Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
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    Battle of the AIR Apps: Twhirl vs. Alert Thingy

    Today, the battle between the two most popular AIR apps as of late has begun. Yesterday, the FriendFeed AIR app, Alert Thingy, having only just launched on April 13th, was already getting an update - this one to include Twitter support via a built-in "Tweet" button. Not to be outdone,...

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    Farecast: Travel Nerds Rumored to Have Been Bought

    Seattle PI tech beat reporter and frequent news breaker John Cook is reporting that the math-heavy travel price prediction service Farecast has been bought by parties unknown for $75 million. The Seattle company has refused comment on the acquisition rumor. Farecast uses extensive historical observation and algorithmic analysis to search...

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    The American Dream: 17 Years of Engineering Software

    Seventeen years ago, on April 10th 1991, a plane landed in John F. Kennedy airport. That plane had just crossed the Atlantic carrying, amongst others, passengers escaping the crumbling Soviet empire. One of whom was me. I walked off that plane with a first ever taste of Coca-Cola in my...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 7-11 April 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. The big news was Google App Engine - we provided extensive coverage and analysis. Also this week we looked into further use cases for Twitter, we analyzed the pros and cons of offline access to web...

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    Seven Tips for Making the Most of Your RSS Reader

    RSS is a big deal, as anyone who's subscribed to even a few feeds probably knows. Once you get past just a few feeds, though, it can quickly get overwhelming. RSS can leave you feeling inadequate, brain-dead and uninspired.I was feeling frustrated yesterday when switching from one feed reader to...

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    How to Get Customer Service via Twitter

    There has been a lot of talk lately of companies monitoring social media, be it Twitter, blogs, or social networking sites, for mentions of their company name and responding to customer service issues. Some of this interaction has been in the Twitter community, with Comcast being one of the more...

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    Google App Engine: History’s Next Step or Monopolistic Boondoggle?

    Google's new App Engine will let application developers outsource hosting and data storage for their applications by using key elements of Google's infrastructure. As many people have noticed, the announcement just screams out for analysis in light of Nick Carr's new book The Big Switch. Carr outlines the history of...

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    FirstRain Research Suite: Look and Drool

    FirstRain is a web research tool-suite that markets itself to buy-side professionals in hedge funds. It costs $10k per year per user and is today announcing a distribution deal with CapitalIQ, an upstart Bloomberg competitor. That price is less than a Bloomberg box, but it's still a substantial chunk of...

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    Picollator Image Recognition Search

    There are a bunch of companies trying to figure out how to get a machine to be correctly identify images just by looking at them. We've profiled a bunch on ReadWriteWeb before: Eyealike, Mugr, Riya/Like, and Pixsta. Generally the tech demos for these visual search technologies fall into two categories:...

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    Seesmic + Twhirl is a Vision of the Web’s Future

    Loic Le Meur's video chat service Seesmic is announcing tonight that it has acquired leading 3rd party Twitter client Twhirl. Seesmic is still in closed Alpha status right now - though we have invites if you'd like them: email [email protected] with the word Seesmic in the subject line and we'll...

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    Trendrr Makes Data Mashups A Breeze

    In our quest to provide comprehensive analysis of tech industry trends, most technology bloggers have become statistics junkies. To see what's popular we often rely on a bevy of metrics -- Google Trends, Technorati posts, Nielsen Buzzmetrics, Compete stats, Facebook friends, etc. The list goes on and on. But comparing...

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    Twitter Dominates the Lifestream

    By using FriendFeedStats, which creates service-level usage statistics from lifestream aggregator FriendFeed based on its public timeline, we can see which services are the most popular. Specifically, Twitter tends to dominate the conversation with about 44% of all activity on the service. Eric, over at Internet Duct Tape, spent the...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 17-21 March 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. This week includes social networks and lifestreaming analysis (Facebook, FeedFriend and more), a look at new Semantic Apps, and a new service from Amazon. And don't forget to click through to our website and leave a...

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    Joost Coming to The Browser

    last100 is reporting that Joost (last100 review) is planning to let viewers access its Internet TV service via a Web browser, rather than requiring them to download and install the current Mac/Windows application. last100 editor Steve O'Hear notes that "though no specific launch date is mentioned (Joost has a track...

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    Aggregate Knowledge’s Content Discovery – How Good is it, Really?

    Aggregate Knowledge, which operates a content discovery network under the brand name Pique, today announced a deal with BusinessWeek to deliver "user-driven content suggestions" on their website. It's the latest in a string of similar deals - Aggregate Knowledge powers "discovery" of both editorial content and product recommendations for over...

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    SemanticHacker Offers Cynical Bounty for Semantic Apps

    Contextual ad platform Textwise launched today, a contest for applications and business plans built on the company's semantic analysis technology. While the new API is offered for free, the contest will award three winners with $100k and one winner could score up to $1 million based on subsequent commercialization.Semantic...

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    Mefeedia Launches Extensive Multimedia Search

    Online video community Mefeedia has officially launched its media search engine indexing more than 15,000 sources of video, TV, music and podcasts. It's even indexing SlideShare presentations. It's a good place to find media on almost any topic and a good excuse to check out some of the truly innovative...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 10-14 March 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. It's been a busy week, with a RWW interview with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, iPhone analysis aplenty, a special look at Web visualization, reviews of Semantic Apps Twine and Reuters Open Calais, and much more. And don't forget to...

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    AOL + Bebo = Still No Market Differentiation

    The big news today is that US portal giant AOL acquired leading social networking site Bebo for $850 million. There has been a lot of coverage about the business aspects of this deal, but from a product view I don't think this will make much headway for either company. Bebo...

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    The Best Tools for Visualization

    Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop...

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