Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    Sponsor Announcement: Defrag

    RWW is the Premiere Media Sponsor for the Defrag Conference, happening 3-4 November in Denver Colorado. You can register for Defrag here. Entering the code "rww1" will get RWW readers $200 off of the early bird price.Highlights from Defrag this year will include a discussion about Strategic Intuition, a presentation...

  • Web
    Report: Semantic Web Companies Are, or Will Soon Begin, Making Money

    Semantic Web entrepreneur David Provost has published a report about the state of business in the Semantic Web and it's a good read for anyone interested in the sector. It's titled On the Cusp: A Global Review of the Semantic Web Industry. We also mentioned it in our post Where...

  • Web
    Where Are All The RDF-based Semantic Web Apps?

    RDF is the cornerstone of The Semantic Web, yet there still very few commercial RDF apps. In the latest issue of Nodalities, a magazine about the Semantic Web by UK company Talis, there is an article by Talis CTO Ian Davis about the state of Semantic Web applications. Davis says...

  • Web
    Zoho App Selection Explodes With Platform – But Are These Apps for Real?

    If you're familiar with Zoho, the online office suite for small and medium sized businesses, you probably know that they offer a whole lot of different applications. The 16 different apps the company has had for some time seems like a small selection now - today the Zoho Marketplace launched...

  • Web
    Survey: Most Workplace Internet Use Remains Rudimentary

    The Pew Internet and American Life Project, always a source of fascinating survey results, has come out with a new one about technology and work. The latest is titled "Networked Workers: Most workers use the internet or email at their jobs, but they say these technologies are a mixed blessing...

  • Web
    State of the Mobile Web: Long Tail Sites Increase Their Presence

    Browser vendor Opera, which is a stronger player in the mobile browser market than it is on the desktop, has just released more data on of the state of the Mobile Web. The latest report tells us that usage of the mobile Web continues to grow in terms of unique...

  • Web
    New York Times Syndicates ReadWriteWeb

    The New York Times announced today that it will syndicate ReadWriteWeb content, as part of a re-designed Technology section on its website. Over the coming weeks you will see ReadWriteWeb content incorporated into the Technology section front.This is great news for us, because it brings our brand of web technology...

  • Web
    State of the Blogosphere 2008: Technorati Numbers Indicate Blogging Is Niche and Slowing

    Technorati says blogging is mainstream, we think the numbers indicate otherwise.Blog search engine and ad network Technorati released its 5th annual State of the Blogosphere report and the numbers are quite interesting. Technorati says its findings indicate that blogging is now mainstream. We're not so sure. Although reading blogs is...

  • Social
    Microsoft Makes Key Hire in Researcher Danah Boyd

    Microsoft Research has hired social network researcher danah boyd, probably the most high profile academic in the world focused on the emerging web and its social consequences. Who is danah boyd? (She spells her own name with lower case letters.) You may have seen her when she hit the international...

  • Web
    Religion and Web Technology, Part 2: Shalom Hartman Institute

    This week we're looking at how religious organizations are using Web technology. Yesterday we reviewed, an innovative Christian website. Today we check out what the Shalom Hartman Institute, from Jerusalem in Israel, is doing on the Web. Alan Abbey, the Website Manager of Shalom Hartman Institute, told us about...

  • Web
    Jott’s Move From Free to Premium – Bait and Switch or Good Business?

    Many Web 2.0 companies have tried to make money by charging for their product, but it can be hard work - especially if the product started out as free. Jott, a voice to text transcription service, is an example of one that took the plunge and succeeded. Jott moved to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 8-12 September 2008

    Join us now for our weekly review of Web Technology news and reviews. This week we reported on the launch of Apple's iTunes 8, analyzed AOL's move to bring RSS and lifestreaming to the mainstream, and covered some of the best web apps to come out of DEMOfall08. On the...

  • Web
    Parsing DEMOFall 08 for Trends – Less Valley, More Biz

    We've done an analysis of the 72 start-ups launching at Demo Fall 08, to categorize them by both location and focus. The location story: 28% from Silicon Valley, but only 3% more than East Coast at 25%. It is still US centric at 40%, with Europe at 10% and Asia...

  • Web
    Office 2.0 Day 2 Recap

    The Office 2.0 conference took place in San Francisco this week and I attended and took notes for ReadWriteWeb. The Day 1 recap is here and Day 2 is below.The sessions highlighted in this post are Going 100% SaaS and Meeting without traveling. I also reviewed Joblogs, a CRM "relationship...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Special Chrome Edition

    Join us now for our weekly review of Web Technology news. This week was dominated by the launch of Google's new open source browser Chrome. As the Ed tweeted during the week: how often does a major Internet company launch a brand new browser? Check out our extensive coverage and...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 25-29 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time to review the Web tech news, reviews and analysis we brought you this week on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reported on Facebook hitting 100 million users, checked out 10 great web apps for school, looked at the state of online accounting, and reviewed...

  • Web
    Four Ad-Free Ways that Mined Data Can Make Money

    Machines can do wonderful things. Side by side with the rise of a new world of publishers, the computer scientists of the world are cranking it up as well - building new ways to create value from the sea of data being published by people. And then they take their...

  • Web
    Will Gmail Get Google Reader-Like Trends?

    If you're a Google Reader user, no doubt you've taken a look at your Google Reader trends. The trends feature of Reader is an invaluable service that shows you which feeds you read, share, star, and email. It also provides stats on your subscriptions themselves, showing which ones are frequently...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 18-22 August 2008

    It's the weekend, so time to review the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we looked at the first reported Android phone, checked out the winners of the Firefox 3 Extensions contest, reviewed Microsoft's new 3D online photo app, dabbled with screencasting, and...

  • Web
    10 Promising Web Platforms

    In this post we review 10 promising developer platforms for the Web. We're not talking about the obvious ones either, like Facebook, iPhone, OpenSocial or even Twitter. Those have been covered extensively already. The list below features some of our favorite 'lesser known' web developer platforms. There are bound to...

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