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  • Entertainment
    A Connected Home Is Where The Heart Is

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes. This week, it is sponsored by Best Buy.How cool would it be if you had a house you could control from wherever you are? If you never had to remember to turn the lights off again, or...

  • Web
    Vacationers, Let Your Smart Home House-Sit Itself

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes.Three years ago, a pipe burst in Alex Hawkinson’s family vacation home when he was away.“We found it totally destroyed by moisture,” he told me in an interview earlier this year. “The electricity went out, and the pipes...

  • Entertainment
    Why Your Apps Keep Asking To Use Your Microphone

    High-pitched sound is making a comeback. Engineers have discovered that ultrasonics, which have been around almost as long as electronics of any sort, can give modern devices some cool, futuristic features.Ultreo ultrasound toothbrushMankind has been capable of making high-frequency ultrasounds for at least a century. Today, we use them to...

  • Entertainment
    YouTube Is Chasing Hollywood—But It Should Worry About Its Homegrown Stars

    In her keynote address at VidCon, YouTube's unofficial, annual convention, Susan Wojcicki, the Google executive who took over the video site this year, looked over a packed audience at the Anaheim Convention Center. Many of the people seated there were a special breed of YouTube users—the people YouTube calls "creators,"...

  • Mobile
    8 Things You Need To Know About The Amazon Fire Phone

    Amazon’s habit for gadget-making now seems like a full-blown addiction—and its latest fix is the all-new Fire Phone.Since the company first got into hardware in 2007, it has debuted a range of gadgets, starting with a varied line of Kindle e-readers, expanding to its Kindle Fire tablets in 2011 and...

  • Mobile
    How To Boost Your Phone’s Battery Life

    Battery life is like ice cream and cash—there’s just no such thing as too much. In fact, what’s there usually isn’t enough.See also: If The Future's Battery-Powered, We're ScrewedMobile technology is a way of life now, which brings us face to face with a bizarre truth: More of us are choosing...

  • Entertainment
    Nest’s Smart Home Plan Is A Hot Mesh

    This week, Nest and six other companies announced their master plan to make smart homes better. The secret, they say, lies in mesh networking, which lets gadgets talk to each other directly—no centralized hub necessary. To help the cause, the group even introduced its own brand-new mesh wireless protocol called...

  • Developer
    OSCON 2014 – The Art of Tizen UI Theme Technology in Various Profiles

      Tizen, the follow on Operating System (OS) from MeeGo, is aimed at various profiles, not only mobile, just like MeeGo was. With that in mind a User Interface (UI) must be scalable and themeable to support these diverse profiles. Daniel Juyung Seo, who is a software engineer from Samsung,...

  • Entertainment
    Apps Are Eating Wearables’ Lunch

    My Jawbone Up24 fitness band failed the other week during a session of hot yoga. I knew better than to take the water-sensitive device into the shower, but it didn't occur to me that the river of sweat coming off my body, combined with the heat in the room, would...

  • Connected Devices
    Nest’s Smart Home Ambitions Extend Past The Thermostat With Thread

    The smart home, an Internet of Things movement to connect your household appliances, has an ironic problem: communication. Numerous approaches, platforms and standards have sprung up to thoroughly confuse consumers, making it difficult to know which devices can actually talk to each other. Google-owned smart thermostat company Nest and its band...

  • Mobile
    If The Future’s Battery-Powered, We’re Screwed

    I live in the future. My body, pockets and home are festooned with smart gadgets that can command nearly everything in my life with a phrase, gesture or tap. It’s a cool and exciting experience—or at least it would be, if it didn’t constantly shackle me to power cables.See also:...

  • Entertainment
    Android TV: Google Wants To Own Your Living Room (Again)

    There’s no doubt that Google wants to own all of the screens in our lives, from the little ones on our wrists (and thermostats), to the larger ones in our pockets and car dashboards. But of all the screens it’s now pursuing, the biggest one of them all is the...

  • Mobile
    Give Your iPhone Camera DSLR-Like Superpowers

    Guest author Chris McConnell, a designer, writer and entrepreneur, goes hands-on with the coolest consumer tech products at DailyTekk.I’ve got a problem. I love the camera on my iPhone. It’s become an appendage—like an arm, or hand. If it was amputated from my life I’d feel like I’d truly lost a...

  • Mobile
    Disruption Is A Stupid Word Anyway

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything.Let's disrupt "disruption."My boss, ReadWrite editor-in-chief Owen Thomas, and I disagree, feistily and frequently, about a variety of topics. We had profound differences of opinion...

  • Entertainment
    Last-Minute Smart Gifts Dad Will Love

    For years, he told you to shut off the lights and turn the heat down. Now, for Father’s Day, you could make sure he’s covered with these easy-to-use smart home products and other connected devices.The best part: These items can be picked up from Best Buy, Staples, Walmart, Target, Apple...

  • Mobile
    Why We Didn’t Get An iWatch From Apple

    In the weeks leading up to Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the big event taking place this week in San Francisco, the question I kept getting was whether Apple would unveil a smartwatch, a device popularly dubbed the “iWatch."My take: I didn’t think it was coming. And sure enough, Apple CEO...

  • Developer
    See you soon at the Tizen Developer Conference #TDCSF14

      Remember, the official HashTag for the event is #TDCSF14 Soon it will be time to get a few hours sleep and then head off to the airport. The 3rd annual Tizen Developer Conference is here (June 2 - 4, at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square), and we are...

  • Developer
    Introduction to MonoTizen

    The following guest post is by Bob Summerwill, who is the owner of Kitsilano Software. UPDATE: MonoTizen production is underway! Read all about it! Kitsilano Software are bringing C# to Tizen, in the form of the MonoTizen project. The MonoTizen project aims to bring the delight of C# development to...

  • Entertainment
    Goodbye, TV Channels—And Hello, TV Apps

    When I was a kid, my brother graciously taught me what a half-Nelson was. It was a lesson learned from our nightly wrestling matches over the remote control, which was essentially the scepter in our little game of thrones. I suppose that made our old tube TV the Lee family...

  • Mobile
    Google’s Android Is Learning How To Reach Straight Into Your Wallet

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything.  What do you get when you take the greatest advertising company on the planet, computers that live in people's pockets, software that guesses where...

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