Home Open enterprise Linux alternatives initiative

Open enterprise Linux alternatives initiative

Following Red Hat’s decision to alter its code distribution approach, three significant Linux firms – CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE – have established the Open Enterprise Linux Alternatives (OpenELA) initiative. The formation of OpenELA comes from Red Hat’s strategic shift, given that certain businesses depend on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) code for their distributions. The main objective of the initiative is to encourage the creation of RHEL-compatible distributions, offering a more attainable option in the enterprise sector. This collaboration ensures RHEL users are not left without viable alternatives, preserving the open-source principles that have driven Linux’s success. By fostering the development of these compatible distributions, OpenELA effectively empowers businesses to make well-informed decisions and maintain efficient systems while upholding the spirit of open-source software.

Goals of OpenELA and impact of collaboration

The partnership between CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE within the OpenELA initiative seeks to cultivate a conducive atmosphere for Linux distributors to broaden their products. By sharing resources, know-how, and receptivity to open-source endeavors, the companies aspire to guarantee that enterprise clients can access the most optimal Linux solutions. This collaboration encourages innovation, interoperability, and flexibility for clients, who will benefit from various solutions tailored to their needs. The combined expertise of CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE in the OpenELA initiative ultimately aims to foster a thriving ecosystem that can propel enterprise Linux adoption and drive the overall growth of open-source technology in the market.

The collective effort of CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE highlights their dedication to making Linux a more feasible option for enterprises and overcoming any restrictions set by Red Hat’s strategic modifications. As these companies work together to enhance the Linux experience, businesses can expect significant improvements in features, compatibility, and versatility offered by the platform. This collaboration aims to create a competitive environment that not only benefits the involved organizations but also serves the needs of an evolving customer base seeking flexibility and independence from a single dominant provider.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Philipp Birmes; Pexels; Thank you!

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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