Results for "Analysis"

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    Trampoline: Harnessing Social Behavior in the Enterprise

    I wrote a piece back in January called IBM’s Entry Into Social Networking, where I discussed the potential for applying web 2.0 techniques in the enterprise. Subsequently, I have written extensively about Enterprise 3.0 and the Extended Enterprise trends. A company from England contacted me after reading the IBM piece....

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    Is Google a Semantic Search Engine?

    Written by Phill Midwinter, a search engineer from the UK. This is a great follow-up to our article last Friday, Hakia Takes On Google With Semantic Technologies.What is a Semantic Engine?Semantics are said to be ‚Äòthe next big thing‚Äô in search engine technology. We technology bloggers routinely drum up articles about...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 19-23 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb, with the results of our poll at the end.Top Web NewsMuch of the discussion in the blogosphere this week revolved around two pieces of big news. Firstly Google announced that it is beta testing a new CPA (Cost...

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    Hakia Takes On Google With Semantic Technologies

    This week I spoke to Hakia founder and CEO Dr. Riza C. Berkan and COO Melek Pulatkonak. Hakia is one of the more promising Alt Search Engines around, with a focus on natural language processing methods to try and deliver 'meaningful' search results. Alex Iskold profiled Hakia for R/WW at...

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    Big Internet Companies (Except Google) Brought Into Line – Thoughts on News Corp/NBC Online Video Deal

    The big news today is News Corporation and NBC Universal launching what they claim will be "the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled", with AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! as the site’s initial distribution partners. It will launch this summer (US). The benefits obviously work both ways - News...

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    Google’s CPA Move: Will Microsoft & Yahoo Have To Buy Their Way Into CPA Game?

    One of the big pieces of news this week was Google announcing their CPA (Cost-Per-Action) product, or as they're calling it - PPA (Pay-Per-Action). There are good analysis posts about the news from Techcrunch and Microsoft's Don Dodge. It's been expected for some time now that Google will move into...

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    Current Mashup and API Trends

    Web 2.0 has brought us a flock of APIs and the wonderful new concept of a Web mashup. Thanks to apps like Google Maps, and Flickr, we have started to think a lot about remixing the web. In the figure below is a classic example of a mashup -...

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    How to Build a Profitable Startup by Knowing Your Users Better

    How to build a $50M online company is a topic that Dan Mitchell at the NYT explored recently, taking his cue from Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed. A few weeks ago Jeremy wrote about the scale a business has to achieve to get to $50M in revenue. I have summarized the...

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    Weekly Wrapups Email Newsletter and RSS Feed

    Every Friday afternoon PST, Read/WriteWeb publishes a Weekly Wrapup of news, reviews and analysis from the past week. I know a lot of people are too busy with their jobs to keep up with Web tech news on a daily basis, so the Weekly Wrapup is the perfect opportunity for...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Analysis PostsGoogle InterviewThis week Read/WriteWeb finally got an interview with Google, something I've been wanting for a long time. Matt Cutts, head of Google's web spam operations, talked to me on the topic of next-generation search. Unfortunately I published...

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    Summize: Enhancing Search With Heatmaps

    We wrote about Abdur Chowdhury in our recent coverage of the Open Data 2007 Workshop. Until recently he was running AOL Search, but left to start a new venture. Abdur is an impressive thinker and articulate speaker, with a great track record in the industry. So we decided to take...

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    Rating the Memetrackers: Redux

    13 months ago Read/WriteWeb published a review post about the leading "meme trackers" - i.e. sites that cluster and filter the latest tech news. My conclusion at that time was that Techmeme came out on top, closely followed by Tailrank and My summary back then:"All in all, Memeorandum still...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsEarlier this week we reported that Yahoo's mobile social networking experiment Mixd had closed, after two months of testing. Actually it had shut down at the end of February, but it wasn't noticed by bloggers at the...

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    IBM’s Many Eyes App After One Month

    This is a guest post written by two of the researchers behind IBM's Many Eyes app, Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda B. Viégas. R/WW profiled Many Eyes, a "shared visualization and discovery" service, back in January. Many Eyes has been running for a month now, so in this post Martin and...

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    California Home to Quarter of Top 100 Alt Search Engines

    The Library House blog has done a geographic analysis of Charles Knight's Top 100 Alternative Search Engines list. After a bit of Web research, Library House was able to find out where 94 of the 100 search engines in our list are located. The result is that the US, and...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 26 February – 2 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsThe main Web tech news this week was Adobe's unveiling of Apollo, their next-generation web development platform which integrates the desktop with the Web. R/WW covered the news in this post, followed by Jay Fortner's analysis of...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 19-23 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsThe launch of Google Apps Premier Edition was the big news this week. In our view, this represented a significant (but not earth-shattering) step forward for Google - in its bid to create a web-based Office Suite....

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    Poll: Do You Actually Use OpenID?

    As David Lenehan reported today, Digg is the latest company to declare its support for OpenID - the decentralized single sign-on service. This follows on from recent announcements of support from Microsoft and AOL. And as Techcrunch noted, Yahoo, LiveJournal, and Wikipedia are some other organizations that had previously announced...

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    Why AOL Created 63 Million New OpenIDs

    Written by Jitendra Gupta of Karmaweb and edited by Richard MacManus Late last week AOL announced its support of the open identity system OpenID, for all 63 million of their AOL/AIM Ids (for those looking for a quick introduction to OpenID, click here). The details of the announcement, via the...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsIt was a relatively quiet week in Web news. There were various mobile announcements from the 3GSM conference in Spain and some product releases (e.g. MS Soapbox). Also Google acquired video game advertising company Adscape. Perhaps the...

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