Results for "samsung products"

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  • Entertainment
    Who Cares About 4K TVs?

    If you believe the hype around the Consumer Electronics Show, 4K television is all the rage. TV makers have long hoped to spark demand for so-called ultra HD televisions, and this time around, they’re trying to ensure it by packaging the sets with some nifty new features. The big question is...

  • Web
    WebOS Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Living A Quiet Life In LG’s Smart TVs

    Old mobile operating systems don’t die, they just go to live life on TV.LG bought WebOS, the woebegone former operating system that ran Palm devices, in a quiet transaction in 2012. LG picked up WebOS for a song from Hewlett-Packard, which had spent $1.2 billion to buy the operating system in 2010....

  • News
    Intel CEO Brian Krzanich on Rekindling the Chipmaker’s Innovative Process

    I like people that set goals. Be it for themselves or the company they work for. It will make them measure progress and success, Or decline and failure of course but that's what seperates the boys from the men. Intel CEO Brian Krzanich boldly stated that Intel chips will power 40 million...

  • Mobile
    Android Usage Data Only Tells Half The Story

    If marketing is all about creating stories around a product, few CEOs are as good at storytelling as Apple's Tim Cook. But that doesn't mean the stories he tells are true.At least, not as true as he'd like. Like any storyteller, Cook likes to cherry pick the data that suits...

  • Work
    Enterprise In 2013: Enterprise Ascends Into The Cloud

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.In looking back over the past 12 months, it’s apparent businesses pushed the envelope of the programmable web. Instead of being influenced by consumer apps and trends like BYOD, employers this year looked inward to solve...

  • Entertainment
    Top 5 Game-Changing Gadgets of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.This year, we got serious about connecting our homes. We smartened up our arms and eyes. And we figured out ways to make all the screens we've accumulated—from tablets and laptops to LCD TVs—seem fresh and...

  • Web
    Top 10 Tech Failures of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.When tech companies and government agencies make mistakes, whole teams and departments mobilize in some massive effort to sweep them under the carpet. But sometimes, the gaffes are just too glaring, public and spectacular to overlook.So...

  • Mobile
    The Best Smartphones & Tablets Of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.Every year smartphones and tablets get better, and 2013 was no exception. Competition has pushed the top manufacturers to create ever better devices and—with the exception of Apple—sell them at lower prices.Not that the big phone...

  • Mobile
    Top 11 Mobile Trends Of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.It was a big year for mobile in 2013, as it has been for the past several years.Smartphones took the first steps toward becoming hubs we can use to control our entire lives. Companies became...

  • Mobile
    Mozilla Teams With Manufacturers And Carriers For Open Web Device Alliance

    Mozilla is teaming up with a group of leading cellular carriers and mobile manufacturers today to create a new standards board to standardize performance and development of open Web devices. Mozilla, which this year released Firefox OS as a browser-based smartphone operating system, believes the new review board will help...

  • Web
    Broadcom’s Henry Samueli: Don’t Get Into Tech For The Money—It’s Way Too Hard

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.Talk to Broadcom’s Henry Samueli, and you get the sense of a man who knows exactly how lucky he is. The son of immigrant parents, Holocaust survivors, the current chairman and chief technology officer grew up...

  • News
    Intel President : Tizen open’s up opportunities for innovation and new markets

      In recent times Intel has been struggling in the Mobile Processor race with ARM dominating this sector. Intel will continue their fight in phones and tablets with their new range of processors, but there is another battle ground and that is wearables i.e Technology that you can wear, which...

  • Cloud
    Connected Kitchens Get Cooking

    If there’s one takeaway from the $11,111 Blossom One Wi-Fi-enabled coffee maker, perhaps it’s this: There simply aren’t enough things for rich people to spend their money on.Or maybe they just tend to be really ridiculously serious about coffee. After all, these owners can do everything from geeking out over...

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    CrucialTec ready to take fingerprint sensor technology into Tizen

    Another tidbit of Tizen related news? CrucialTec has developed a Biometric CrucialTec Trackpad (BTP) which is a combination of a fingerprint recognition sensor and a track pad. This function (the addition of OTP technology Optical Trackpad technology and improving the status of CrucialTec life in general by providing not only the...

  • Mobile
    How HTML5 Crashed, Burned, And Rose Again

    Guest author Rob Grossberg is the CEO of TreSensa, a game development and distribution company for the mobile Web.In April of 2010, Steve Jobs penned an open letter titled "Thoughts on Flash" in which he stated the "new open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win". Facebook...

  • Entertainment
    Hacking The Connected Home: When Your House Watches You

    This is a post in the ReadWriteHome series, which explores the implications of living in connected homes.When it comes to the connected home, it’s natural for people to assume they’ll be masters of their domestic domain. Unfortunately, some may wind up becoming victims instead. Just ask Marc Gilbert. He and his wife...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Has One Job: Drive The Growth Of Windows Phone

    Windows Phone needs a champion, and Nokia is the only company that can give it the undivided attention Windows Phone deserves.If the Windows Phone operating system is to ever succeed, Microsoft is not going to be the company that leads the charge. It can’t be, really. Microsoft is a huge...

  • Web
    Gifts To Give With Room To Grow

    This post is sponsored by SanDisk. As a promotional post, it reflects the views of the sponsor, not ReadWrite's editors.While some gadgets get snapped up for their dazzling graphics, sleek designs, and responsive features, there's a key aspect that many people don't consider when they snap a device off the...

  • All Categories
    Tizen is Alive and Starts Kicking!

    Timing and marketing are planned in weeks where as other products take months, or years to develop. An all new OS for smart phones, phablets and wearable devices that can also be used for in-vehicle systems takes a tremendous effort and introducing it to the public with a lot of...

  • Mobile
    What’s At Stake For Google & Android In Rockstar’s Patent Lawsuit

    Google’s Android operating system may be the rock star of mobile world, but it has another group of rock stars that are trying to knock it from its perch.Google, Samsung, HTC and basically every major Android hardware manufacturer have been hit with a patent lawsuit from the Rockstar Consortium, a...

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