Sony Pictures announced that The Interview has doubled its earnings since its opening day, netting total streaming revenue of $31 million so far.
See also: “The Interview”: $18 Million Down, $82 Million To Go
In the wake of threats from hackers that promised backlash against the controversial film, movie theaters refused to screen it on its Dec. 25 release date. As a result, the film probably won’t be remembered for its mediocre comedy, but for the way it ushered in a new way for studios to premiere new films. As ReadWrite’s Adriana Lee noted, Sony didn’t need the cooperation of movie theaters to distribute a film to viewers.
See also: “The Interview” Could Make Online Premieres Popular In Hollywood
The Interview made $15 million over Internet streaming in its first four days, December 24 through 27. Now the movie has doubled that with an additional $16 million in earnings from the days of December 28 through January 4.
Screenshot via The Interview