Home Best XDefiant factions ranked from best to worst

Best XDefiant factions ranked from best to worst

XDefiant is the new hot off-the-press FPS that’s looking to take on the behemoth that is Call of Duty with similar movement, mechanics, and overall gameplay. However, one change to the formula is the introduction of factions, allowing you to utilize different abilities to get a one-up on your opponents.

Knowing what the best faction in XDefiant is will enable you to get that edge required in the fast-paced combat. Here, we’ll take you through a ranked list of the best XDefiant factions so you can pick the one for you based on their effectiveness and not just their battle pass skins.

Best XDefiant factions in Pre-season, ranked

After putting in some hours into the full release of the game and using expert insights from the top content creators, we’ve compiled a list of the best XDefiant factions and why.

This list is based on the current Preseason meta and will likely change when Season 1 comes around but until then, this is the most accurate tier list.

1. Echelon

The description of the Echelon faction in XDefiant

Echelon is the best XDefiant faction at this current time due to its really impressive abilities that reward you in a number of ways.

The main meal of this faction is the fact that you’re stealthy. Using the classic Splinter Cell gear will allow you to pop a Sonar Goggles ultimate ability that will not only allow you to see enemies through walls but also utilize a one-shot pistol if you’re close enough. These, combined, will net you a few kills, but only if you’re a crack shot.

The Digital Ghillie Suit ability adds another layer of stealth, giving you cloaked invisibility akin to that of the Halo games. While this is useful, it does subside once you shoot your weapon, so it is best used to get to certain locations on the map unnoticed.

The Intel Suit may be the better option though between the two as you’ll ping enemy locations a few times which will let you make some strategic plays and potentially rush any points that are sparse with foes.

For the passive, you cannot be seen on the minimap, which is very much like the Ghost perk from Call of Duty. The obvious advantage to this is that you can shoot at will without having to worry about revealing yourself, and is perfect for those kill-based game modes.

Overall, Echelon is brilliant not only for solo play for in objective based modes too. It can be somewhat tricky to get used to at first but if you master the abilities, you’ll see anything and everything, getting the edge over opponents despite you only having the base amount of health.

2. Libertads

The description of the Libertad faction in XDefiant

The Libertads are our runner up choice, and one the best factions in XDefiant. This is due to them being fantastic for beginners and experts alike, with their support nature that can bolster you in combat as well as your teammates.

If you do opt for Libertad, you’ll not only recover health faster than any other faction but also allow those around you to benefit too. This is shared throughout all of the abilities, including the passive.

The Médico Supremo Ultra furthers this for yourself, providing both increased health and healing over time. In fact, your health doubles, which is amazing for a game of this ilk since time to kill is almost instantaneous.

The obvious downside of the Libertads is that there are no offensive abilities to take control of situations, but thanks to the support nature of the healing you have, you’ll still be able to get by against the more attacking factions.

3. Phantoms

The description of the Phantoms faction in XDefiant

Just making it into the top three is the Phantoms, a versatile faction that is great for a variety of game modes.

Right off the bat, the passive ability you’ll get as a Phantoms faction member is increased health. This is obviously a top passive that will allow for a little more breathing room in the fast time-to-kill of the game.

The Mag Barrier ability can be a godsend in certain game modes, creating a walled shield that prevents damage, so you can get a reload in or look to make a forward move to get a good angle.

The Blitz Shield is essentially a riot shield which can be good in niche situations but is very easily flanked, so it’s not a top-tier ability that you’ll likely use often.

The Aegis Ultra on the other hand can be incredibly clutch. Since you’ve essentially got a walking bubble shield, your whole team can use this to make advancements and pick off opponents. The scattergun that you receive when in this is good but you have to be very close to make it effective.

4. Cleaners

The description of the Cleaners faction in XDefiant

The Cleaners are definitely the most offensive faction to pick from and will be the choice for those who simply want to deal as much damage as possible.

The passive you’ll receive is incendiary rounds which do exactly what you’d think – inflict extra burn damage. It does come at the cost of weapon range but the damage outweighs this.

The Incendiary Drone and Firebomb are great for getting damage in from a little further away since they add fire in more AoE ways.

Finally, The Purifier Ultra allows you to wield a very powerful flamethrower, incredibly useful for a plethora of game modes. Plus, it’s pretty menacing to come across.

Unfortunately, though, these offensive pros come with a couple of cons. First, you’re a larger character meaning you’re easier to spot and kill. Second, those abilities do take longer to become available which is pretty annoying since the gameplay is fast.

5. Deadsec

The description of the Deadsec faction in XDefiant

Last but not least, we’ve got DeadSec. While this faction’s abilities sound great on the face of it, in-game, they are somewhat underpowered which sadly puts it right at the bottom of the picks.

Looking at those abilities, you can utilize the Spiderbot to stun an enemy but this can easily be countered by simply shooting it before it gets to you. Additionally, the Ultra stops enemies using their abilities and HUD but is only effective in an assigned area and ultimately, doesn’t prevent them from simply killing you the old-fashioned way.

The Hijack ability is Deadsec’s only saving grace really as it allows you to steal abilities from others. This is incredibly useful but again, is held back by one key aspect – the small radius.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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