Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    GoogleOS II: Starring Linus Torvalds

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus Did the above image shock you? No, this is not a real Google advert! But something similar may well turn into reality. In this sequel to our original GoogleOS blockbuster, we try to clarify our thoughts on what GoogleOS will look...

  • Web
    The Shrinking Long Tail – Top 10 Web Domains Increasing in Reach

    Last week I was following the De-Portalization of the Internet thread, started by Fred Wilson and then extended by Keith Teare. I was struck by one observation in particular by Fred:"I don't have the data to prove it, but my guess is if you looked at the percent of all...

  • Web
    Prediction Markets at

    A report from the yahoo.confab event on Prediction Markets, held Wed Dec 13 in Silicon Valley. Written by Nitin Karandikar from The Software Abstractions Blog and edited by Richard MacManus. All photos are by David Rout for Yodel Anecdotal.Can Prediction Markets make it easier to get at the knowledge that...

  • Web
    Search 2.0 – What’s Next?

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus You may feel relatively satisfied with the current search offerings of Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN. Search today is undoubtedly much better than what it was in the second half of the 1990's. But Internet search is still in its infancy...

  • Mobile
    Understanding Mobile 2.0

    Written by Rudy De Waele of and edited by Richard MacManus. This kicks off a mini-series of posts on the topic of Mobile 2.0, which we will explore on R/WW this week. On the eve of Le Web 3 in Paris - and one month after the Web 2.0...

  • Web
    Hakia – First Meaning-based Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. There has been a lot of talk lately about 2007 being the year when we will see companies roll out Semantic Web technologies. The wave started with John Markoff's article in NY Times and got picked up by Dan Farber of...

  • Web
    In B.E.D. with TechCrunch – literally…

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. A pure TechCrunch goodness has descended on New York on this rainy evening. Ignoring the rain, hundreds of web 2.0 fans, venture capitalists and sponsors rushed to the sought after New York venue called B.E.D.The venue is famous for serving out-of-this-world...

  • Web The King of SEO

    While at the Web 2.0 Summit last week I caught up with CEO Scott Meyer. is the long-standing network of how-to websites, purchased in March 2005 by the New York Times Company for $410 Million. Since that time has continued to flourish - it has 31 Million...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Summit Notes, Day 3

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Today has already had a flurry of announcements and news. Here's a brief wrap of them:Microsoft Live Labs Photosynth was introduced by Gary Flake at the conference. It's an impressive 3D and photo analysis tool. Currently you can't upload your own photos, so...

  • Web
    Tim Berners-Lee Announces Web Science Initiative – Studying the Social Web

    This morning I participated in a conference call by MIT and the University of Southampton in Britain, announcing an initiative called Web Science. Tim Berners-Lee is leading the program, which is essentially about formalizing a new kind of scientific discipline called Web Science. The goal is to understand the deeper...

  • Web
    Trumba: Interconnecting Online Events and Calendars

    Last week I spoke to Jeremy Jaech, CEO and president of Trumba, whose team is building an innovative online event calendaring system aimed at enterprises. Jeremy Jaech was also the founder of both Visio and PageMaker – two of the Internet’s early successful desktop publishing systems. It's basically the same...

  • Web
    Personalized News: A Market Overview

    Written by Guest Blogger Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.IntroductionPersonalized Content is one of the two most popular approaches in next generation news sites - the other is Power of Masses, which we will cover in a future post. The leading examples of these approaches are reddit for Personalized...

  • Web
    Tailrank 2.0 – How Does It Compare To Techmeme?

    Back in February I wrote a post entitled Rating the Meme Trackers. At the time I rated Memeorandum (now known as Techmeme) as the best, but I thought Topix and Tailrank were right up there too. Tailrank has just launched a new version, labeled - you guessed it - Tailrank...

  • Web
    The Social News Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.This post looks at the main players in the Social News space, to try and identify their characteristics and understand the dynamics of the market. The sites we analyze are digg, Netscape, Newsvine, and Reddit. While there are many other social news...

  • Web
    Google Buys YouTube – Big Bet On Future Of The Internet

    Well turns out the speculation, which was first reported on Techcrunch on Friday, was true. Google has acquired YouTube for $1.65 Billion in stock.Out of all the reports, the thing that most strikes me is how much Google believes video is the future of the Internet. As Paul Kedrosky put...

  • Web
    BuzzLogic: Interview with Co-Founder Mitch Ratcliffe

    BuzzLogic was one of the hits of the recent DEMOfall 06 event. As Alex Iskold noted in his original post about the company, its software helps marketers track social influence among blogs and other web sites. We were as intrigued by BuzzLogic as everyone else, so Alex Iskold followed up...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Social Networking Special

    For those busy souls who don't have time to read blogs on a regular basis, here are the highlights from Read/WriteWeb this week. It turned out to be a Social Networking special, with a lot of our posts devoted to the future of social networks.Google SNS integrationThe founders of Dodgeball...

  • Social
    Multiply: A Different Approach To Social Networking

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. In our Social betworking faceoff post we did not cover, but afterwards we were contacted by the Multiply team and asked to take a look at their technology. We found it unique and interesting, so we are bringing you this...

  • Web
    Thank you R/WW Sponsors

    Thanks once again to Read/WriteWeb's excellent sponsors, who I'm very grateful to for supporting the aims and ideals of this blog. The goal of R/WW is to provide quality analysis about web technology - and we think this focus on quality reflects very well on our sponsors. It also (may...

  • Web
    The Future of the Internet (sounds like my favorite sci fi books and movies)

    Pew has released its analysis of how the Internet will evolve over the next 14 or so years (2020). I'm inclined to agree with Om Malik that the conclusions about the technology are rather obvious: "a global, low-cost network will be thriving in 2020", which will bring about a "'flattening'...

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