Home Best MP7 class in XDefiant and how to unlock

Best MP7 class in XDefiant and how to unlock

Running and gunning with an SMG can be the key to winning XDefiant matches, especially in those maps that have tighter chokepoints. While you’re given the MP5 right out of the gate, it is the MP7 that many are flocking to.

Below, we’ll run you through how to unlock the MP7 so you can get a custom class going and better the opposition in no time. We’ll also detail the best possible MP7 loadout we’ve found so that you’re set up to be the top fragger, no matter the faction, in any game mode.

Best MP7 loadout in XDefiant

If you’re looking for the go-to attachments to slap onto the MP7, here is the best build we’ve managed to create. It’s great for up close and personal exchanges, as well as slightly longer-range sight lines.

  • Muzzle: Barrel Extender
  • Barrel: Chrome Lined
  • Front Rail: PEQ-15
  • Magazine: Ex Mag
  • Rear Grip: Leather Wrapped Grip

Since SMGs are essentially made for close-range combat, you’re going to want to extend the reach of your bullets on the MP7 just so you’re able to compete with ARs like the ACR. The Barrel Extender definitely helps with this and allows you to be at least competitive in mid-range fights.

The Ex Mag is almost a necessity as well since it does take quite a few bullets to down an enemy, so if you want a double or even triple kill, it’s essential you increase the bullet count.

As for the rest of the attachments, it’s all about upping that accuracy, whether that be for ADS or hip fire. The choices above all excel in this area and are almost a requirement to make sure you’re on target.

How to unlock MP7 in XDefiant

The MP7 challenge in XDefiant

Since you can’t access the MP7 right away, you will need to perform a task in order to get it unlocked.

Thankfully, there is only one challenge to complete and you can take this on right out of the gate, with no prerequisites required.

The challenge that you need to finish is to get 20 point-blank SMG kills (<5 meters), and is easily completed on maps like Echelon HQ and Arena. Picking game modes like Domination and Hot Shot will get you on these maps more frequently so keep that in mind.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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