Results for "Analysis"

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    Reuters Open Calais Update: Apps Progress, Interview

    A month ago we wrote about Reuters launching an API called Open Calais, a technology that "does a semantic markup on unstructured HTML documents - recognizing people, places, companies, and events." I mentioned Calais in my Media08 presentation last week entitled Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond. It generated...

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    Mobile Web Use Growing Faster than Ever

    Wireless devices are everywhere these days. Wi-Fi hotspots are are popping up in more places and aircards protrude from the laptops of the mobile workforce. Computing is changing, too. Cloud computing will move applications and storage away from the desktop to remote servers. If anything, this drive to push data...

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    Twine Disappoints After Semantic Web Hype

    Twine is the most hyped semantic app of the season and recently opened up for some press previews. General availability of this smart, social bookmarking and research tool may come in a matter of weeks.If that's the case, it will probably be too soon. Twine has some major shortcomings that...

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    Google Analytics Benchmarks and the Future of Portable Data

    Google announced a new feature for its web analytics product this week that illustrates well the potential in anonymous aggregate data analysis. This siloed product announcement points to an even more exciting future if data portability dreams come true.Google Analytics Industry Benchmarking will let users opt-in to share and have...

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    Evolution of Dance No Longer King: An Era Has Ended

    The king of YouTube's All Time Most Viewed Leaderboard, Judson Laipply, creator of the Evolution of Dance, has been unseated. The new leader is a fast climbing Italian video on top of a remix of a Brazilian song popularized by an iPod Touch commercial and titled "CANSEI DE SER SEXY...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. Highlights include analysis of Adobe AIR and its apps, recommendation engines, Google Sites, the 'free' theory of the Web, Twitter vs mainstream media, Etsy vs eBay, and much more. Don't forget to click through to our website and...

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    Technology Populism: Risks & Rewards

    Thanks to a more technology-savvy workforce, ubiquitous broadband, online collaboration, and social networking tools, it is individual workers, and not IT organizations, that are creating a new trend in business, a trend being called "technology populism." Despite the rewards of using web-based tools and the ease-of-use they provide, this new...

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    Orglex: Semantic News, Blog and Job Search for Industry Verticals

    Orglex is a new semantic-web powered news, blog and job search engine with a social networking component and industry vertical focus. It's an interesting service that brings together a number of different approaches we've seen elsewhere to build something relatively new. Semantic analysis of content makes topic focused search smarter...

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    How To Manage Your Online Reputation

    You've spent a lot of time building up your reputation and image both online and off, so it's important to make sure that someone isn't out there dragging it through the mud. The latest tool for reputation management is Trackur, but its bottom-level price is $88/month, so the question on...

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    6 Adobe AIR Apps to Check Out

    Adobe's AIR platform allows developers to create web applications that run on your desktop without the need of a web browser. Now that AIR has dropped the beta tag (see our previous coverage), it's time to look at some of the AIR apps you can use today. And if you...

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    49% & 56%: Are These What Have Brin Worried?

    Like most people, when I saw the headline “Google founder spooked by Microsoft bid” (because Microhoo dominance would stifle innovation on the Internet) my thoughts ran to pots and kettles, PR battle for proxy votes, confuse the enemy with antitrust and so forth.Don’t the Google guys realise how big and...

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    Top Health 2.0 Web Apps

    Health 2.0, web-based apps and services for the healthcare sector, is a nascent but potentially huge market for web 2.0. As of now, many of these apps have an emphasis on communication, information sharing and community. These are relatively easy things to address using Web tools. However we're starting to...

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    Comment of the Day: Castro News… Ho Hum

    Late last night Marshall Kirkpatrick published an epic post entitled Fail: Social News on World Events, Like Cuba. It is a great analysis of how web 2.0 news services covered a big mainstream news story. And the comments to the post are just as interesting. We actually got some kickback,...

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    Fail: Social News on World Events, Like Cuba

    Here's a test for Web 2.0. Cuba's Fidel Castro announced yesterday morning that he is resigning from his post as ruler of that communist country. What better way to celebrate the departure of an authoritarian dictator than to look at how the free flow of information in online social media...

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    Digg Gets More Mainstream; But Are Their News Sources Too Narrow Now?

    Allen Stern over at CenterNetworks did an analysis of current frontpage stories on digg, the popular social news site that started out as a tech competitor to Slashdot. Allen noted that now just 15% of frontpage stories are technology ones, which is a huge change from its roots. Slashdot meanwhile...

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    PR Wire Service to Journalists & Bloggers: We Don’t Need You

    We received an interesting email today from Business Wire, a press release wire service that Warren Buffett bought in March 2006. Currently Business Wire is ranked about #32 on the Techmeme Leaderboard, which puts it above some top tech blogs (but not ReadWriteWeb, which is ranked #6 currently). The email...

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    Spidering the “Dark Web”

    For some, the term "dark web" simply means all the online data that search engine spiders can't reach, crawl, or index, but for the University of Arizona's AI Lab, the "Dark Web" refers to a research project where the social phenomena of terrorism is studied via various techniques including social...

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    AdaptiveBlue Rolls Up More Services into Simpler Interface

    Semantic web browser extension BlueOrganizer relaunched tonight with more of the most popular services on the web smartly integrated into an easier to use interface. The company says its extension is intended to let users browse the web with context and that its semantic technology cuts steps out of search....

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    NuConomy Announces the Death of the Page View

    A new product from NuConomy Studio Insights promises to be a new way of measuring web analytics. Instead of the old model of page views and traffic, NuConomy proposes a way to measure engagement. With their product, you can understand your users' activities on your web site and how your...

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    Google’s Kevin Marks Introduces “The Social Cloud”

    Interesting video presentation from Kevin Marks, Google's main evangelist for the OpenSocial project. Marks explains more about the theory behind OpenSocial, in what he calls "the social cloud". This seems to be a variation of the Social Graph concept, which Alex Iskold analyzed for ReadWriteWeb last September. See also Sarah...

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