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    The Time Has Come For Smartwatches

    There was something odd in the latest issue of Wired magazine: eight full-page ads (totaling nearly 4% of the magazine) were taken out by traditional non-smartwatch companies like Rolex, Tudor, Seiko and Burberry.It seems bizarre that a magazine dedicated to exploring emerging technologies would dedicate so much space to a...

  • Mobile
    Why You’re Still Going To Buy Apple’s Ho-Hum iPad Upgrade

    Let's get this straight: No matter what Apple announces Tuesday, if you've bought Apple devices before, you're going to buy this one, too. That choir of the converted, though, isn't enough for Apple anymore.As Business Insider'sJay Yarow points out, Apple's iPad sales have been consistently falling for several quarters, and growth has...

  • Mobile
    How The Smartwatch Arrived On Time: Pebble’s Eric Migicovsky

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.When CEO and founder Eric Migicovsky put his humble-yet-stylish Pebble smartwatch on Kickstarter last year, he was a little known player in the tech scene. Now, after raising millions in crowd-sourced funding and jumpstarting the...

  • Mobile
    Motorola May Lose A Billion Dollars For Google This Year … And It Doesn’t Matter

    Google isn’t really all that worried about how much money it is losing with Motorola. Google’s smartphone manufacturer continues to be the company's biggest cost sink. In its third quarter earnings today, Motorola lost another $248 million on revenue of $1.18 billion. So far this year, Google’s Motorola division has cost...

  • Mobile
    As iPhone 5C Fades, Firefox OS And Android Square Off In Emerging Markets

    The mobile market is about to get interesting. For years, Apple has dominated both market and profit share, with Google's Android more recently having severely cut into Apple's market share while also taking a bite out of profits.Meanwhile, almost completely forgotten in the mix is Firefox OS, Mozilla's browser-centric mobile...

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    QualComm Exec Calls 64-bit A7 CPU in iPhone 5S as a “marketing gimmick”

      A Qualcomm executive is quoted as saying that Apple's announcement of a 64-bit processor is Impressive, but not innovative and the 64-bit A7 processor found in the new iPhone 5S is a “marketing gimmick” at this point, giving no real benefits to the user. Anand Chandrasekher Qualcomm’s senior vice...

  • Mobile
    BlackBerry Acquisition Means It Will Never Again Be A Consumer Tech Company

    BlackBerry is about to get acquired. The player that has swooped in to rescue Canada’s largest tech company? Not Microsoft. Not Samsung, Google or Facebook. Amazon is nowhere to be seen.It’s a financial services company. BlackBerry is likely to accept a buyout offer from its largest shareholder, Fairfax Financial, for what...

  • Mobile
    What Microsoft Gets Wrong With Its New Surface Tablets

    Microsoft has remade its Surface Tablets running Windows 8—the Surface Pro 2 and Surface 2. They are thinner, brighter, more powerful and faster. Speeds and feeds remains the name of the game at Microsoft. And that's one of the biggest problems at Microsoft ... and with the Surface 2 line.What Microsoft...

  • Mobile
    The iPhone 5S: More Than An Incremental Apple Update

    Apple aimed to impress with the iPhone 5S. To show the doubters that, yes, it could still innovate. To show people that the long-awaited new iPhones were not just some iterative update to what came before. Apple wanted to state, with authority, that its iPhone was the best damn smartphone...

  • Mobile
    How The iPhone 5S Could Be The Universal Remote For Your Life

    Imagine that your new iPhone 5S or Android smartphone could control all aspects of your life. Change channels on your TV, start your car, change the temperature in your house, pay for your coffee, the watch on your wrist … everything. Think of a smartphone as universal remote for your...

  • Mobile
    What We Didn’t Get At Apple’s iPhone Event

    We waited a long time for Apple to announce its first major products of the year. And then we got two: the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, plus the official launch of iOS 7. But Apple sells way more than iPhones, but didn't have a lot to say about its other...

  • Mobile
    With Nokia, Microsoft Has No More Excuses

    Nokia is now a part of Microsoft. When the dust settles, the new Microsoft will have its guns aimed directly at Google and Apple.Microsoft has made a big deal recently of transition itself to be a “Devices and Services” business. Buying Nokia’s device business is the easiest way to make...

  • Work
    Microsoft Dos and Don’ts For The Post-Ballmer Era

    Steve Ballmer's impending exit as Microsoft CEO creates a fantastic opportunity for his company to transform itself. Say goodbye to the stodgy establishment figure desperate to remain relevant; welcome a vibrant enterprise headed for the technological frontier! (Or, at least, a maker of things people actually want.) Simple, right?Of course,...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft’s Best Bet For Next CEO Currently Runs Another Giant Company

    And all across the land, the people rejoice. The King, a resourceful if ineffective leader, has announced his abdication of the throne. His demise is imminent. The citizens of the land, in full huzzah, have begun to imagine what a new kingdom will look like in the new era, with...

  • Work
    Why China And India Could Disrupt The US Patent System

    No one but patent trolls—entities seeking to profit from patents they don't actively use in making products—likes the current US intellectual property regime. Inefficient and outdated, the US patent system, in particular, frustrates innovation more than it fosters it.Things may be on track to get change, Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst told ReadWrite...

  • Web
    Back To School: The College Survival Kit

    This is a post in Back To School, an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers technology trends in education for parents and educators.Preparing for college can be emotional, hectic and, of course, expensive.According to the National Retail Federation, total back-to-college spending will reach $45.8 billion, the largest portion of which will...

  • Mobile
    Why Gold iPhones And Cheap iPhones Make Perfect Sense

    What is white and glass and gold all over? Depending on who you believe, that would be the new iPhone. In addition to a gold variant, likely to be known as the iPhone 5S, Apple is also rumored to be coming out with some cheaper, plastic iPhones called the iPhone...

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    Back To School: Tech For High School

    This is a post in Back To School, an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers technology trends in education for parents and educators.Never before have teens been so tech-driven, and educators desperate to connect with them have noticed. What's more, they're responding. Creative learning formats and tablet-based curricula have been picking up...

  • Mobile
    Apple Needs A New Roadmap, Again

    Yesterday, news filtered out that Apple's board of directors is starting to get worried about Apple's precipitous slide. If Fox Business' sources can be believed, the board has expressed concern about the company's "pace of innovation." You don't say? As founder of MacWEEK all I can add is, "it's déjà...

  • Mobile
    White House Takes Small Step To Patent Reform By Vetoing iPhone Ban

    The White House has decided that it wants to have a say in the in the ongoing patent wars that have waged between smartphone manufacturers over the past several years. This weekend, the Obama administration vetoed a ruling from the International Trade Commission that called for an import ban on older...

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