Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Web
    Bloglines acquired by Ask Jeeves?

    Mary Hodder has the scoop, which if true is huge news in the Web 2.0 world. Also quite eerie given what I wrote yesterday! Here's what Mary blogged:"Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines(Updated 12:30pm. This was apparently going to be announced Tuesday, not Monday.)That's the scoop. Ask Jeeves is integrating Bloglines into...

  • Web
    Finding Gatherers (human tag feeds?)

    Alf Eaton has come up with a neat little hack. It lists out the "speediest gatherers" for your page (last 100 items), based on the posting date of items. I think this means it lists out the people who linked to the same thing as you, but got...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

    Some of the Web 2.0 trends and talk I tracked this week... accompanied by some dodgy Austin Powers subheaders.Tagalicious, baby, yeah!Flickr and made tagging cool, now every social software app is doing it. Technorati, The Robot Co-op and Metafilter were among the companies braggin' about taggin' this week. There...

  • Web
    Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats

    Great news! Prompted by my December post about RSS Reader Market Share, Feedburner (the company I selected as the most promising Web 2.0 company of 2004/5) has just released their own RSS Aggregator stats. This is exactly what I asked for, because statistically the Feedburner data is much much bigger...

  • Web
    Content and Containers

    One of my favourite articles of 2004 was a transcript of a speech by Tom Curley, CEO of the Associated Press. In it he said that "...content will be more important than its container in this next phase [of the Web]". Why? Because "killer apps, such as search, RSS and...

  • Web
    Best Web 2.0 Companies of 2004

    In 2005 I'll be sharpening my blog's focus some more, onto the topic of Web 2.0. I'll explore what Web 2.0 means in detail in later posts, but for now a quick definition of Web 2.0 is: using the Web as a platform.A good way for me to launch into...

  • Web
    Gettin’ Paid: A Future for Content Creators?

    UPDATE 12/11/04: An interesting conversation has developed in the comments to this post, spurred on by Phil Jones who disagreed with my position. Joshua, Liam and Matt Scofield also contributed thoughtful comments that are well worth reading. I'd like to get other opinions too... do you think there is a...

  • Web
    Asymmetrical Analytics

    Interesting line of thought inspired by Ross Mayfield's post Blog-based Research Model, where he talks about research services shifting "from the end analysis product (.pdf) to the open process of research". That is, instead of relying upon bulky and expensive PDFs from the traditional analyst companies (Gartner and so forth),...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 book idea update / Moneyball review

    This post doubles as an update of my writing goals and a short review of Michael Lewis' book Moneyball. First, my goals. Lately on Read/Write Web, I've been exploring options for my future. eBooks and Knowledge Management storywriting are a couple of things I've been researching. And one thing I...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Web – Watch This Space!

    I've mentioned that September is Month of Mobility at Read/Write Web, but I haven't posted about it as much as I wanted to. Why? It's because the mobile world is mostly new to me, which means I've had to batch process a whole bunch of information about it over the...

  • Web
    eBook Culture Strategy, Part 1

    It's about time I published my strategy for my new topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Although upon reading Erik Benson's post tonight about getting on and building something rather than "talking about it but never building it", I now feel a bit guilty about writing yet another grand plan instead of...

  • Web
    New Strategy for Read/Write Web

    Before I blog the eBook Culture strategy I've been promising, I really need to get the strategy of Read/Write Web confirmed. Long-suffering readers will know that I periodically go through a hand-wringing phase where I question the meaning of my blog. I'm sure this is testing the patience of my...

  • Web
    What’s Your Brand?

    Keith Robinson is going through a re-branding exercise for his weblog. Even though I'm not focused on web design, I identify strongly with what Keith is trying to do - because I've been doing much the same thing over here. A few weeks ago I updated my About Me to...

  • Entertainment
    Context on the Web

    Summary: Microcontent in the form of sound bites, links and text extracts are the lingua franca of the Web. But the flipside is that context morphs very easily, so what are the moral and ethical implications of that?Following on from my post the other day about Systems Builders, in which...

  • Social
    Systems Builder

    I came across an article in Computerworld that has some good advice on designing and building IT systems. The article is by Michael Hugos and he starts out by defining "Systems Builder":"This person can speak both the language of technology and the language of business. This person understands the specific...

  • Entertainment
    A New Kind of Literacy

    Note: This post is also available in audio format (.wav file, 2.9MB)."Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline" announced the headline at the National Endowment for the Arts website on 8 July 2004. On that day the NEA published a report entitled "Reading at Risk" (PDF), which outlined the findings of a...

  • Web
    Analysing Bloglines Subscriber Stats

    I love Bloglines. It's a browser-based RSS feeds aggregator that almost singlehandedly proves the case that web applications can be better than desktop-based ones. I say this in the context of Joel Spolsky's already classic essay on why web browser apps are winning the war against so-called rich or smart...

  • Web
    Sylvian and The System

    This is a Short Story by Richard MacManus. It takes a speculative look at what the blogosphere might be like in 20-30 years time.IMy name is sylvian and this is my story of The System. Twenty years ago it was called the Web. Back then people were making it up...

  • Web
    Mama don’t let your baby grow up to be a Generalist

    It's fun to be a Generalist, you get to explore a variety of different topics and it often makes for good blogging. People don't really know what to expect when they see a new Read/Write Web item in their RSS Aggregator (although given my current experiment to try and blog...

  • Web
    Knowledge Management in the Real World

    Knowledge Management is a term that many people dislike, myself included. Firstly it's a misnomer - you can't "manage", at an organization or corporate level, something as subjective and contextual as knowledge. It's even debatable whether you can manage knowledge at a personal level - because we don't always know...

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