Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    Music Industry Under Pressure: 5 Alternative Business Models

    Our digital lifestyle Network blog last100 has been tracking the upheavals in the music industry over the past couple of weeks. First Radiohead released their new album entirely via their website (I got it and it's awesome!), then Nine Inch Nails (a band which has experimented with the Internet a...

  • Mobile
    Mozilla Makes Major New Commitment to Mobile

    The folks at Mozilla posted last night to a company blog about the new plans they have to make a mobile browser a first-class consideration, a core platform, when working on the forthcoming Mozilla2. The new mobile browser is probably still a year away. I sure wish we didn't have...

  • Web
    Newsvine Acquired By MSNBC – Leading Citizen Journalism Site Snapped Up by MSM

    Today Newsvine CEO Mike Davidson contacted Read/WriteWeb to announce that his citizen journalism startup Newsvine has been acquired by MSNBC, the Microsoft/NBC joint venture, for an undisclosed sum. Davidson told us that "Newsvine will continue operating independently, just as it has been since launching in March of 2006." He also...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 1-5 October 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsAdobe Acquires Virtual Ubiquity - Enters Web Office Fray Josh Catone was at the Adobe MAX 2007 conference in Chicago...

  • Web
    The New Rules Of Technology VC

    Just a few years ago, large venture firms were incubating companies for months. During the incubation period, the founders wrote 70+ page business plans, which described the market opportunity, the execution plan, along with the five year financial projections. The plan was a proof, a risk management tool, used to...

  • Web
    Top 100 Alt Search Engines, October 2007

    AltSearchEngines has just released its latest Top 100 Alternative Search Engines list. ASE tracks over 1,000 "alts" in all, so choosing the top 10% is a pretty big deal.One trend that ASE editor Charles Knight is beginning to see is that some of the alts are getting larger. Charles noted:...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 24-28 September 2007

    I've been away the last half of this week, so this Wrapup is a condensed version. If you're in catch-up mode like me, here are 10 of our best posts from the past week:Products & NewsSurprise: MSN Has Built the Video Site of the FutureWeb Apps Hit the MainstreamFeedHub Launches...

  • Web
    WebEx WebOffice: It’s a Web Office Jim, But Not As We Know It

    We cover the trend of Web Office closely here on Read/WriteWeb. Google Apps,, Zoho, ThinkFree, Zimbra - these are some of the leading vendors of web-based office software. And last week came the big news that Zimbra was acquired by Yahoo! for $350M (read our analysis of why), so...

  • Web
    FeedHub Launches – Individualized RSS Feeds

    Personalization startup mSpoke is launching a new product to mashup and personalize RSS feeds today at DEMO [disclosure: Read/WriteTalk host Sean Ammirati works for mSpoke]. The product is called FeedHub and it creates an "individualized RSS feed" that aims to filter relevant posts from a set of feed sources. Like...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 17-21 September 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsYahoo! Drops $350m on Zimbra; an Open Source, Enterprise RIAThe big news this week was Yahoo! buying open-source enterprise office...

  • Web
    Top-Down: A New Approach to the Semantic Web

    Earlier this week we wrote about the classic approach to the semantic web and the difficulties with that approach. While the original vision of the layer on top of the current web, which annotates information in a way that is "understandable" by computers, is compelling; there are technical, scientific and...

  • Web
    Zimbra: Why Did Yahoo Buy Them?

    This week Zimbra was acquired by Yahoo! for a staggering $350M. It seems like only yesterday that Zimbra was the buzz of the 2005 Web Conference. But in two years, Zimbra has grown from a small 'cool features' startup to a company worth $350M. But why did Yahoo buy a...

  • Web
    TechCrunch40: Rich Media and Mashups

    The third session of the day dealt with rich media and mashups. These companies all had something to do with images, music, or movies in some way. Below are summaries and thoughts from the five presentations in this group.xtr3Dxtr3D is trying to change the way we interact with computers. Their...

  • Web
    TechCrunch40: Revenue Models & Analytics

    In the second session of the second day, it is the turn of advertising companies.AdBriteAdBrite has announced a new product: It's a link exchange program that is very similar to LinkExchange (from the web 1.0 era). Just to remind you; LinkExchange was sold to Microsoft for $265M in 1998....

  • Web
    First Five Present at TechCrunch40

    With additional writing by Josh Catone. This morning saw the first five startups at the TechCrunch40 event hit the floor and presented to journalists, investors, and early adopters. The first session focused on search startups. It's interesting to note that one third of the presenters at the TC40 are from...

  • Web
    Intel’s MashMaker to launch this week

    IDF, Intel's annual developer forum, starts tomorrow in San Francisco and the hardware company will make one of its most interesting moves into the consumer software world yet. Included in the event will be the unveiling of two new projects: a developer focused beta testing site called Whatif and a...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 10-14 September 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web ProductsGoogle Apps Goes After Enterprise Market This week Google announced a partnership with major IT consultancy and outsourcing specialist CapGemini,...

  • Web
    Marshall Kirkpatrick Joins Read/WriteWeb

    I'm very pleased to announce that Marshall Kirkpatrick is joining Read/WriteWeb as a Lead Writer, starting this Monday. Marshall teams up with Josh Catone in this role, meaning that Read/WriteWeb now has three daily writers (including myself). Marshall will focus on breaking news for Read/WriteWeb, something he is very skilled...

  • Web
    Yahoo Launches 2 New Hacks – Interview with Bradley Horowitz from Yahoo

    This evening Yahoo! is announcing two new 'hacks' that have been in development since late March. While it is tempting to write them off as two small features being incorporated into the largest Internet Property in the world, we wonder if there is more meaning here - especially given that...

  • Web
    10 Ajax Start Pages to Consider

    Ajax start pages are easy-to-use, customizable webpages, allowing you to keep up with the latest news and add interactive content. You can add new RSS feeds and widgets, and move your content around the page. In some ways start pages are the successors to the portals of the 90's. They...

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