A new charity effort called Twestival.fm, which bills itself as “a kind of Twitter-driven Live Aid”, aims to raise $20,000 USD in 2 weeks using music donated by artists on Twitter. People can download MP3s for free, but are encouraged to give a donation in exchange. Twestival.fm currently has donated tracks from over 350 artists, including Bloc Party, Imogen Heap, the Mystery Jets and Erol Alkan. The money raised will go to Charity: Water, a non-profit dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to developing nations.
Twesitival.fm is one part of an overall effort by charity: Water, called Twestival. On 12 February 2009, more than 100 cities around the world will host fundraising events organized by local Twitter communities. There is also a t-shirt design competition.
SitePoint’s Bushfire Appeal
On the subject of worthy charities, Australian-based media company SitePoint is currently running a special promotion to help the victims of the terrible bushfires in the Melbourne area. SitePoint is offering 5 books (in PDF format) and you pay for just 1; and 100% of the proceeds from that will be donated to the Australian Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009.