Results for "Analysis"

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    New Influencers, Company Advisory Boards and R/WW

    James Governor of analyst firm Redmonk has posted a thoughtful piece on how blogging is changing the analyst and PR landscapes. When he wrote this part, he may as well have been talking about myself and Read/WriteWeb:"Bloggers and emerging non-traditional analyst firms are increasingly influencing technology and product strategies. In...

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    Media Futures: on rebundling and intermediaries

    John Hagel has a thought-provoking post about microchunking and media businesses. It follows on from Umair Haque's post, in which Umair said that "unbundling" media (e.g. Disney releasing tv shows for free online) is only half the equation. The other half - the real value - is in "rebundling". By...

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    Microcontent Design – Responses

    My introductory post last week about Microcontent Design got such a good response that I need to pause and consider all the feedback, before I move onto Part 2. Basically what I call 'microcontent design' involves:...microchunking your content, taking advantage of open standards, employing microformats, letting users subscribe to all...

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    Rojo Adds Relevance – aims to be a ‘personalized digg’

    Rojo, the web-based RSS Aggregator I've used ever since I gave up hope of Bloglines ever stepping up its functionality, has just come out with some more enhancements. About a month ago, they re-designed their site and now they've done another overhaul and added 3 new features - one of...

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    On dodgy web and blog stats

    I've long been suspicious of some of the stats that certain companies and bloggers push. We all know by now that industry stats tool must be taken with a grain of salt, but until today I hadn't realised the extent of how a site's own measured traffic can be...

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    Store 100% – Google’s Golden Copy

    The Google Analyst Day presentation makes for interesting reading. Thanks to Greg Linden for providing the early analysis and text from the now withdrawn powerpoint presentation (only available now as a 10MB PDF - sans the ppt notes unfortunately). Greg provided the notes to slide 19, which are fascinating for...

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    Ajax homepages market review

    On ZDNet I've just posted a lengthy analysis of the main Ajax homepages (aka personalized start pages):Over the past year many new AJAX homepages, aka personalized start pages, have been introduced to the market. Microsoft and Google have offerings, as do a host of small startups. First I'll define what...

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    AJAX homepages – Portals 2.0?

    I've been tracking the development of all the personalized start pages that have flowered up over the past year., Google Personalized Homepage, Netvibes, PageFlakes, et al. These are services that don't just offer a place to store all your content and links - but house your widgets, gadgets and...

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    Microsoft Search Champs: Non-NDA Stuff

    Today I was at the Redmond office of Microsoft and it was an interesting day of discussions about... well I'm not allowed to say due to NDA. But most of the last hour of presentations was bloggable. TechCrunch has a good summary post, to which I'll add a few more...

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    Read/Write Filter

    Aggregating and filtering the latest Web Tech and Media news, so you don't have to! (p.s. it'd be great to get some feedback on this new daily feature of mine - is the R/W Filter of any value to folks? How can I improve it? Thanks!) - Chinese internet police...

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    Google OS = Moby Dick

    I used to think the Semantic Web was the Moby Dick of the Web. But now I think the Google OS and Office is. In the famous novel, Moby Dick is a mythical great white whale. It's an embodiment of evil and power to Captain Ahab, whose goal is to...

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    Structured blogging is here

    Phil Pearson, Marc Canter and others have been burning the midnight candle getting Structured Blogging up and running. It's live now and Phil has a round-up of all the action. Structured blogging basically means publishing different kinds of information - like events, reviews and classified ads - in a 'structured'...

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    Page Views per user: RSS blows HTML away

    Summary: For my blog, RSS is a much more important content format than HTML these days. In one of my posts, five and a half times more important!Darren Rowse writes that Page Views per user for blogs is on average relatively low - less than 2 pages per visit. After...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Nov – 2 Dec 2005

    Note: The Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up is back with a new publishing day (Fri) and a new format, a countdown of the Top Ten Web 2.0 issues or news stories of the past week. Also I'm on the lookout for a new sponsor for the Weekly Wrap-Up. It's had 3...

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    Calacanis to Malik: How do you like them apples?

    In an article entitled The Return of Monetized Eyeballs, Om Malik values BoingBoing at $34 million - calculated at $38 per unique monthly website visitor (the average purchase price per unique user of acquisitions during the past year). John Battelle, who manages BoingBoing, thinks that figure is off because it'd...

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    Start-ups and International Talent

    Dan Grossman has a thought-provoking post entitled Silicon Valley's Hiring War - And The Impact to Startups. He suggests that Start-ups will start looking outside the Valley for talent:"...I think the talent wars will be good for cities outside of the Valley, as companies look elsewhere to find smart people....

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    Web 2.0 Workgroup Update

    Mike mentioned today that the Web 2.0 Workgroup that Mike, Fred Oliveira and I formed about a month and a half ago has grown to twenty blogs. We've also added a Swiki search engine (a group search with tag clouds) and categorized the blogs:As Mike said, our goal is to...

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    Midblog Crisis

    Forgive me, it's time for an introspective blog post. Lately I feel I've been in a bit of a blog slump with Read/WriteWeb. My numbers are still good, but I'm not happy with the quality of my recent posts here. I set very high standards for myself and I get...

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    Yahoo Shoposphere launches – MeCommerce

    TechCrunch has the scoop about Yahoo's new e-commerce web app, Yahoo! Shoposphere. Mike's taken it for a test run already and here's his description:"Yahoo is making a major push into search personalization and recommendations - the overall project is called "Shoposphere" and the major feature being released is called "Pick...

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    Ben Crunches the Web 2.0 Numbers

    The Hard Man of 2.0, Ben Barren, takes out his nutcracker and starts crunching the numbers of Internet companies. Wielding financial methodologies, Ben intends to get some REAL analysis happening in the hot-air-o-sphere. Things like profit, revenue and unique user multiples relative to market cap. Not for the faint-hearted then.Ben's...

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