Results for "Analysis"

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    The Race to Conquer Video Advertising

    Duncan Riley at TechCrunch recently wrote a series of posts on video advertising. Also our own Sean Ammirati wrote a very interesting post yesterday, calling for an open ad network to compete with Google. Duncan's most recent post profiles a new service called ScanScout, which claims to work similar to...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 7-11 May 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Apologies for missing last week's wrapup, due to travel.Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Delivered by FeedBurnerTop Web...

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    Poll: Search Innovation

    Today we published a detailed analysis of search innovation techniques by Nitin Karandikar. The post is long, but well worth reading if you are interested in where search is headed. To complement the post, we're running a poll asking which of the 4 categories of search innovation that Nitin identified,...

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    What Happened At Digg?

    The firestorm that erupted at Digg earlier this week over a censored post has led to a lot of discussion about the nature of censorship in a world where everyone is a publisher. Called "The Great Digg Revolt," by some, the incident illustrated how much power users have over the...

  • Web
    Review Of Product Research Engine Wize – Needs Integrated User Experience

    Following my analysis of TheFind, a lifestyle shopping service, in this post I will explore Wize - product research engine. Note that I have also reviewed the business story of Wize on my personal blog. So now let's take a look at their actual product using my Web 3.0 framework.ContextThe...

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    Dapper: The Quest To Unlock Web Data (Legally)

    We have recently written here about the ongoing transformation of Web Sites into Web Services. In that post we noted that with the rise of APIs, scraping technologies and RSS, web sites are really turning into data services and collectively the web is becoming one gargantuan database. As such, the...

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    The Expansion of Social Networks

    Inventing new software for enterprises is really hard. Selling it to them is nearly impossible. For a startup to break through the thick doors of the enterprise takes years. But even when lady luck smiles on a startup, the joy is short lived. The next morning its back to the...

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    Tracking Sickness Using Web 2.0

    To all hypochondriacs who yearn to make their imagined ailments seem more legit, pay attention. There exists a website that tells you what's currently making people in your area sick. The website is Who is Sick? and it has other uses besides adding legitimacy to fictitious symptoms.Who is Sick? is...

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    Bungee Labs – Next Generation Web Development Platform

    Yesterday in the Web 2.0 Expo booths, I checked out Bungee Labs - an ambitious new on-demand, web-based development environment that enables developers to build and deploy web apps that utilize the large variety of APIs and web services out on the Internet. The platform is very broad, but if...

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    Web 2.0 Expo: Data on Participatory Web

    Bill Tancer from Hitwise and Dafe Sifry from Technorati are on stage now, discussing data about the participatory web. The first slide from Bill shows a 668% growth in web 2.0 over the last year, based on the top participatory sites combined (in US), like Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. The next...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 9-13 April 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that due to recent travel and the start of the Web 2.0 Expo, this week's Wrapup is later and shorter than usual.Top Web NewsThe big news this week came right at the very end of the week...

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    Google – The Ultimate Money Making Machine

    We learned the fundamental law of Supply and Demand in Economics 101. The textbooks explain that shifts in demand cause corresponding changes in supply. No matter what the changes are, the point where the curves intersect sets the price of the good or a service. This law provides a powerful...

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    Define Web 3.0 Contest – Winners of Web 2.0 Expo Tickets

    Last week we ran a contest giving away 3 tickets to the Web 2.0 Expo conference in San Francisco next week, worth $1,500 each. To enter, all you had to do was define Web 3.0. We got a lot of awesome definitions and it was extremely tough to pick out...

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    Martha Stewart 2.0

    Martha Stewart's company today officially unveiled the latest version of its website. They are  positioning it as "the most authoritative lifestyle destination on the Internet" and it's aiming for a market of an estimated 102 million women online. I was immediately curious to look at the new site, because...

  • Web
    Google Eyeing Maxthon – Will Stoke Flames of Jealousy in Firefox

    Techcrunch is reporting that China-based web browser Maxthon has sold a minority stake to Google, rumored to be around $1 million. More importantly Techcrunch is "also hearing that this investment is part of a ‚Äúmuch larger strategic deal‚Ä? between the two companies." Maxthon is a powerful tabbed, fully customizable and...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 2-6 April 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the weekly wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email:Subscribe to the Weekly Wrapup Email NewsletterEnter your email address:Delivered by FeedBurnerTop Web NewsThe week started off with a flurry of...

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    How Will Enterprises Deliver Next Generation Internet Applications?

    This week Optaros released a free survey report entitled 'How Will Enterprises Deliver Next Generation Internet Applications?'. Over 400 senior decision makers responded to the survey, which looked at how enterprises will deliver the next-generation of Internet applications. A little background on Optaros: it describes itself as "an assembler of...

  • Web
    Your Guide to Online TV Guides: 10 Services Compared

    Following last year's backlash over Yahoo!'s re-design of their TV section, and in particular their television listings feature, many users felt left out in the cold. I was one of them. Having previously relied on the Yahoo! online television guide to know what was on the boob tube, I was...

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    The End of an Era?

    Like many other web 2.0 geeks, today I woke up to Mike Arrington's elaborate April Fools joke that Techcrunch has acquired infamous dot com site F** It actually is 1 April where I live, but it wasn't until I had finished reading the article that I realised it was probably...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 26-30 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Analysis PostsThis week Charles Knight released the March edition of his Top 100 Alternative Search Engines. As usual the list provoked a flurry of comments, with the Search Engine of the Month KoolTorch coming under a bit of scrutiny...

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