Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 4-8 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: Josh explores Super Tuesday on the Web and pinpoints...

  • Web
    Tiinker is the Anti-Digg

    Whereas the social news service from Digg relies on members to select and rank content, a new startup from Sydney, Australia, tiinker, does just the opposite: it treats each member as an individual and learns what he or she likes. The service, an intelligent news aggregator, uses A.I.-like technology to determine your...

  • Web
    Funding the Semantic Web: Dapper’s Ad Network Plan

    The founders of the data extraction and API creation service Dapper announced this week that their aim is to leverage Dapper in the service of ad networks and derive a semantic index of pages around the web from that activity. They will launch their ad powering product at Ad:Tech in...

  • Web
    Reuters Wants The World To Be Tagged

    As Richard MacManus recently predicted, in 2008 we'll witness the rise of semantic web services. From the native support for Microformats in Firefox 3, to the New York Times' utilization of rich headers metadata, to this week's release of the Social Graph API by Google, semantics are starting to slip...

  • Web
    miVitals Takes Aim at Tough Online Health Market

    miVitals is a new Australian startup that has an ambitious goal: to enable individuals to manage their personal health data via a web application. miVitals describes itself as "a secure online storage system for health and lifestyle records". The company says that "most people have about 5 professionals involved in...

  • Web
    Obama and Paul: The Kings of the Web Election

    There's no question this year that Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the kings of US politics on the Internet. They both command the lion's share of their party's attention online and seem to dominate social networking and social media sites. So why is only one of those campaigns actually...

  • Web
    The Industry Standard Returns – Will It Stick?

    In 2000, the Industry Standard was one of the hottest magazines on the planet. It was flush with VC dollars and sold more ad pages than any magazine in history. But when the dot-com wave it was riding finally crashed, the magazine receded with the tide and filed for bankruptcy...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week in Web technology on ReadWriteWeb.Reminder to PR people and startups: If you would like ReadWriteWeb to consider covering your product, you should email us at [email protected]. This address is monitored daily by all our main bloggers. Pitch emails sent to my personal email...

  • Web
    Microhoo! What Does it Mean for Users?

    Presuming you've seen the news that Microsoft has moved to buy Yahoo! for $44 billion, the next logical question to ask concerns what this means for users and lovers of technology.If its business analysis you're looking for, go read Paul Kedrosky. Here at ReadWriteWeb we focus more on the cultural...

  • Entertainment
    Last100: Can Ad-Supported Digital Music Work?

    With the high profile launch this week of Qtrax, a free and legal P2P music offering (ReadWriteWeb coverage), ad-supported music downloads are very much in the spotlight, and as always RWW network blog last100 has its finger on the pulse, with great news coverage and analysis of the week that...

  • Social
    The Rise of Twitter as a Platform for Serious Discourse

    For 2007, our Best Web LittleCo was Twitter, the microblogging/status application that captured the collective attention of Silicon Valley at SXSW last winter and has been on a meteoric rise ever since. We picked Twitter because it "has captured the imagination and become a new hybrid of chat, social networking...

  • Web
    Al Gore’s Current Files For $100M IPO

    Current Media, the parent company of Current TV and, has filed for a $100 Million IPO on NASDEQ. Current was famously co-founded by ex Vice President Al Gore. IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) have been thin on the ground in the Web 2.0 era, but in Current's case the money...

  • Web
    Live Semantic Service Takes $15m Investment

    Semantic analysis service Inform.comannounced today that the company has received a $15 million investment from Spark Capital. Inform analyzes content from online publishers and inserts links from a publisher's own content archives, affiliated sites or the web at large to augment content being published. The company says it already has...

  • Web
    Author Uses Blog Comments to Peer Review Book

    Anyone who has scanned the comments at Perez Hilton would understandably be puzzled by the idea of relying on blog readers to peer review a book. The idea seems especially ludicrous if the book is being published by the MIT Press. But as we're well aware here at ReadWriteWeb, some...

  • Web
    Microsoft Joining

    Chris Saad, Chairman of the Data Portability Working Group, confirmed to me this morning that Microsoft's David Treadwell, a VP at Windows Live, will be joining the organization. Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming days. News first leaked out via a shadowy post at Computerworld...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 Jan 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Highlights this week: we covered the big news coming out of Apple's...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 7-11 January 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb, the first full working week of 2008!Highlights this week: Our coverage of CES, including Web product and strategy announcements from Microsoft and Yahoo!; Google and Facebook join DataPortability Workgroup; a review of the latest Web adventure for television...

  • Web
    Best Technology Innovation / Achievement – Review of the 5 Crunchies Finalists

    One of the categories at next week's Crunchies awards show, which ReadWriteWeb is co-hosting, is Best technology innovation / achievement. The 5 finalists in that category are: Earthmine, Like, Move Networks, Twine, Viewdle. Here's a look at what each of these startups does and what makes them "innovative".Among the 5...

  • Web
    Donate Spare Cycles, Cure Cancer

    The World Community Grid is an organization whose mission is to create the "largest public computing grid benefiting humanity." Similar to the well-known SETI@Home project, individuals donate their computers idle time to the project, becoming members of a worldwide computing grid. This grid effectively becomes a large system with power...

  • Web
    Semantic Web: What Is The Killer App?

    The Semantic Web has been in the making for some time and people think it is nearing maturity. We have written about this trend extensively, with our two most notable posts being an analysis of the challenges of the classic bottom-up approach and the promise of the new top-down one....

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