, broadly speaking, Q4, 2016, has finally found its shipping date: November. Mid-november, to be precise. According to the declaration by a Samsung spokeperson and reported by The Korea Times about Samsung Gear S3, there's no more uncertainty about this. The exact...

  • News
    Gear S3 is now up for pre-orders in Canada via Best Buy

    Samsung's latest wearable devices- the Gear S3 classic and the Gear S3 Frontier have been around for over a month now. However, the smartwatches haven't yet been rolled out in all of Samsung's target markets. Canada, one among such countries is now finally receiving the latest Tizen wearables. Both the...

  • Application
    Samsung Gear S3 LTE variant to come with Facebook Messenger

    We have seen a steady Increase of apps for Tizen devices over the last few months for both smartphones and smartwatches. Today, it seems there is evidence that their might be a Facebook Messenger app for the Gear S3 on the horizon, launching at the same time. An image has surfaced that...

  • Featured
    Pre-Order Gear S3 Classic and Frontier Smartwatch in the UK

    The latest Tizen based smartwatch, the Gear S3, has been launched at the end of August. This gear device builds on the hit features of the Gear S2, the circular screen and rotating bezel immediately come to mind, and adds more features for the fashion and sports conscious amongst us....

  • Developer
    Gear Watch Designer Software Updated, Now Supports Gear S3 Smartwatch

    Today, the Samsung Gear Watch Designer software has been updated to add support for the recently launched Gear S3 smartwatch. Just in case you didn't know this bit of software is Samsung’s tool for creating your own watchfaces. The supported devices include the Gear S, S2, S3, and Fit2 smartwatches....

  • Application
    Samsung Gear S3 Gets HERE WeGo Maps & Navigation App

      The Samsung Gear S3 is yet to ship after it was launched, but we are already seeing Tizen-based apps that are designed for the smart wearable. Its not just any app but high profile apps and one of them is the HERE WeGo app developed by German company, HERE. The...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 Available from November 4 in the Netherlands

    Samsung has announced the Gear S3 in two distinct variants, the Classic and the Frontier. We are excited about the launch of the Gear S3 and naturally we are now looking towards potential launch dates. Today, Samsung Netherlands twitter account has confirmed that the S3 will be available from 4...

  • News
    Samsung Gear S3 Frontier Smartwatch Coming to AT&T

    AT&T, one of the big carriers in the US, has some good news for potential Gear S3 customers. They are "gearing up" (excuse the pun) to launch the Gear S3 Frontier 4G LTE smartwatch. As reported previously this was the first US network to support the NumberSync service , which...

  • Featured
    Gear S3 support coming soon to iPhone says Samsung

      Samsung has now launched the Gear S3 smartwatch and I have to say it looks quite impressive. The Gear S2 has had some excellent reviews by the tech media and so far the S3 looks well received. At the moment the Gear S2 is compatible with Android smartphones as...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S3 is the latest Tizen Smartwatch

      Gear S3 is now Launched It seems forever since we have been waiting for the next Samsung Tizen based smartwatch to be released, and the good news is that it was launched at a special event that was held last week at the Tempodrom arena in Germany. As expected...

  • News
    Infographic: Gear S3 Brings Completeness to Samsung Gear S Collection

    Samsung unveiled the Gear S3 smartwatch a few days back and indeed the elegant smartwatch fuses high-class watchmaking craft with mobile innovation, thus bringing a sense of completeness and perfection to the Gear S series. The Gear S collection already boasts of a diverse array of unique designs ranging from...

  • Featured
    Video: Samsung First Gear S3 Video Commercial is Out

      The Samsung Gear S3 was launched this week at a launch event in Germany. The tech giant was quick with getting their first commercial online showing off the new Tizen based smartwatch. We get to see both variant of the new wearable tech, the Gear S3 classic and Gear...

  • Featured
    Video: Watch the Livestream of the Samsung Gear S3 Event NOW !!!

      The time is here good people! Finally the next Tizen smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S3, is being launched at the Tempodrom arena in Germany, as we speak. As the event is invite only you most likely won't be attending, but do not fear you can watch all the action...

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