Results for "Analysis"

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    Ray Ozzie on the Web Office

    As part of my analysis of the Microsoft "Internet Services" memos, in ZDNet I dug into the details of what Ray Ozzie wrote about Office Live:"Ray Ozzie's memo indicates that Microsoft is still internally questioning the approach for Office Live. Should they web-enable traditional desktop personal productivity tools like Powerpoint?...

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    Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0

    Summary: My Day 1 impressions of Windows/Office Live are positive and I think Microsoft is taking up the challenge of an increasingly Web-based software world, while at the same time sticking to their desktop software knitting. I'm particularly intrigued by the Xbox 360 relationship and I think we'll see a...

  • Web
    Microsoft Announces The Live Era

    Microsoft just announced its new Web-based Windows and 'software as a service' strategies. After first announcing the Xbox 360 will be released on Nov 22 in North America, Gates talked about their new "Live" brand (thanks Mike from TechCrunch for the news - he has pictures too). The "Live" era...

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    Andreessen confirms Ning business model

    Marc Andreessen popped into Alex Barnett's comments to confirm the business goals of Ning. In response to Alex's well-written analysis of what Ning is trying to accomplish, Marc commented:"Alex -- your description of what we are trying to do is very well said. It's an experiment, but those are the...

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    Web 2.0 Conference Post Round-up

    The conference is over now and so here's a summary of my blog output from it. I was pumping out the real-time notes over the last 3 days! I didn't have much time for analysis - my brain was full to the brim just absorbing everything. I intend to dive...

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    Web 2.0 Conference: Ad Models: A New Approach to Marketing?

    Real-time blogging going on here... Jeff Jarvis, President & Creative Director, Dick Costolo, CEO, Feedburner Matt Cutts, Software Engineer, Google Chas Edwards, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, Federated Media Publishing Brian McAndrews, President and CEO, aQuantive Mark Pincus, Founder, Time: 11:15am - 12:30pmpowerpoint about Distributed advertising Intro by...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Sep – 2 Oct 2005

    This week: Defining Web 2.0, Web-based office, Yahoo media/tv, Google Wifi, Techie Post of the Week: Tim O'Reilly's What is Web 2.0. sponsored by:Defining Web 2.0A lot of online trees were felled this week to write about what Web 2.0 means. Tim O'Reilly's definition is a very comprehensive one and is...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 19-25 Sep 2005

    This week: Microsoft vs Google, Web 2.0 coverage galore, Web 2.0 Conference, The Real World: yoga blogging, Techie post of the week: Mini-Microsoft. Microsoft vs Google Over the last week the number of stories about Microsoft vs Google has reached a crescendo. The best one was a story by CNET...

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    MSN vs WebMachine

    CNET takes an interesting look at Microsoft's history in the Web era and suggests that MSN may now be a key part of Microsoft's Web 2.0 strategy. They write that MSN is already being used as a platform for Windows software releases:"The search service in Windows Vista, for example, shipped...

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    6-Figure Blogging

    Darren Rowse (who earns nearly US$200k a year from blogging) has published an interview with fellow "six figure blogger" The Manolo. Here's how The Manolo, who blogs about shoes, makes his/her money:"In the order of importance, the affiliate sales of the shoes and the fashion, the contextual ads like the...

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    RSS Aggregators, commoditization and value-add

    Over on my ZDNet blog I've written a couple of posts that extend my analysis of The RSS Space. In the first post I explained the RSS Space categorization some more. I then noted that 4 of the 5 categories are at the mercy of The Big 3 of the...

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    Grokking BBC Online and Web 2.0 media business models

    James MacAonghus from Aqute is writing a series of posts analysing BBC Online, which I highly recommend you check out. In Part 1 James wrote that BBC's online reach has been steadily growing. In Part 2 he drills down into the details. Although BBC has more than one online strategy,...

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    Book deal and new ZDNet blog

    A couple of weeks ago I began my new life as a full-time freelance Web Analyst and Writer. One of the things I'll be doing is co-writing a book for O'Reilly Media on the topic of Web 2.0. I started writing it this week.I've also just started a ZDNet blog,...

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    The RSS Space defined

    I recently finished a report on 'The RSS Space' for a client. In it I mapped out the current RSS vendor landscape, building on a blog post that Brad Feld wrote well over a year ago.I've decided to publish the vendor map onto a JotSpot Wiki as a kind of...

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    A New Beginning

    Today is my first day as a full-time freelancer, doing Web analysis and writing. It's also my birthday, so double reason to celebrate :-) I finished up at my day job yesterday, so as of today I'm working 100% virtually - with people and companies from Silicon Valley, Britain, perhaps even...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 15-21 August 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st (a 30% saving off the normal $99.95 price). To use the coupon, enter it at the time of purchase. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: New apps on the...

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    Blog Networks are the new black

    This from Sir Robert Scoble:"Watch for more business deals and from places you wouldn't expect them. I'm hearing from several of my friends, for instance, that AOL is looking for media properties blogging networks."Interesting... I wonder if AOL read my Network of Niches post - I know some MSN folks...

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    Exciting Times

    I've resigned from my day job, so in 4 weeks time I will be fully self-employed. I'll be doing freelance analysis and writing work, plus an exciting project which I will advise you of soon. I've been extremely busy lately, hence the relative lack of blogging. But soon I'll be...

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    Points of Presence

    - Google does RSS... sort of (you can now add RSS feeds to your Personalized page by clicking 'Create a Section'. It's made with cool Ajax, but this is no RSS Aggregator folks... come on Google, you can do much better!)- Attention Trust is a project led by Steve Gillmor...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 11-17 July 2005

    sponsored by:This week: The future of RSS, Amazon turns 10, Yahoo HotJobs, big bucks for blogging, techie post of the week - RSS systems.New Sponsor & Special Offer For R/WW ReadersI'm pleased to announce Onfolio as the new sponsor of the Weekly Wrap-Up! To celebrate, Onfolio has a special offer...

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