The latest Tizen based smartwatch, the Gear S3, has been launched at the end of August. This gear device builds on the hit features of the Gear S2, the circular screen and rotating bezel immediately come to mind, and adds more features for the fashion and sports conscious amongst us.
Now UK Online retailer MobileFun has listed the Samsung Gear S2 Classic and the Gear S2 Frontier bring available for pre-order priced at £349 ($445), with shipping starting at £1.99. Other retailers are listing the smartwatch for pre-order but this is the first company to actually state a price. Previously the European launch price of the S3 has been mentioned as 399 Euros, which happens to be the price offered by MobileFun. No date has been specified for when the devices will start shipping, but the European availability is said to be from 4 November.
Soon after the S3 launch event the first TV Commercial was released showing the S2 in all its glory (see bottom of the page), where we can see the Classic and the Frontier and all the new features shown off. Aesthetically the S3 is very similar to the S2 but it comes with a beefier looking bezel, better resistance to accidental damage, better processor, LTE support, and a bigger battery going from 250mah to 380mah. There is lots more to dig into but for now check out the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
The Gear S3 classic has a minimalistic design and will suit almost any active business man, whilst the Gear S3 frontier is a more rugged offering. For both models you get GPS connectivity as well as an Accelerometer, Gyro, Barometer, HRM, and Altimeter. The frontier has better protection against the elements and also features 4G/LTE connectivity and loudspeaker meaning you can take telephone calls,.
Gear S3 Infographic
A special Infographic of the S3 is available here.
If you are Interested in pre-ordering the Gear S3 then head on over to MobileFun now.