Fortnite has launched a major crossover event with Avatar: The Last Airbender, but the newly introduced Earthbending Mythic item was quickly disabled following its release.
The latest Mythic items in the game allow players to wield the elements of fire, water, air, and earth. However, the Earthbending item has been withdrawn, reportedly due to its ineffectiveness in combat. Players have noted that Earthbending attacks, even when striking opponents directly with car-sized boulders, were either inflicting negligible damage or none at all.
Another fan pointed out that the issue was Earthbending being able to hit opponents through built walls.
Due to an issue Earthbending has been vaulted.
— iFireMonkey (@iFireMonkey) April 12, 2024
Another bug identified was that the earth projectile couldn’t be aimed accurately, and more advanced versions of the Earthbending ability were destroying player-built structures upon contact.
earthbending does damage through the builds, cool
— Shany (@Shanyshdw) April 12, 2024
Twitter user Shanyshdw highlighted a potential problem with Earthbending in a video, demonstrating that the Mythic ability can hit opponents through building walls when used properly. In the video, Shanyshdw engages in a fight with another player who quickly constructs a five-storey building as a defensive measure—a classic Fortnite tactic.
Instead of tearing down the structure, Shanyshdw appears to press against the wall and use Earthbending to lift a rock from within the opponent’s building, striking and instantly killing them, while also collapsing the surrounding structure. While such a maneuver might be entirely plausible for Earthbenders in the TV series, it seems over the top in a video game where erecting barriers for protection is a fundamental component.
What are the physical elements?
According to Fortnite, these are what the elemental skills do:
- Waterbending: Players can give their opponents the cold shoulder by hurling sharp, icy projectiles. Having this technique in their inventory allows players’ health to also steadily restore up to 100 while they are in water.
- Earthbending: Summon chunks of earth to hurl at foes or use them to create defensive barriers.
- Firebending: Produce flames to launch arcs of fire towards foes, or slam down from above in a fiery explosion.
- Airbending: Gamers can harness the air around them to enhance their mobility. They can use the “air wheel” to travel great distances or the “air jump” to launch themselves and nearby players into the air.
Why has Epic Games removed Earthbending from Fortnite’s Avatar?
Epic Games may have vaulted the Mythic item to refine its game and improve its feel for players who use it. It’s unlikely that Earthbending will be removed for an extended period, similar to the Wings of Icarus which is out of action until May 3, especially considering that the Avatar collaboration has just started to ramp up. More likely, we’re simply waiting for Epic to resolve whatever issues have arisen.
The Fortnite Avatar: Elements Chakra Quest is set to end on May 3, giving players plenty of time to experience the event and explore the different mythic bending scrolls available.
Featured image: Epic Games / Canva