Home TicketLeap Goes Social With New Ticket-Selling Platform

TicketLeap Goes Social With New Ticket-Selling Platform

Online ticket-selling platform TicketLeap officially relaunched today, offering a more social media-heavy experience to users and continuing to provide free ticket sales to individuals, nonprofits and small businesses alike.

Integration with popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is baked into the new platform rather thoroughly, beginning with the sign-up page, which allows users to connect with their Facebook account or sign up through TicketLeap. Upon entering their first event, users are encouraged to import events directly from Facebook and automatically publish their new event listing to Facebook.

Payments can be accepted via a PayPal account or through TicketLeap’s own payment processing system, which will cost vendors 4.99% of each ticket’s face value.

Events that sell less than 100 tickets per month will forgo the otherwise standard $2-per-ticket service charge, making it an ideal solution for smaller organizations. Additionally, any events that are free to attend are also free to post and promote.

One new addition to the backend of the platform is a feature that enables ticket vendors to select from a set of design templates, and preview what their event listing will look like with each design.

The design templates differ only in the background used, but the overall design is very clean and makes more prominent use of Google Maps and social media sharing tools than the old TicketLeap event page layout. People can comment on the event using their Twitter or Facebook logins, as well as announce their intention to attend the event to their friends and followers, right from the event page.

The guest list on the back-end will link to Facebook and Twitter profiles for any guests who update those sites from TicketLeap, offering businesses a new layer of social insight about their customers.

The new platform will not automatically show up for existing TicketLeap customers, but rather requires a new sign-up at TicketLeap.com.

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