Results for "samsung products"

We found 917 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Android Fragmentation: Getting Worse All The Time

    You might think that Samsung's dominance of the Android ecosystem would make Android's long-time nemesis, fragmentation, better. But you would be wrong.A recent set of visualizations from OpenSignal captures this point well. Yes, Samsung controls 47.5% of the Android market. With this in mind, the Android market looks like it's coalescing...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Grows Frustrated With Microsoft’s Pace In Windows Phone

    The cracks are beginning to show in the multibillion-dollar mobile-phone partnership between Nokia and Microsoft. As Windows Phone continues to register minimal growth, Nokia has grown frustrated with how slow Microsoft is to improve the operating system.So Nokia is forging ahead on its own to make its chosen platform more...

  • Entertainment
    How We Captured The Moment Without Worrying About Storage

    This post is sponsored by SanDisk. As a promotional post, it reflects the views of the writer, not ReadWrite's editors.For the last nine years, we've taken thousands of dramatic images of Half Dome, El Capitan and Yosemite Falls. And when we get the kids to pose, it’s a thrill to...

  • Mobile
    Why Can’t I Find An Awesome Compact Smartphone?

    Last year, I couldn't wait to give the bigger iPhone 5 a whirl. Now I can't wait to give it up.Although I loved the way the 4-inch screen made reading, gameplay and video-viewing feel more immersive, over time that love turned to hate. Fighting to cram it into my small go-bag...

  • Social
    13 Ways To Print Your Instagram Photos

    Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.Instagram is the easy way to create dreamy camera-phone photos in a flash. The filters work their magic so well that nearly every picture comes out looking like a keepsake. Making those memories permanent can be just as easy...

  • Web
    10 Things The Tech Industry Should Fix Before Anyone Takes A Vacation

    We're entering the tech doldrums—that time after Apple, Google, and Microsoft have held their big conferences and Samsung, Nokia, and the rest have done their big product reveals. In a few months, we'll be speculating about what will be the hot holiday products.But right now is when I like to take...

  • Mobile
    Rumors Of Cheap Phones & Big-Screens Mark The End Of iPhone Purity

    At some point, rumors become so persistent it is hard to dismiss them out of hand. Apple building cheaper iPhones retailing for $99? Yeah, there may be something to this after all.Reuters reports, based on sources in Apple’s Asian supply chain, that the company is considering building two new iPhones....

  • Entertainment
    Apple’s Brilliant TV Strategy: Speak Softly And Carry A Big Content Stick

    Apple has said little and shown even less regarding its future plans for streaming content to your television, and that's precisely why they've got a competitive advantage in the space. Where Google faltered by putting the tech before the content, Apple knows the tech is worthless without the content.Cable operators'...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s WWDC 2013 Keynote: iOS 7, iTunes Radio And New MacBook Airs

    Apple's biggest event of the year is over. Today's announcements included a big revamp to the iOS interface in the form of iOS 7, new MacBook Airs and a preview of the new Mac Pro, and the unveiling of Apple's long-rumored streaming-music service, now called iTunes Radio. Here's our live blog of...

  • Work
    Apple Should Think Differently About Wall Street

    Apple can't win when it comes to Wall St. Today's Street is more about high-stakes betting on fast growth than investing in the long term, and Apple's piled up enough assets to take care of their own financial well-being for years to come. Apple has a responsibility to long-term investors...

  • Work
    What Tim Cook Really Meant About Apple’s ‘Very Grand Vision’ for TV, Wearable Tech & Much More

    On Tuesday evening, Apple CEO Tim Cook likened the wait for next month's iOS 7 unveiling to being a kid on Christmas Eve, teased Apple's interest in wearable tech and claimed the company has a "very grand vision" for the future of television. Cook touched on several topics during an on-stage...

  • Mobile
    Google Planning Wireless Networks To Connect The Next 1B People – WSJ

    If Google had its way, everyone in the world would be on the Internet, using Google services. To bring that goal to fruition, Google is reportedly working to build cellular networks in Africa and Southeast Asia to help bring hundreds of millions of people online for the first time.According to...

  • Mobile
    Five Years Of Android: The Devices That Defined Google’s Mobile OS

    Nearly five years ago, a smartphone came out that few thought much of. Little did people know that the device would be a harbinger for the next half-decade of mobile innovation, pushing boundaries of technology and launching a fundamental shift in how people interact with computers.That phone was the HTC...

  • Web
    Google I/O: The Developers Guide Of What To Expect

    If you like Google, mobile development and cloud platforms, this is going to be a good week for you.Google will have lots of goodies this week for developers - and consumers - at its I/O developer conference in San Francisco. We might see some new hardware, a couple updates to...

  • Mobile
    Android Is Fading Into The Background—And That’s A Good Thing

    This week's Google I/O conference is promising to be an anticlimactic event when it comes to new products running Android, Google's mobile operating system for smartphones and tablets. And that may be a good thing.The Year of Android was 2011. That was the year that Android became a stable platform...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft’s Mobile Patent Strategy: Threaten, Don’t Sue

    It's official: patent litigation is a fool's game. As reported in The Wall Street Journal, the past few years of patent litigation in the mobile industry have yielded participants very little, as courts have swatted down suits on the basis of prior art, obviousness of the technology or other reasons....

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Profit Slide Is Great News For Its Prospects In China

    Apple's profits slid 18% last quarter. Gross margins dropped from 38.44% in 2012 to 37.5% in 2013. While there are a number of reasons for this, the biggest seems to be consumer preference for lower-priced products like the iPad Mini.While Apple investors have spanked the stock in response, in reality...

  • Mobile
    The Smart TV Is Dead. Long Live The Second Screen

    People want their television to work like a TV. Sending tweets on Twitter, posting photos on Facebook and browsing the Web are best left to smartphones and tablets. Indeed, more than 40% of U.S. households with Internet-enabled TVs haven't even bothered to hook them up to the Web, according to...

  • Mobile
    Why Apple Will Win The Battle For Your Wrist

    At some point, Apple is widely expected to release a miniature computer for your wrist. Assuming the rumors pan out, you, dear geek, are going to hate whatever is released — because it's not going to do many of the things that you think such a device should do.Your favorite...

  • Work
    Apple Profits Are Expected To Shrink For The First Time In 10 Years – Why?

    It ain't easy being Apple - for once, anyway.Today, Apple will report its fiscal Q2 2013 earnings today at 2 p.m. PDT. Analysts widely expect the Cupertino company to post its first year-over-year decline in earnings in the last decade. But has Apple really begun its fall from grace, or...

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