Tweetlouder is a new service that uses your Twitter account and your music listening history to connect you with Twitter and concert updates from all your favorite musicians in just a few clicks. It’s a project of concert tracking startup SonicLiving. It was first demonstrated as a proof of concept at Twitter’s developer conference, Chirp.
I’ve been syncing my music listening history from Rdio and Spotify to lately, so it was really easy to click click click and boom – there’s the official Twitter accounts of all the bands I’ve been playing on those services. You can also sync with iTunes or Pandora. After I followed the bands it discovered on Twitter, I put them in a Twitter List, which I can now visit whenever I want to see some music updates. Cool. Thanks, Tweetlouder.
Concert alerts is an incredibly crowded market, but this is a cool feature that’s sure to help draw attention to SonicLiving. It’s a great example of a way that 3rd parties can add value on top of our accessible data.