Results for "Analysis"

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    Weekly Wrapup, 23-27 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reported on Nokia's buyout of the open source mobile OS Symbian, reviewed a "memory augmentation" service and a semantic search engine, and looked at what LinkedIn's strategy tells us about the...

  • Web
    Why iYomu, a Social Network for Old People, Expired

    iYomu was a social network designed for adults, that launched in August 2007 with a splashy $1 million competition. Less than a year later, the company has closed its doors. Turns out adults didn't want a separate social network after all, or at least not iYomu's one. In this post...

  • Web
    Nokia Acquires Symbian; Takes on Google’s Android

    Nokia isn't finished with its acquisition spree just yet. Tonight the Finnish company announced a plan to acquire the 52 per cent of Symbian it doesn't already own and make the platform open source. Nokia clearly aims to challenge Android, the open source mobile operating system of Google. Nokia CEO...

  • Mobile
    Why Nokia Acquired Plazes, a Location-Based Social Network

    Buried in Bob Iannucci’s discussion at Supernova 2008 last week was this comment: “Connecting people only through voice communications is limited,” the Nokia chief technical officer said.To us, that sums up everything Nokia is doing, including today’s announcement. Nokia, the world’s largest handset manufacturer, is purchasing Plazes, the location-based social...

  • Web
    Accoona, Once Pretender to Search Throne… Now Niche B2B Service

    According to the Zuula blog, former search king pretender Accoona has finally given up on becoming a major search player. When Accoona was officially launched in December 2004, at a ceremony featuring Bill Clinton, Accoona claimed to have search technology that would be "more efficient than the likes of Google,...

  • Mobile
    The Coming World of Mobile Sensors

    At Supernova 2008 this week we got a glimpse of what’s next for mobile; and it has little to do with hardware like the iPhone, software like Google’s open-source operating system Android, mobile platforms put forth by Apple, Google, Nokia, Research in Motion, and the carriers.What’s coming is life profound....

  • Web
    Obama vs McCain Website Smackdown

    This week Barack Obama won the Democrat nomination for US President, pitting him against Republican candidate John McCain. At the same time both candidates have ramped up their web efforts, with Obama's camp calling for web developers to "Write Software, Change Washington" and McCain's camp launching a new-look website. In...

  • Web
    People in Tech: Andraz Tori, CTO/Co-Founder of Zemanta

    Zemanta is a an interesting European startup that is applying semantic technologies to blogging. Sarah Perez covered the company's launch in March. One can think of Zemanta as an auto-complete function for blogging. As you are typing up a new post, Zemanta's browser plugin fetches related content - images, articles,...

  • Web
    Semantic Search: The Myth and Reality

    For a few years now people have been talking about semantic search. Any technology that stands a chance to dethrone Google is of great interest to all of us, particularly one that takes advantage of long-awaited and much-hyped semantic technologies. But no matter how much progress has been made, most...

  • Web
    Buzz-Monitoring Platform TruCast Launches New Version

    In our recent article "When User-Generated Content Goes Bad," we highlighted the challenges that companies face today when delving into marketing campaigns that revolve around user-generated content. To combat potential problems, some businesses employ professional tools to monitor the conversations, but others are just now discovering the necessity of doing...

  • Social
    SezWho: How it Compares to Disqus & Intense Debate

    Today SezWho a universal profile, content discovery, and a sophisticated reputation engine provider, has announced its acquisition of Tejit, a provider of semantic intelligence solutions. The acquisition enables SezWho to provide more precise contextual reputation scores for contributors based on topics of conversation. ReadWriteWeb gives you an in-depth look into...

  • Social
    Social Media U: Take a Class in Social Media

    Social media. Web 2.0. You know what these things are and you take advantage of them every day on the net. Whether you're socializing on Facebook, updating Twitter, or just adding a new bookmark to Ma.gnolia, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, that doesn't...

  • Web
    Netvibes to Share Items With ReadBurner

    The RSS Aggregation niche has been very busy this week. Numerous changes and enhancements were recently made to RSS aggregator RSSmeme.However, another service that was once exclusively for Google Reader users is expanding to give users a more accurate analysis of what's popular on the web. Today, ReadBurner announced a...

  • Web
    Semantic Travel Search Engine UpTake Launches

    According to a comScore study done last year, booking travel over the Internet has become something of a nightmare for people. It's not that using any of the booking engines is difficult, it's just that there is so much information out there that planning a vacation is overwhelming. According to...

  • Social
    Nexus Graphs Your Facebook Friends and More

    Looking to visualize your Facebook friend graph? You can with a Facebook app called Nexus. This app is a friend grapher that displays a visual analysis of your Facebook connections. But it's not just a pretty picture: in addition to viewing how your friends are connected, you can use Nexus...

  • Social
    What People Say When They Tweet

    Everyone is talking about Twitter (to the consternation of many of our readers, I'm sure), but what are people talking about on Twitter? It is really just a flood of inane status updates and fragmented chat, or are people actually talking about things that matter to them via the service?...

  • Web
    Report: ‘Mobile Activism’ on the Rise

    Wireless Technology for Social Change: Trends in NGO Mobile Use, a report released today by the United Nations Foundation and the Vodafone Group Foundation, uses 11 case studies to detail how relief, advocacy, and development organizations are utilizing mobile technology to accomplish goals in areas where "wired" infrastructure is sparse....

  • Web
    BlogRovr Acquisition by BuzzLogic Calls Data Portability Into Question

    The innovative OPML browser plug-in BlogRovr is announcing tonight that it has been acquired by PR monitoring and ad sales startup BuzzLogic. It's a victory for all the startups who face hostile questions about "how are you going to monetize that?" and answer by pointing to the potential for data...

  • Web
    Wine, Film and Books: Adaptive Blue Offers Open Format to Make the Web Smarter

    Semantic web company Adaptive Blue has published what it hopes will become a standard for publishers who want to signal in their header tags when a webpage is primarily about a particular book, film, wine or other type of objects. From search to trend analysis to a richer browsing experience...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Turns 5

    On 20 April, 2003, ReadWriteWeb was born. My first post here was appropriately entitled The Read/Write Web and it began: "The World Wide Web in 2003 is beginning to fulfil the hopes that Tim Berners-Lee had for it over 10 years ago when he created it." At the time I...

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