Home SMB Tech Roundup: Productivity Apps, Google Announcements and Calculating Marketing ROI.

SMB Tech Roundup: Productivity Apps, Google Announcements and Calculating Marketing ROI.

Keeping up with every RSS feed item and tweet is hard enough for anybody, let alone someone trying to run a business. That’s why at the end of every week, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the week’s most important tech news and insights for small and medium-sized businesses.

There were a few new personal productivity tools announced this week that could easily benefit small businesses. WorkFlowy is a Y Combinator-backed startup that offers a very simple Web app for creating and maintaining lists. The site launched this week with the tagline, “A new way to organize your brain.”

Another productivity app that launched this week is NudgeMail, a service that lets you forward or CC emails to yourself in the near future without signing up for an account. ReadWriteWeb’s own Marshall Kirkpatrick likens NudgeMail to the snooze button on one’s alarm clock, but for email.

Google Analytics announced some new features added to their intelligence reports at Ad Tech NYC on Thursday, including the ability to more easily determine the causes of major traffic spikes, as well as send email and SMS text alerts when those spikes occur.

Speaking of Google, the blog Google Operating System uncovered some interesting hints of potential future features in the source code of Google Docs this week, including document syncing and cloud printing as well as a mysterious note about third party applications.

Here on ReadWriteBiz, we looked at an innovative new Web app for small and medium-sized businesses called MyNextCustomer that automates many marketing-related tasks, estimates ROI, and helps make offline marketing efforts trackable via unique phone numbers.

Our post on the future of business cards got quite a few people talking. According to our reader comments, most of you prefer paper-based cards, but still see potential in some of the emerging digital alternatives.

On Friday, Adobe announced a pair of tools to help create and collaborate on documents and files in the cloud.

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