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    Weekly Wrapup, 9-13 July 2007

    Sponsored by:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Top Web News After all the iphone buzz of the last couple of weeks, it was a relatively quiet week...

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    5 News Aggregation Methods Compared

    News is delivered in many different ways via the Internet. With so many blogs and news sites, it is sometimes hard to keep up and know if you're really getting all the day's top headlines. That's where content aggregation comes into play. Aggregators are sites specifically designed to bring multiple...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 2-6 July 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Featured Posts To mark the halfway point of 2007, I wrote up a 2007 Half-Year Web Technology Report. This review showed...

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    2007 Half-Year Web Technology Report: A’s for Google and Facebook

    As it's halfway through 2007, let's take a look back on the highlights of the first half of the year. How is 2007 shaping up in terms of web technology trends and activity? Which companies have shined from January - June 2007?Well so far in 2007, there are two Web...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 June 2007

    The Weekly Wrapups have been a feature of Read/WriteWeb since the beginning of January 2005 (when they were called Web 2.0 Weekly Wrapups). Nowadays the Wrapup is designed for those of you who can't keep up with a daily dose of RSS. Here then is a summary of the week's...

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    Spock – Vertical Search Done Right

    There has been quite a lot of buzz lately around a vertical search engine for people, called Spock. While still in private beta, the engine has already impressed users with its rich feature set and social aspects. Yet, there is something that has gone almost unnoticed - Spock is one...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 18-22 June 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Featured PostsThis week we took an in-depth look at the state of...

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    Wikia: Lightning Could Strike Twice For Wikipedia Founders

    I talked with Wikia CEO Gil Penchina yesterday about the most recent re-design of the Wikia site. I wanted to know their goals and what progress the company has made towards that vision. The site'’s rebuild takes advantage of recent technology advances, uses a more Web 2.0 style interface and...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 11-15 June 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Featured StoriesThis week was dominated, at least on the Read/WriteWeb Network, by...

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    Flash Poll: Are you using Facebook?

    Ever since Facebook announced its open platform at the end of May, I have been receiving a flurry of emails from friends and blog buddies wanting to connect on Facebook. It could be just the 'in thing' with early adopter blogger types, but maybe it's more than that. It could...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 4-8 June 2007

    The R/WW Weekly Wrapup is sponsored by:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Note: The Weekly Wrapup is looking...

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    Thanks Sponsors (plus a reminder of what Read/WriteWeb stands for)

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting Read/WriteWeb's mission to provide quality and original news and analysis about Web Technology. We make it a point to always write thoughtful posts - you may not agree with all of what we write, but you have to admit we are contributing something...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 28 May – 1 June 2007

    The R/WW Weekly Wrapup is sponsored by:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email (see the sidebar on our website).Top Web News It was a big news week...

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    What Google News and Techmeme Could Learn from Each Other

    Google News and Techmeme are two services that I use extensively every day. They are also two services whose technology is way over my head and are both eminently impressive. But Google News could, in my opinion, learn a lot from Techmeme, which has no rival when it comes to...

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    Facebook, The Mighty Pipe, Could Crush Yahoo

    Today Facebook is going to formally announce its plans to become an open platform. We know that the platform will allow companies to offer their products and services to Facebook users, but the details haven't yet been 'exposed'. So all of us bloggers are waiting for the news to be...

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    New Version of BlueOrganizer Launched – Semantic Web In Action?

    Today AdaptiveBlue released a new version of its BlueOrganizer product, a Firefox extension that aims to provide extra contextual information to you while browsing the Web. Basically after you install BlueOrganizer in your Firefox, it enables you to discover all kinds of relevant content while you're browsing - such as...

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    Flickr: Strong On Content & Community, But Commerce Needs Work

    Editor's note: Sramana Mitra is currently running a series on her blog reviewing the photo sharing industry. In this Read/WriteWeb post, she looks at Flickr's offering using her Web 3.0 framework. Before I get to my analysis, here is a quick overview of Flickr's history and its current position. Caterina...

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    Read/WriteWeb Blog Network Launches With

    I'm pleased to announce the first network blog to launch under the Read/WriteWeb banner - last100. We have more network blogs launching soon, all with the aim of leveraging Read/WriteWeb's reputation for quality news and analysis about Web technology.last100 will provide news, reviews and industry analysis on products and services...

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    Weekend Poll: Will Google Universal Search Kill Vertical Search Engines?

    As noted in the Weekly Wrapup, one of the 2 big news announcements this past week was Google rolling out "Universal Search", where they integrate search results from across their properties (news, video, etc) into the main search. (the other big news was Microsoft acquiring aQuantive). Read/WriteWeb has two analysis...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 May 2007

    The R/WW Weekly Wrapup is sponsored by:Another busy week of Web Tech. And you may've noticed a new daily voice on Read/WriteWeb - Josh Catone is now a lead writer here, so welcome aboard Josh! OK, here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that...

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