I’m very pleased to announce that Marshall Kirkpatrick is joining Read/WriteWeb as a Lead Writer, starting this Monday. Marshall teams up with Josh Catone in this role, meaning that Read/WriteWeb now has three daily writers (including myself). Marshall will focus on breaking news for Read/WriteWeb, something he is very skilled at and which will complement Josh and I well. Josh’s role hasn’t changed – he will continue to provide daily news and analysis. My own role will change a bit – I will still write daily on R/WW, but focus more on analysis. Also of course having Marshall on board allows me to spend more time growing the business.

In order to join R/WW and work more on his independent consulting practice, Marshall has resigned from his role as Director of Content at SplashCast Media, a media syndication company.
Many of you will remember Marshall from his previous job as lead blogger at TechCrunch. Before that, Marshall was the editor of AOL’s Social Software Weblog and he’s also written for NetSquared, a project of the nonprofit tech assistance organization CompuMentor. So Marshall brings to Read/WriteWeb a wealth of tech blogging experience and he will be an integral part of our team going forward.
A note to startups and companies wishing to be covered by Read/WriteWeb: it is even more important now that you use the [email protected] email address to contact us with news. Josh and Marshall will be monitoring that address daily. I often don’t have the time to reply to startups who email me directly, something I’m forever feeling guilty about! So please use the tips address, to ensure the best chance of coverage on Read/WriteWeb.