Results for "samsung products"

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    OMsignal’s New Smart Shirt Shows The Challenge For Wearables

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.On days when I head out for a run or a workout—which is to say, most days—I strap on a heart-rate monitor. The fabric strap worn around my chest isn't the most comfortable, but I've gotten used to...

  • Mobile
    Review: The HTC One M8 Is Android’s Cream Of The Crop

    Every so often, a product comes along and takes the best of almost everything that came before it and packages those things into a beautiful and functional device that's hard not to admire. The HTC One M8 is such a product.Almost every smartphone comes with its fair share of warts, and...

  • Entertainment
    5 Things To Consider Before Wiring Up Your Smart Home

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes.If you don't already live in a smart home, odds are good that you will before long. When that day comes, your connected residence will be like a member of the family—or, more likely, a butler. Just like Carson on...

  • Mobile
    Pebble’s Eric Migicovsky On How To Make Smartwatches People Want

    There’s a problem with gadgets today, and Pebble CEO Eric Migicovsky thinks he knows exactly what it is: “Technology shouldn’t change your own personal habits. It should mesh into the lifestyle you already live.” It sounds like common sense, but in a world where inventors too often expect people to adapt...

  • Entertainment
    Amazon Fire TV Wants To Ignite The Streaming Experience—And It Just Might

    Amazon took on the big boys of streaming television at its press event in New York City Wednesday morning. On a stage decked out like a living room, the company took the wraps off its top-secret project: the much-rumored—and now very real—Amazon Fire TV.See also: 10 Things You Need To Know...

  • Entertainment
    Light It Up: The Connected Home’s Battle Of The Bulbs

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes.Lighting is a key ingredient in the connected home, and the benefits of smartening it up are obvious. Practically everyone has forgotten to turn off a light or fumbled around for the switch. And some find coming back to...

  • Mobile
    10 Ways Apple’s iWatch Can Learn From Pebble Steel

    The race to build the modern smartwatch started in earnest thanks to two major events in the past two years: Pebble's über-successful run on Kickstarter in early 2012, and a steady drumbeat of reports in 2013 about Apple's alleged plans to build its own iWatch (or whatever the company decides to call...

  • Mobile
    The One Thing HTC Did Right With The HTC One M8

    The greatest paradox in the smartphone wars is that of HTC. The smartphone manufacturer had a critical hit on its hands in 2013 with the HTC One, a beautiful and functional Android device that was a top choice for many reviewers last year. But the phone didn’t sell and HTC's...

  • Mobile
    Why 2014 Is The Year Of The Cheap Smartphone

    2014 is the year that the rest of the world gets connected. Cheap computers and pervasive networks are reshaping the world, and the smartphone—specifically, the inexpensive smartphone—is emerging as the key to the Internet.In the U.S. and other “mature” markets, smartphones are as ubiquitous as televisions and personal computers, and...

  • Mobile
    With The Moto 360 And LG G, The Android Smartwatch Army Is On The March

    The Moto 360 sounds like a race car. And maybe the spirit of this wearable isn't all that different, as Motorola and its for-now parent company Google imagine people shooting through life and controlling everything from their wrists. And it’s not alone—LG also announced today that it's got its own early...

  • Web
    Pushing Fitness Tech To The Austin City Limits At SXSW

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.South By Southwest Interactive is an annual tech festival known for beer, brisket, and business deals cut at bars. But the city where it's held is also an epicenter of healthy living and innovative startups. So instead of...

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    Tizen Prototype Device at Mobile World Conference 2014

      This is a Video going through the user interface of the Tizen Prototype Device at Mobile World Conference 2014 #MWC14. Device specifications were not on hand, but being a Samsung device it won't be too hard to guess. This user interface has definitely evolved since seeing it on other...

  • Mobile
    Want The Android-Based Nokia X Smartphone? You’re Out Of Luck In The U.S.

    Nokia’s long-rumored Android smartphone is shipping across the globe next week. Well, with one minor exception: North America.That's right. Eager users in the U.S. and Canada will be missing out on Nokia’s budget-friendly smartphone.Nokia plans to ship the Nokia X everywhere else—from emerging markets such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, Central...

  • Mobile
    How Mozilla Thinks It Can Punch Above Its Weight With Firefox OS Smartphones

    The race to connect to put a smartphone in the hands of every person in the world is on. And Mozilla thinks it has a chance to shake things up.Mozilla, which makes Firefox OS for budget smartphones, announced seven new devices that will ship to emerging markets in 2014. Alcatel...

  • News
    Is Baidu ready to move further?

      "Having searched thousands of times in the crowd, suddenly turning back, She is there in the dimmest candlelight." And "she" might very well be Tizen. (Although I have no clue what Tizen might mean in Chinese...). Baidu (BIDU) is expanding the scope of its businesses and seems to be planning...

  • Mobile
    Wireless Charging Takes A Step Toward The Mainstream

    Charging cables for phones and tablets just edged a little closer to oblivion. Two of the three major coalitions backing incompatible wireless charging standards announced plans to join forces, potentially a big step toward unifying wireless charging standards and pushing the technology toward mass adoption.It's not clear, though, how quickly...

  • Entertainment
    10 Cool Things A Pebble Smartwatch Can Do

    The Pebble smartwatch is growing up. A year after it started shipping to Kickstarter backers, the startup officially cut the ribbon on Pebble's very own app store last week. With this, Pebblers get a single resource covering the latest watchfaces, tools and time-wasters for their favorite arm gear.The Pebble Appstore,...

  • Entertainment
    Smart Home Shocker: My Cats Are Out To Get Me

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes.When I'm at work, my cats—Gamera and Gojira—love to defy me. I know this because my smart home tells me so. People have all sorts of reasons for connecting their homes. Some people want to monitor the nanny, or...

  • Entertainment
    Hey, TV Makers: Televisions Are Not Smartphones

    Televisions are not smartphones, no matter what TV makers would have you believe. But if there's any confusion about that, it's understandable. Both have increasingly large screens and are highly effective time-wasters. And given the proliferation of Internet-connected smart TVs, both phones and sets are platforms for an ever-growing range...

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    Tizen could reach printers, cameras, smart TVs

    Most of those who have some idea of Tizen know it's being used smartphones and even smart camera's, fridges and in vehicle systems. There are talks about laptops as well but there really is no border here. Tizen backers like Intel are looking into the concept of profiles that would...

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