Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Social
    How Social Sites Reveal What Your Audience Likes

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus Understanding your audience is the key to success in any business - including blogging. Lately the Read/WriteWeb authors have been discussing what it is that keeps readers coming back here. Our recent poll indicated that most of you come back to...

  • Web
    Windows Live Confusion – One Year On

    Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet has done an excellent analysis of Microsoft's Windows Live brand. Her conclusions are quite damning of Microsoft's marketing department:"Problem No. 1: Live isn't a consistently applied term: Sometimes it refers to services (like Windows Live Messenger), sometimes to desktop applications (a k a Windows Live...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsAll of the big Web companies were in the news this week, but probably the one that made the most impact (as usual) was Apple. Steve Jobs is the master of getting attention, and his call for...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup

    It's a bit late, sorry, but here is a summary of last week's action on Read/WriteWeb....Faking itOur poll last week was an eye-opener. We asked: in your current Web activities where an identity is required (i.e. you can't be anonymous) do you ever fake all or part of your identity?...

  • Web
    Google Ramps Up Personalization, Prepares Online Presentations App

    Couple of bits of Google product news this weekend. Firstly, at last some tangible evidence of an online presentations app from Google, one of the missing pieces so far in the much-anticipated Google Office suite. The 'Google Operating System' blog dug into some file notes from Google that reveal the...

  • Web 1.5M users, Amazon Q4, Digg’s War on Gaming, WSJ on Start Pages, Web Profile Aggregators

    A summary of the main Web Tech news today...- now has 1.5 million users, according to the official blog; Also talks about doing "more meaningful joint development work" with its parent company Yahoo, including re-doing the UI.- Amazon Q4 Announcements; sales up 34% including "for the first time, non-Media...

  • Web
    How Google’s Gmail / Docs & Spreadsheets Integration Directly Targets Microsoft

    On Monday Google released a relatively minor, but useful, feature. It's worth examining a bit more closely, because it's yet another signal that Google is quietly pecking away at Microsoft's lunch in office software. Now I know that Microsoft Office has a lot of advanced functionality that the online office...

  • Web
    How Will Microsoft Respond To Online Office Threat

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus With the consumer release today of Microsoft Office 2007, it's a good time to look at the online office space - and what, if anything, Microsoft will do to address this growing market.In 2007 we expect to see good progress in...

  • Web
    The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

    Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO, and edited by Richard MacManus. The Top 100 is listed at the end of the analysis.Ask anyone which search engine they use to find information on the Internet and they will almost certainly reply: "Google." Look a little further, and market research shows that...

  • Web
    The New Face of Amazon – Tags, Ajax, Plogs & Wikis

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus Lately Amazon has been introducing a raft of 'web 2.0' features to its e-commerce website. In this post we explore how Amazon has implemented tagging, Ajax, blogs and wikis - and ask whether it's made much difference to the user experience,...

  • Web
    RSS Company Syndicate IQ Shuts Down

    Another startup has bitten the dust, RSS company Syndicate IQ has "ceased operations" according to a notice on its homepage. Syndicate IQ was a company that provided feed management, statistics and adverts - similar to Feedburner. Syndicate IQ launched in December 2004 and its goal was to "manage, measure, and...

  • Web
    Friday Poll: What Type Of RSS Reader Do You Use?

    Hitwise has released data that suggests Bloglines is still the clear leader in the RSS Reader stakes, with 3 times more US visits than its nearest web-based competitor Rojo. I don't think a lot can be gleaned from this data though, as it misses out desktop-based RSS Readers, start pages...

  • Web
    Trendwatching – Wired Or Tired In The Blogosphere

    By Alex IskoldLast week Apple's iPhone made a stunning debut. There are very few people who were not blown away by what Steve Jobs showed to the world, from the stage of MacWorld 2007. The irony was that beforehand, we didn't know what exactly the iPhone would be, but most...

  • Web
    Analyzing Trends From Seth Godin’s Web 2.0 Index

    By Alex IskoldMarketing guru and blogger Seth Godin is also known for his Web 2.0 Traffic Watch List on Alexaholic. This list tracks the changes in Alexa traffic for about 1000 Web 2.0 companies. For example, MySpace and YouTube are numbers 1 and 2 respectively (although check our previous post,...

  • Mobile
    Boom! iPhone Rocks Tech World

    At the Steve Jobs keynote speech at Macworld this morning PST, he announced "three revolutionary new products". An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator. But turns out it's all one device: the fabled iPhone!We'll have extended analysis about this later today, but for now let's review the news. Here's...

  • Web
    R/WW Coverage of Macworld and CES

    It's going to be a big week of tech news, as Apple's Macworld conference and expo in San Francisco goes head-to-head with the 40th annual CES (Consumer Electronics Association) show in Las Vegas. Both conferences kick off Monday 8 January and there will be no shortage of blogs and other...

  • Web
    Overview of Clustering and Clusty Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold Earlier this week we wrote about The Race to beat Google. In that article we discussed various approaches that startups are taking trying to unseat the web giant. In this post we are going to zoom in on one of the companies - Clusty and their...

  • Web
    Rich Internet Applications vs HTML

    Forrester Research has done a usability comparison between RIA (Rich Internet Apps) and HTML apps, in a report entitled Smackdown: Rich Internet Applications Versus HTML. The result:"We looked for examples of rich Internet and HTML applications in each of four categories and compared how well they supported relevant user goals....

  • Web
    Read/WriteWeb Christmas: Widgets, not Cheese

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus 2006 was a year of many interesting Web happenings and 2007 is looking like another bumper year. In all the excitement, we wondered what can we give R/WW readers for Christmas? Well since most of you are busy spending time with...

  • Web
    Best Web Bigco of 2006: Google

    This is the third annual Best Web Companies round-up from Read/WriteWeb (see 2005 and 2004). This year we're spreading it out over 2 separate posts. In this post, we announce Best Bigco and the runners-up - with our special brand of analysis too. In our next post, we'll announce Best...

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