This week the internet said goodbye to the incomparableSteve Jobs. The staff of ReadWriteWeb covered some of his best moments, and his worst. Though he has passed on, his impact was large, and we will not soon forget Apple’s founder. RIP Steve.

After the jump you’ll find more of this week’s top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web – Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web – plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.
Top Stories of the Week
At 56, Steve Jobs rocked our world, and his death was felt from Silicon Valley to Bahrain. Here are a few of our posts commemorating his life.
- Steve Jobs, 1955-2011
- What Steve Meant Back Then
- A Great User Experience: The Web Legacy of Steve Jobs
- From Silicon Valley to Bahrain, the Web Mourns Steve Jobs
- Steve Jobs’ Legacy In the Pantheon of Great American Innovators
- 6 of Apple’s Greatest Mistakes
- The Other Steve Jobs: Censorship, Control and Labor Rights
- WordPress Offers Free Retro Mac Blog Theme In Honor of Steve
On a brighter note, this week we learned that Facebook is as Big as the Internet of 2004. The cool infographic on that post had us all reminiscing on our own early internet experiences and ReadWriteWeb took some time this week to look back on the internet of 1995. Were you on the internet in 1995?
Overshadowed this week was the launch of the iPhone 4S. This latest iteration from Apple includes iCloud, an 8 megapixel camera, will work on CDMA and GSM networks and more. Below is a comprehensive wrap-up of our coverage.
iPhone 4S Launch
- Who’s Gonna Buy the iPhone 4S? Not Us!
- iCloud: Can Apple Finally Get Seamless Sync Right?
- iPhone 4S: Siri Should Be Sulu
- 8 Things the iPhone Rumor Mill Got Dead Wrong This Time
- Why Is Apple Joining the Snail Mail Cards Business?
- Apple Unveils iPhone 4S: Faster CPU, Better Camera and Voice Controls
- Apple’s “Find My Friends” is Apple at Its Worst
- Apple: iOS 5 Will Be Available For Download on October 12
- Where Does the iPhone Stand In The World?
- Why There Was Never Going to Be Facebook Integration In iOS 5
- Big Question (Answered): “You’ve Seen the iPhone 4S… What Do You Think?”
More ‘Don’t Miss’ Posts
- Is Dropbox Really The World’s 5th Most Valuable Startup?
- Going It Alone As An Indie App Developer
- How False Rumors of a Surprise Radiohead Concert Spread Online
- Signs of a .NET Talent Shortage
- Porn Is No Longer A Leading Indicator of Web Innovation
- One Billion Tiny, Hyper-Detailed Glowing Earth Models Now in the Wild
- Google Maps Adds New Crowdsourced Maps of Afghanistan, Iraq & Elsewhere
ReadWriteWeb Meetup in Portland
Imagine an evening surrounding by cool folks, like yourself, discussing important technology stories, debating the merits of data portability and net neutrality, thumb wrestling over browser preferences and your favorite phone OS.
If that sounds like your idea of the coolest evening ever, and you’re local to Portland, OR, please come and hang out with many of the ReadWriteWeb staff, and a group of the most awesome readers a blog could have, at the Green Dragon on October 13, 6:30 – 8:30.
To plan a ReadWriteWeb meetup in your area, check out our ReadWriteWeb Meetup Everywhere page. There are already half a dozen meetups being planned in November for St Louis, Savannah, Boston, New Zealand and Palo Alto. If your city isn’t there, please list it asap.
ReadWriteWeb Channels
- California Gets Reader Privacy Act: Still Not Enough
6 of Apple’s Greatest Mistakes- The Way We Were c.1995
- Amazon Adds SQS Queue Administration to AWS Console
- Who Wrote Hadoop? It’s the Community, Stupid
- Lessons Learned From’s Mess
- If HTML5 Kills the Blog Format, I Won’t Shed a Tear
- What Microsoft Can Learn After Choking Off Desktop Gadgets
- Signs of a .NET Talent Shortage
- Going It Alone As An Indie App Developer
- Maine Was the Top State for Tablet Lovers in September
- Gingerbread Almost on 40% of Android Devices, Froyo Finally Under 50%
ReadWriteWeb Community
You can find ReadWriteWeb in many places on the web, a few of which are below.
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