Results for "samsung products"

We found 917 results for your search.
  • Developer
    Video: Tizen Developer Conference 2015 Shenzhen – Keynote

      The Tizen Developer Conference took place this year in Shenzhen, China. Hyogun Lee, Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics and Co-chair of Tizen Technical Steering Group presented the first keynote of the event. Asian developers learnt first hand what tizen was and the upcoming opportunities that it brought them....

  • Build
    Building Your Own Cloud Is “Table Stakes,” Says Former AWS Engineer

    What the heck is Jesse Robbins doing starting a next-generation walkie-talkie company?Robbins, the founder and CEO of Orion Labs, a company that builds a wearable communication accessory for instant voice conversations, is better known as the founder of Chef, an IT automation startup beloved by DevOps engineers everywhere. Before that, he...

  • Build
    How One Startup Aims To Solve The Wired VR Issue

    A growing number of hardware makers are searching for the best way of bringing virtual reality (VR) to the masses: Current contraptions cover every price point and style from Google Cardboard to the Oculus Rift (consumer version due 2016). The AuraVisor, currently raising funds on Kickstarter, sits somewhere between the...

  • Code
    Perch Can Use Existing Devices To Make Any Home Smart

    Fresh out of the Samsung Accelerator startup program is Perch, an innovative app and back-end system for monitoring homes through existing hardware. It launches in open beta today as an Android app, but more integrations and iOS support are promised soon.See also: Smart Homes: How To Keep From Missing The...

  • Build
    Nest Weave Arrives To Connect The Smart Home (Dumb Appliances, Too!)

    Google teased its smart home initiatives Weave and Brillo earlier this year at I/O, and now the tech giant's Nest division is pushing its own smart home standard out into the real world. Nest Weave, announced Thursday, is a protocol for Internet of Things gadgets that lets them communicate with Nest...

  • Developer
    [Video] Tizen Developer Summit 2015: Keynote, Panel Talk and Technical Sessions

      The Tizen Developer Summit 2015 Bengaluru was a fantastic place for Indian developers to learn more about Tizen and begin forming their own Tizen developer community. The event was at full capacity but obviously there were many that could not attend, so below are the keynotes, panel discussions and...

  • Build
    How Disney, Jaunt And Others Could Usher In The Age Of VR

    Jaunt, one of the companies at the vanguard of the coming virtual reality invasion, aims to pull away from the pack. It just might succeed, now that it's infused with a new round of investments totalling $65 million. The company says the fresh influx of money is going to enable it to "significantly...

  • News
    Dutch Retailer Reveals the Gear S2 release date for Europe

      Samsung have already announced the Gear S2 smartwatch, the next gear device with an anticipated release date of October, but we didn't know when exactly what date that was. Now it looks like that darte could be October 25, according to the website of a Dutch retailer.    ...

  • Build
    5 Trending Markets That Are Capitalizing On Virtual Reality

    Guest author Konstantin Andreev is the CEO and Founder of Verdom IT Projects and 360-degree mobile app reality is still in the early stages, and it still has several waves yet to go before entering the mainstream. But, with established companies dabbling in VR campaigns, it’s already proving to...

  • Build
    The Wearables Market Is Exploding, And Apple Is Stealing The Show

    A new report published by IDC paints an intriguing picture of the wearables market as it looks in the middle of 2015. The market grew 223% over the course of the previous year, and Apple—new to the sector and with only one wearable to its name—was bested only by Fitbit, in...

  • Developer
    [Developer] Tizen Developer Summit helps strengthen the Tizen ecosystem

      Tizen Developer Summit 2015 India India hosted the first ever Tizen Developer Summit on July 30-31 in Bengaluru. This event marks clearly the importance of the Indian market for Smartphones and the need for new Tizen application developers. According to a recent report by the Indian Council for Research...

  • Build
    What Augmented Reality Is—And Isn’t

    Guest author Kyle Samani is the cofounder and CEO of Pristine, a maker of video-based field-service solutions.Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are becoming hot buzzwords in the tech ecosystem. Giant companies are placing bets and investors are pouring capital into the space.Facebook bought Oculus for a cool $2...

  • Developer
    Tizen 2.3.1 and Tizen 2.4 Beta SDK Mobile Preview announced at Tizen Developer Summit 2015 Bengaluru India

      At the Tizen Developer Summit 2015 (TDS) event in Bengaluru, India July 30-31, Samsung has announced new Tizen SDKs for their Smartphones, Smartwatches, and Smart TVs. The Summit is focused in helping to grow the Tizen ecosystem by educating developers to the Tizen Operating System. Samsung are still offering...

  • Build
    A Nokia VR Headset Could Bring Pros And Cons For Developers

    According to a Recode report, Nokia may be entering the virtual reality fray with a headset of its own. Its sources peg a product unveiling for the Finnish company next week at an exclusive event in Los Angeles. See also: Virtual-Reality Films Could Put The Whole Industry In The SpotlightFrom a...

  • Developer
    Schedule for Tizen Developer Summit India Bengaluru 2015 Released

      Tizen Developer Summit The Schedule for the upcoming Tizen Developer Summit India 2015 in Bengaluru, India 30-31 July. This is a technical two day event aimed at application and platform developers that want to learn more about the Tizen Operating System (OS). There will be technical content for App...

  • Entertainment
    Microsoft Missed Mobile, So Now It Wants To Own VR

    Microsoft hit gamers with a blizzard of announcements Monday at E3, the industry's big annual conference. You'll likely hear buzz about new, exclusive Halo, Forza, and Tomb Raider games. But one announcement blew Microsoft’s fans away: On stage, the company showed off a new demo of what it’ll be like to...

  • News
    Tizen Ecosystem Ready for Expansion, Russia, China, Malaysia and Sri Lanka Next

      According to industry sources Samsung Electronics is looking to further expand the Tizen ecosystem. The Samsung Z1 was released in India on 14 January and has sold over 500,000 units. Soon after the Z1 was released in Bangladesh and made up 23.4 percent of the smartphone market. Samsung is...

  • Wear
    Blocks, A Modular Smartwatch, Is Building Excitement

    Blocks Wearables, a UK-based startup that’s been working on a modular smartwatch since early 2014, announced its plan Tuesday to release its first product through a crowdfunding campaign set to launch this summer. The company earned a finalist spot in Intel’s Make it Wearable contest in late 2014, and the...

  • Hack
    The Wireless Power Merger Is Official

    Two of the three major wireless-charging standard groups—the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) and the Power Matters Alliance (PMA)—finally announced Monday that their plans to merge are official. After over a year of discussion, PMA and A4WP are officially becoming one, leaving the Wireless Power Consortium and its Qi wireless...

  • Mobile
    Google Is Readying Its Own OS For Running The Internet Of Things

    With Google's I/O developer conference around the corner, you can expect the rumors to start coming thick and fast, and The Information has the scoop that the Mountain View company is working on a new OS for the Internet of Things.It's codenamed "Brillo" for now, though it emerge under the...

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