John Battelle: “In
the Web 2.0 world, it matter less that you have a major media company behind you, what
matters is if your voice and point of view are considered valuable by your audience.”
Weekend Readings on Web 2.0 – hey Rafat, since you hate the term ‘Web 2.0’, I’m
available to do this feature for you if you like 😉 Seriously…
Foremski meets Doc Searls: “Doc is right, blogging should be easy. It should be as
easy as writing an email to a colleague or buddy. It’s not easy breaking stories, writing
news, interviews, analysis and features–the type of journalism that we also have on
SiliconValleyWatcher-but the blogging part, like this entry, should be easy.”
Nolan: The Stand Alone Journalist is Here… analysis:
Feedback, Motivation & Sociality in an Online Tagging Service, by Ericka Menchen
Fascinating stats from “ has 187k subs total on My Yahoo, compared with 7k on Bloglines.
My Yahoo is *huge* in rss.” Susan Mernit
was the one who got the ball rolling on this and she
comments “Larger implications of feed packaging and redistribution continue to be
interesting…both from an ad perspective (think of the revenue these feeds could carry
and who gets the $$) and from a licensing/permissions perspective.”
Yahoo is cut down as Google soars – Marketwatch turns the tables on Yahoo and waxes
lyrical about Google’s finances.
Steve Outing: New Kingpin of Online News?: “Thanks to blogs, aggregators, RSS feeds,
and other options, fewer and fewer readers are entering news sites through home pages. So
it’s time to adjust.”
Josh Porter
has feedback for Rojo, the new(ish) RSS Reader on the block.
Path: It’s a Whole New Internet – this is why I want Josh and I’s Digital Web article
to be published asap… we finished it a week or so ago and it’s due out 4 May.
Team RSS – can I have
one of those badges? 🙂
David Weinberger:
“In the ninety seconds MSNBC gives over to blogging, they want to pair A-Listers into a
he-said/she-said report on a Major Topic.” – so David quit. Good on ya mate.
Daring Fireball:
Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe’s
‘FAQ’ Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia