Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Web
    Yahoo! Go 3.0 Announced at CES – is Yahoo! Back in ’08?

    Yahoo! co-founder and CEO Jerry Yang was on stage today at CES and he showed a fascinating glimpse into the future of Yahoo. Yang outlined a product strategy that takes the simplicity and all-in-one portal approach that Yahoo! is famous for - and pushes it into the digital life arena...

  • Web
    Songbird To Build Out Music Power-Browser

    Songbird is a desktop music player I've been using lately instead of iTunes and I've really been enjoying it. Based at core on Mozilla technology, this week the company kicked off a 6 week campaign to build the 40 most-requested Firefox extensions for Songbird. This big burst of functionality could...

  • Web
    Web Crystal Ball: Obama and Paul Will Win Tonight

    The use of social networking and web-based organizing tools in politics has been a major story over the past year (in fact, we named it as our 6th most important story of 2007). Tonight, when a number of Iowans gather to decide who they think should represent the two major...

  • Web
    Questions to Consider in the Coming Privacy Wars

    It seems obvious that privacy is going to be a major point of contention in the near-term future. It's only going to get hotter as major online services compile huge amounts of data about us, as Open Data advocates push for that data to be freed up for reuse and...

  • Web
    The War Against Live Blogging

    Last June, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) ejected a credentialed reporter from a baseball game because he was live blogging the event for his paper's web site. The reporter was stripped of his press credential and barred from the press box. His lawyer called out the NCAA for its...

  • Web
    Is the End Near for Apple’s Digital Music Dominance?

    A lot of things happened in 2007 that seemed to threaten Apple's stranglehold on the digital music market. Microsoft launched its new Zune MP3 players, which received mostly glowing reviews, and they kept their installed user base happy with major firmware updates for old players. Meanwhile, Amazon launched a major...

  • Entertainment
    TuneExplorer: Like Pandora for Your Personal Music Collection

    Music recommendation and discovery engines are hot stuff but what if you could use some of the same juju to better organize the music you already have in your collection? The newly launched Veenix TuneExplorer for Mac does just that. By looking at qualities the company says include "pitch values,...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps & Sites of 2007

    It's the end of the year and so time for 'best of' and prediction posts, which are a lot of fun. Today I've been re-organizing my Firefox bookmarks, which made me reflect on which web apps and sites I've used the most this year. I encourage you all to add...

  • Web
    New RWW Design: Update

    Last Monday we rolled out a new design on ReadWriteWeb and we received a lot of feedback on it, both positive and negative. Thank you to everybody who commented on the new design, particularly those of you who left detailedcritiques. I'll address some of the feedback below, as well as...

  • Mobile
    MIT Researcher Collecting Passive Social Graph Data From Cellphone Activity, Bluetooth

    Sandy Pentland, a researcher at MIT whose work has received funding from Nokia, is working on processing more than 350,000 hours of data collected from peoples' cell phones. More than just who calls who, Pentland is also studying proximity, location and activity data using information like interactions recorded between Bluetooth...

  • Web
    Best Web LittleCo of 2007: Twitter

    Earlier this week we announced our Best BigCo of 2007, Facebook. In this post we're announcing our pick for Best LittleCo. We're also asking for your nominations for Most Promising Web Company for 2008.These picks are something we do every year, this being the 4th year. Last year's Best LittleCo...

  • Web
    Report: Spam Accounts for 90-95% of All Email

    In 2001, spam accounted for an estimated 5% of our email. In 2007, it clogs our inboxes to the tune of 90-95% of all email sent, according to a new report released today by Barracuda Networks. Barracuda, a leading vendor of spam filtering technology, based their analysis on the over...

  • Web
    The Economist’s Oxford 2.0 Debates

    I love The Economist magazine. 164 years old, intelligent reporting, objective to the point where the writers aren't even allowed to display their names (poor bastards). This is serious journalism. It's almost the opposite of what blogging and social media in general is about, because there are no personalities and...

  • Web
    Best Web BigCo of 2007: Facebook

    Every year in December Read/WriteWeb does a Best Web Companies round-up. This is the 4th time and, like last year, we're splitting it over two posts. In this post we'll announce the Best Web BigCo of 2007 and later in the week we'll announce Best Web LittleCo and Most Promising...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 3-7 December 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web News This week the Facebook Beacon saga came to an end,...

  • Web
    How Not to Pitch a Blogger, #648

    Email just received from a PR agency:"Dear Richard,Below, please find a press release from Hyster Company presenting the Hyster® Fortis® line of lift trucks. The Hyster Fortis product line represents a transformation in the way lift trucks are designed, built and acquired. Incorporating proven design processes and systems, each Fortis...

  • Web
    Web Office: 2007 Year in Review

    Over the next few weeks we'll be reviewing a number of Web product categories on Read/WriteWeb, summarizing what's happened in 2007 - and what to look forward to in 2008. We're starting with the Web Office, a market that underwent a lot of changes this year. Our definition of Web...

  • Web
    Facebook on Beacon: We Don’t Collect Info Unless You Opt-In

    Last week we wondered if maybe MoveOn was a bit premature in declaring victory when Facebook changed their Beacon advertising system to be explicitly opt-in. Was Facebook still gathering information on your purchasing behavior, even if you had opted out of the program? Computer Associates blogger Stefan Berteau, who reported...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 26-30 November 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsThis week continued the recent theme of Google and Facebook dominating...

  • Social
    Social Networks Study Released – MySpace & Facebook Are Different After All!

    faberNovel Consulting has released a research paper on social networks. The paper is an excellent theoretical overview of social networks and the trends in this important market. I particularly liked the following two slides, showing the types of social networks and how they're positioned. Interesting that in terms of identity,...

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