Results for "samsung products"

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  • Web
    Qualcomm Makes Its Bid To Connect Our Future

    Connecting your home, car, body and city to the Internet looks set to go from sci-fi fantasy to inevitability. And when that future finally becomes our de facto way of life, Qualcomm wants to make sure that its parts are running that multitude of devices and appliances.Which explains the chipmaker's...

  • Entertainment
    The Apple TV’s Supposed New Touchpad Is A Terrible Idea

    Apple’s rumored touchpad in its upcoming Apple TV remote control sounds like a horrendous idea. And yet, citing an anonymous source, the New York Times contends that the touch-friendly hardware will join the new streaming set-top box this summer. The Times noted that the original version’s minimalistic design exemplified the company’s approach to...

  • Mobile
    Up Close With PopSlate, The “Second Screen” For Your iPhone 6

    The wide open space on the back of a smartphone may be the most overlooked area in mobile technology today. But that’s starting to change, as accessory makers catch on to the primo real estate back there.Now, PopSlate has joined the fray. Tuesday, the startup gave iPhone 6 users a...

  • Entertainment
    Once A Virtual-Reality Joke, Google Cardboard Is Unfolding Into Something Real

    Maybe big things really can come in small, ridiculous cardboard face-boxes. Google just made several announcements Thursday that aim to advance its popular Cardboard virtual reality viewer for manufacturers, app developers and end users. Cardboard, the curious corrugated VR "unit" Google launched at its I/O developer conference last year, seemed like...

  • Cloud
    Amazon’s Echo Update Gives Alexa The Keys To Your House

    On Wednesday, an update to the Amazon Echo, a smart voice-activated speaker, quietly cinched the device’s role as a player in the connected home. Owners of the Echo—which is still only available for purchase by invitation—received an email updating them of a new feature: In addition to streaming music from the...

  • Web
    How Your Need For Detergent And Coffee Will Fuel Amazon’s Smart Home

    Amazon has a bold new gadget, and it’s a button. It’s literally a stick-on, Internet-connected button that, when pressed, sends a “Bat-Signal" to Amazon to order more dog food, coffee, detergent or other common household goods. The new Dash Button looks like an April Fool’s Day joke, but it actually reveals...

  • Entertainment
    4 Ways Apple’s New TV Service Could Beat Back The Competition

    The world has waited four years to learn what Steve Jobs meant when he told biographer Walter Isaacson that he'd “cracked” the television conundrum. Anticipation ran high for an Apple-branded integrated TV set. Now it looks like the company has other plans in mind—namely, a revamp of its existing TV...

  • Entertainment
    Apple TV Will Reportedly Get Siri And Apps—But There’s More In Store

    Apple wants to jazz up the Apple TV experience, say BuzzFeed sources, but not with an incremental product update. According to the report, when the new version of the TV streaming set-top hits the market this summer, it will finally deliver access to the App Store and long-expected Siri voice...

  • Wear
    What Android Smartwatches Really Need To Compete

    In the wake of Monday’s big Apple Watch event, The Verge reports that Google will update its Android Wear operating system with support for Wi-Fi and gestures, as well as quicker, easier access to built-in apps and contacts. Google neither confirmed nor denied the report, though it did tell TechCrunch that its...

  • Wear
    Smartwatch Innovation Runs Riot: Meet The Freaky Fridayish Neptune Duo

    The smartwatch era is still in its infancy, but some companies are already pushing the limits of innovation into downright weirdness. Exhibit A could be the just-announced Neptune Duo—a smartwatch that thinks it's a phone, paired with a smartphone that seems to think it's a brick.The Duo's main attraction is...

  • Wear
    LG’s Latest Watch Ditches Android Wear … And The Smartphone

    The Urbane LTE includes a SIM slot and NFC.Just days after unveiling the stylish-looking Urbane smartwatch, LG has announced a second model. The Urbane LTE runs software based on WebOS, rather than Android Wear, and doesn't require a phone connection at all—it takes its own SIM and can make and...

  • Mobile
    The New Moto E: Is It Us, Or Are Budget Smartphones Getting Good?

    Motorola just launched a new version of its Moto E mid-tier smartphone on Wednesday, and its predecessor would be proud.The latest model is almost a dead ringer for the original, except that the previous swappable backplates have transformed into color bands lining the outside of the phone. It also boasts...

  • Wear
    Meet The New Pebble Time—Though Getting One Will Take … Time

    Don’t call Pebble’s new smartwatch platform a reboot. That implies scrapping the old and ushering in the new. Consider the new software and its new companion product, dubbed Pebble Time, a progression of the Pebbles that came before.The old models aren't going anywhere. They're just going to be joined by...

  • Web
    You Might Never Buy An Apple Car—And That’s OK

    Rumors of Apple’s project to build an electric car to rival Tesla Motors—allegedly codenamed “Titan”—have been swirling for weeks. On Friday, 9to5Mac compiled a list of employees who are supposedly on the Apple Car team. Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that Apple has plans to produce its cars by the year 2020. See also:...

  • News
    Spreadtrum Officially Announces Support for the Tizen OS

      The Samsung Z1 was the first Tizen phone to be released with Spreadtrum's SC7727S WCDMA chipsets running with the Tizen 2.3 Operating System. Today Spreadtrum Communications, a fabless semiconductor company based in China, have announced the successfully completion of the integration of the Tizen operating system (OS) with their...

  • Mobile
    What Pebble Needs To Get Right With Its New Smartwatch Platform

    Pebble has been the smartwatch to beat. The startup has managed to remain a top contender in a high-growth market, beating back competition from some of the world’s biggest tech companies. But it’s not resting on its laurels. It can’t, not with the Apple Watch looming.Instead of sitting back and...

  • Mobile
    5 Things You Need To Know About Xiaomi

    Four years ago, consumer electronics company Xiaomi didn’t even have a smartphone product. Now the former startup is worth $45 billion and has become one of the three top phone makers in the world.If you keep up with the job-hopping antics of tech execs, then you might have come across...

  • Web
    The Most Innovative Big Companies Of 2014

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year. It's hard for big companies to innovate. With thousands of employees, miles of red tape, and investors to answer to, swift moves in the face of ever-shifting markets don't come naturally to them. But...

  • Web
    Amazon Reveals Our Bonkers Holiday Buying Habits

    The gift-giving season was very good to Amazon, judging by the e-commerce giant's holiday tallies. It boasted some eye-opening wins, and a revealing look at what and how we shopped during the holidays. While the company can't resist bragging about how its own devices ruled some categories, the real spotlight was on how...

  • Entertainment
    4K Ultra HD TV: What You Can Watch Right Now

    Television's latest upgrade, 4K Ultra High Definition, is both awesome and increasingly affordable. (See my earlier piece for details.) I just bought one on sale. Now I’m scrounging around to find something to watch.See also: 4K Ultra HD TV: How It Works And What You'll Need To Watch ItI’ve learned...

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