Results for "Analysis"

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 20-26 June 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Wrap of Microsoft RSS news, reblog/reblg, Attention, Yahoo 360 go-live, Late Show style Top Ten for Web 2.0.Microsoft RSS WrapThe biggest story of the week, probably even the year, was Microsoft's bearhug embrace of RSS. They got Dave Winer's blessing and they made all the right sounds...

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    Good Blogs

    For some reason, three of my favourite blogs posted self-referential reflection posts at pretty much the same time. An excuse for me to pay homage to them (and some other blogs I enjoy). In no particular order:a) is the most professional blog that I know of and I've been...

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    Google website ranking patent – but does it account for RSS and APIs?

    On 31 March 2005 a Google US patent was made public that reveals interesting data on how they rank your website. Patent number 20050071741 was actually filed on 30 September 2003, but it was only made public at the end of March. Darren Yates did some analysis on it -...

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    Web 2.0 and RSS services for hire

    I'm on the look-out for more part-time writing, analysis or consulting work. I can't say too much about it here, but if you have any work opportunities for me - I'm available and I'd love to hear from you.My skillset covers: - Web and technical writing (including software specs) -...

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    On Interfaces: Rojo, Bloglines, My Yahoogle

    Bloglines creator Mark Fletcher opines: "I have over 200 subscriptions in my Bloglines account [...] There's no way I could follow that many sites in My Yahoogle. Sometimes I'm asked if I consider My Yahoogle competition. There's no way that they can compete without completely changing their interface."The Big 3...

  • Web update

    Based on the great comments I received to a week ago, I've been doing some experimenting on R/WW. First I tried out the '5 links to a post' style (again). I don't think it worked, for me or for you. So now what I'm going to do is the...

  • Web

    I've been trying to figure out a way to do a daily Web 2.0 update with links - without being, you know... one of those blogs that just links to other blogs. What I'm looking for is something in-between and a 'real' post.My 'Web 2.0 News' posts from 1-2...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 Apr 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Macrobe/Adobemedia, sports RSS feeds, Google and Yahoo MojoWatch, Mobile Web 2.0 woes, Dan Gillmor's Web 3.0.Web Design Bigco: Adobe buys MacromediaThis was all over the Web Tech part of the blogosphere this week and the general feeling was one of surprise that two Web Design heavyweights have...

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    Web 2.0 Noted

    John Battelle: "In the Web 2.0 world, it matter less that you have a major media company behind you, what matters is if your voice and point of view are considered valuable by your audience." Weekend Readings on Web 2.0 - hey Rafat, since you hate the term 'Web 2.0',...

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    Happy Birthday Read/Write Web!

    Today dawns in New Zealand as the 20th April 2005, which happens to be the 2nd birthday of Read/Write Web. Yes, two years ago today I posted my first blog post on R/WW (although I'd tinkered with blogging a year or so before that). Over the past 2 years blogging...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 4-10 Apr 2005

    This week: non-blog uses for RSS (including Enterprise and Consumer), a new web-based delivery system for Associated Press, RSS advertising, Bigco action, Bloglines vs Technorati.RSS not only for blogsRight now there's a lot of activity around utilising RSS outside blogging. I've said before that blogging is and always will be...

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    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 3

    This is my final post on the JupiterResearch report entitled RSS Readers: Addressing Market Opportunities with an Innovative News Medium (here are Part 1 and Part 2). I've enjoyed this chance to analyse the analysts and I'm keen to do it again. I wonder if other Analyst companies would be...

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    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 2

    Last week I started my review of a JupiterResearch report entitled RSS Readers: Addressing Market Opportunities with an Innovative News Medium. I covered the first couple of pages of the report, in which JupiterResearch asked: What Is RSS and Where Is It Used? I was interested to see what Michael...

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    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 1

    Recently I was invited by JupiterResearch VP & Research Director Michael Gartenberg to be a part of their new blogging program. The deal: I get a free copy of an analyst report relevant to my specialty and in return I will offer my own blog-style analysis of it. What this...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Mar 2005

    This week: ETech notes, Yahoo love-in, Web 2.0 acquisition deals continue, Hacking Web 2.0, ubiquitous storage. ETech TakeawaysI was on holiday the week ETech occurred, so I've been spending the past week catching up. My food-themed notes are here. Also during that week the next Web 2.0 conference was announced -...

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    Open Source RSS Statistics

    A collaborative stats project using Feedburner data was launched on this blog yesterday. It's an informal project, but I really hope the blogosphere gets behind it. I've even brought out the old Uncle Sam Needs You! image :-) Basically we need: a) your Feedburner data, and/or b) your analysis. It...

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    Collaborative Feedburner Stats Project

    Last week I wrote about my blog's subscription growth, inspired by Jon Udell's analysis of Bloglines Public Subscribers. In a subsequent email discussion with Jon Udell, we both wondered whether Feedburner data would show similar trends to the Bloglines data. Jon suggested a collaborative project could be launched in the...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Feb – 6 Mar 2005

    Time for your weekly dose of Web 2.0. This week: Yahoo yahoo yahoo (is there an echo in here?), Wikipedia, Web 2.0 start-ups, AutoLink (I know, but bear with me...), Ruby on Rails. btw what's the best time of the week to publish this regular feature of R/WW? OK let's...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Feb 2005

    A look back at the week that was in the world of Web 2.0. This week: Google's AutoLinks feature, IE7, NY Times buys, more Big Media blogging coverage, Bloglines hacks.AutoLinks and AnnotationEver since Google made it big, many people have been looking for a chance to pin the 'evil'...

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    Weblog Authoring Tools Market Share

    Elise Bauer has posted a comprehensive analysis of Weblog Authoring Tools market share. As with RSS Aggregator market share stats, there are a lot of caveats. But much can be gleaned from Elise's post, which is a continuation of an analysis she did in August 2004. The data is gathered...

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